We all know that death is inevitable, right?
Therefore, it is a waste of time to ask questions concerning the reason why people die.
Now, this article is not meant to address that.
I want to talk about something more powerful than feeling pain and discomfort over the loss of a loved one. I want to talk about performing an act of prayer on behalf of the dead.
To be more specific, I want to speak to women who have lost their husbands. I deeply sympathize with you and pray for comfort from heaven.
But do you know you can have greater peace of mind by simply praying for your husband in heaven?
Well, I have discovered 7 powerful prayers for the loss of a husband you might want to use for a while.
Let us discuss these in detail.
1) Short prayer for loss of husband

“Father God, I lost him.
Father God, I lost my great love.
Father God, I lost my husband.He is now at Your side, he is protected by Your strength, Your faith and Your miracles.
I ask You to take good care of my husband. May you help him. May you help him. May you make him a happy Angel.
Father God, don’t let him lack anything. Don’t let him be sad. He is now at your side.
Original StAgnes.net prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
This short prayer has a spiritual energy you need to experience. It brings calm and peace to your heart. By saying this short prayer for loss of husband, you will not only be able to see visions of your husband in heaven but also be assured that everything will be fine.
When we lose the ones we love, it is almost impossible to believe that our lives can be restored to their original state. Well, by praying for them, we can actually get the peace and assurance we need.
Therefore, get on your knees today and offer prayers for your dead husband.
Whether you recently lost your husband, or you have lost him for a long time. You can always say these prayers.
Get a picture of him and spend time creating vivid memories of when he was with you. Once this has formed in your heart, then, you can say the prayers below:
2) Prayer for a grieving wife

“Jesus I feel so bad
Jesus, I feel so alone.
Jesus, I feel like part of me is gone.I lost my husband, my great love, my company, the person who understood me and the person with whom I would spend the rest of my days.
My husband (say the husband’s name) passed away and I don’t know what else to do, I don’t know what to think, I don’t know how to act… I can only trust in Your presence in my life, Jesus.
I can only ask you for strength, courage and determination to overcome this moment.
Jesus, help me, please.
Original StAgnes.net prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
Grieving your husband is not a bad thing. It simply shows that you have been negatively impacted by his demise.
Now, as a grieving wife, it is not outrightly impossible to pray. Remember, the Holy Spirit is your comforter. When you pray, expect Him to comfort you. This prayer can be prayed by you.
On the other hand, if you have a friend or relative (female) who is grieving her husband, this is the type of prayer to say for her. At least, while it is good to show support externally, ensure you support her through this tough season of her life.
Her mental and spiritual lives are under serious attack at such a moment and you need to stand in the place of prayer for her.
Therefore, say the prayers below to bring God down into the situation at hand.
3) Goodbye short prayer for loss of husband

“My husband, my great love, my life (say the husband’s name) it’s time to say goodbye. The time has come for you to leave for Heaven, for the side of God Our Lord.
I’m sad, I’m suffering, I’m really tired. It couldn’t be worse, because I was left without you, without my great love, without my company and without my reason for living.
However, I know you’re fine (say husband’s name). I know that you are now at God’s side, who will help and protect you.
I know we were happy, I know we spent good times together and I know that your life on Earth by my side was full of moments of happiness.
I hope it doesn’t end now. I hope you continue to be happy, doing good for other people and the world.
You will always be in my heart.
Original StAgnes.net prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
It is never too late to say this prayer. However, the best time for this prayer is at the gravesite of your husband. A few moments before you bury his body, ensure you whisper this prayer in your heart.
You can have people join you – if you want.
The goodbye short prayer for loss of husband is a sign that you are truly ready to move on with your life. It is also a great way to release grief into the atmosphere and embrace the peace that comes from that prayer.
When you want to say this prayer, ensure your eyes are closed. I believe you will connect with the soul of your husband at that point and peace will flood your heart.
It might be hard to say goodbye. But as you say this short and precise prayer, the strength of God will override your weakness. Thereby, causing you to say goodbye with the hope that everything will be fine again.
4) Prayer for the deceased husband to have peace

“I pray today not for myself but for my late husband (name of husband).
I pray for my late husband’s peace in heaven, that he may have peace and eternal rest.
I just want my late husband to be okay. I want him to be on the side of God, on the side of all the Saints and that he’s fine.
Original StAgnes.net prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
Your husband needs to have peace in the spiritual world.
If this does not happen, you might constantly have nightmares about his soul wandering the earth, and this can be more traumatic than his death. The reason is that you won’t be able to help him since he has become a spirit.
Therefore, after the burial ceremony, ensure you take out some days to pray for the spirit of your husband to have peace.
You can begin by thanking God for your husband’s safe passage to heaven. This is an act of faith that release positivity.
Afterwards, you can go ahead and ask God to give your husband peace in heaven by assuring him that you are fine on earth and ready to move on with your life.
You know what? Let me help you with some specific words to say.
5) 1 year death anniversary prayer for my husband

“O Lord, the God of mercies, grant unto the souls of thy servants the anniversary day of whose burial we are keeping, a place of solace, of peaceful rest, of glorious light. Through Christ our Lord, Amen.”
1 year is not so much of a long time. The memories are still fresh!
When you say the 1 year death anniversary prayer for your husband, it makes him happy in heaven. The reason is that it proves to him that you have not forgotten him.
Say this prayer on the morning of the anniversary