We have already published several prayers for strength during a death, to overcome the death of a husband and to a mother in heaven, but a novena is something different. In my opinion it is more powerful.
It’s usually painful to lose someone. It’s more painful when we have close ties with them. The memories of them that used to be beautiful and sweet turn back to haunt us.
Sometimes the pain could be too much that the ones living prefer to be dead to reunite with their loved ones. But that’s not the best way to do this.
It can only recycle pain as we are all close to someone.
Thank God for the gift of prayers, we can still share our hearts with our lost loved ones, and pray for their happy repose.
Novena prayers are avenues to keep the memories evergreen and allow us to communicate with our lost loved ones.
They are usually said for nine days.
People in grief can connect to the spirit of the dead, pour their hearts to God concerning their loss and ask for the grace to find comfort and healing in their broken hearts.
Day 1: I miss you…

“It is with great love that I pray this prayer for you (person’s name), for you who are in Heaven, beside God Our Lord.
I pray to remember how much I miss you, how much I miss your presence, your voice, our moments together and all the good things we went through.
I hope you are well, always in the presence of God and always with a lot of light in your heart. Amen.”
Original StAgnes.net prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
It is always difficult to forget the beautiful memories we share with our lost loved ones.
This prayer can enable us to express our deepest thoughts and emotions to them.
You can put to memory the good times you once shared with them and express how you miss their presence here on earth.
Day 2: Thanks for the good times

“(Person’s name) I pray to you today on this second day of the novena to remember the good things and not to cry!
You left this world, but you I carry a piece of you with me. Inside me are the good memories, the good times and your presence in my heart.
(Person’s name) I thank you from the bottom of my heart for the good times we spent together, for the laughs, for the adventures and for the beautiful conversations we had. I hope you are always in the presence of God. Amen.”
Original StAgnes.net prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
Prayer of Thanksgiving always comes with some soothing therapy.
Amid your pain, you can find strength in appreciation for the good times you had with them.
Allow your heart to rejoice again in those special moments you shared through sincere thanksgiving.
You will find the solace you seek, and it will help your heart heal.
You can also say this Bible verse after:
“He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death’ or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.” — Revelation 21:4.
Day 3: Give Thanks for Company on Earth

“(Person’s name) I pray to you on this third day of this novena to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your presence on Earth.
I thank you for being by my side all these years, for helping me, for supporting me and for making me a happy person.
I know you are in a better place now and I know that one day we will meet again. May God deliver this message to you, with lots of love and longing. Amen.”
Original StAgnes.net prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
Whatever we ever had on earth is a privilege and blessing from God.
This prayer will enable you to appreciate God for such a special blessing of having them in our lives and the good company we shared with them on earth.
It will lift our souls in gratitude and help us find comfort and relief.
Day 4: Wish the deceased good rest

“(Person’s name) now that you’re gone, I can only wish you a good rest next to God. I can only wish you much peace beside God, many happy moments and, above all, many moments full of faith. Amen.”
Original StAgnes.net prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
This prayer allows you to pray for them. As you express your grief that they are no longer around, you can also tell them how you will love that they enjoy the rest that God gives in his bosom.
This is also an opportunity to pray for their happy repose.
You can start by thanking God for the gift of our lord Jesus Christ who has given us hope of eternal life.
We, therefore, will not mourn like people without hope. We find comfort because we believe they will be in a better place.
Ask God to give them eternal rest in his bosom. We must seek God’s help because He can help you as it says in Psalm 147:3:
“He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.“
Day 5: May God always be with you

“(Person’s name), this is my fifth day of the novena, which I pray to you with lots of love, lots of faith and always with lots of hope.
Today I pray to send you good energy from below, from within my heart. I pray to you to wish you a good rest, besides God our Lord and to wish you always the best for your life after death.
I hope you are always in the presence of God, always protected and always with the peace of the Lord in your heart.
Original StAgnes.net prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
The scripture recorded that the dead cannot do anything for themselves. We, the living, are still the only people with access to prayer and intercession.
You can say this prayer to commit their soul to the hands of God.
Pray that as they journey into the world beyond, they will experience eternal bliss which only Christ can give.
If they are in purgatory, pray that God will grant them pardon so that they might find rest. You can implore the intercession of the blessed virgin Mary and the saints of the church
Day 6: Always protect me!

“(Person’s name), you who are now beside God, I ask that you hear my request on this sixth day of the novena. I know you’re okay, I know you’re in heaven, I know you’re in God’s presence.
That’s why I ask you to help me on Earth, to help me to have protection against everything and everyone. May you help me to be able to withstand enemy attacks, life’s bad luck, bad people and negative energies.
Help me to be able to fight all problems with all my strength. I thank you (person’s name) for all the good you did to me while you were alive and for all the help you will give me, even after death. Amen.”
Original StAgnes.net prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
The dead are believed to be closer to God. They are more like angels when they have led good lives on earth.
Therefore, you can say this prayer to them for protection from any form of evil on earth.
You can remind them of how you have both looked out for each other when they were on earth.
The relationship should not end even though you are no longer together.
“Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.” — Matthew 5:4.
Day 7: Bless me always!

“(Person’s name) I’ve been praying to you these last few days and I’ve been grateful every day for having your presence in heaven and for having been by my side throughout your life on Earth.
Thank you for helping me, for protecting me and for always taking care of me. I send you all my love from below and ask that you send your blessing from heaven to me.
(Person’s name), bless me, protect me and light up my paths, so that I can live well, happily and always in peace. Amen.”
Original StAgnes.net prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
The Heavens, we believe, are a communion of God, angels and saints that have reunited with Christ in the resurrection.
The dead, who have lived a life of faith, are believed to be amongst the saints in heaven.
They join the herald of angels in heaven to sing Alleluia to the king of kings.
They have the power to bless us when we pray for their intercession.
You can say this prayer to implore them to intercede for us as they continually appear before God in total reference.
Day 8: Give thanks for the person’s life

“Father God, I have been praying these past few days for (name of person) who is now by Your side in heaven. I pray to say thank You, to ask for a blessing and to feel closer to this person.
Today I pray to thank You, God the Father, to thank You for placing (name of person) in my life on Earth. I want to thank You for allowing me to have lived beside this person, to have spoken with this person, for the good experiences we had, for the long conversations we had and for everything I learned from this person.
Father God, thank You from the bottom of my heart. May Your presence always be with me and with (person’s name). Amen.”
Original StAgnes.net prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
This is a prayer of thanksgiving to God for our bereaved loved ones who have led good lives on earth.
Although we are not God, we can tell people that have lived on earth with eternity in view.
This might not be accurate for the ways of man are not usually the ways of God, but thank God for his word that has assured us of eternal bliss as long as we remain in Christ and He in us.
In this prayer, you can thank God for the life they lived on earth and pray that they continue to enjoy eternal peace in the lord’s bosom.
Day 9: Have an eternal rest!

“(Person’s name), this is my last day of the novena, but it won’t be the last time we speak, the last time I think of you and the last time I will ask for your help, for your protection and for your blessing.
(Person’s name) I pray to you on this last day of the novena to wish you a lot of protection, a lot of light, a lot of peace and to wish you an eternal rest always at God’s side.
Rest in peace, as you deserve, and make the most of the light of God Our Lord. May you have after your death everything you deserve. Amen.”
Original StAgnes.net prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
We all hope our loved ones continue to be happy even in life beyond. This aspect should be the most important because, to it, there’s no end.
Even as you remind them how much it hurts that you are not together anymore, you can wish them divine rest in the lord.
This is our greatest solace as Christians; the central point of our Christian faith; that after we die with Him, we will also reunite with Him in the resurrection.
If they get to meet God after being here, then they will be happy forever.
This is why it is a powerful and important prayer for our lost loved ones.
For those in purgatory, we pray for the repair of their soul so that they can find rest in god.
We’d hope that the good relationship we had on earth will continue after we’ve all passed unto glory.
If our bereaved loved ones have truly gone to be with the lord. The pains and agony of their departure won’t be there for long. Heaven should be the greatest consolation!
I believe you can also want to pray these prayers for a grieving family.
When does the 9 day novena for the dead start?
The novena for the dead is usually said in the Catholic faith the next day after someone is pronounced dead.
The purpose is for the reparation of their soul from purgatory and to grant them eternal rest in the lord’s bosom.
The holy mass can be said as well to end the novena prayer in honor of the deceased. The bereaved can make petitions for the deceased during the mass.
How to count 9 days after death catholic?
It starts a day after a person is pronounced dead. The rituals are observed daily till the end of the nine days.
It is usually said by the close relatives and friends of the deceased in their honor, and it can end with a celebration of the holy mass.
Can I start praying today?
Novena can be done personally or in groups. What matters most is the disposition of the person or people involved.
You will have to prepare your mind and heart to be able to communicate your prayers to your deceased loved ones.
At any time you are ready, you can start your novena prayer.
So, yes! You can start today.
Before you leave, also try these prayers for someone who died suddenly.
Final thoughts
Praying for the dead might not be a very pleasant prayer due to the pains of one’s grieving heart.
Nevertheless, it has the power to connect us with our lost loved ones despite the barrier death created.
We can pour our hearts to them, find solace in God and pray that they help us make heaven as well through their intercessions.
Finally, we are privileged to pray to God to grant them eternal rest which is a gift to the Christian faith.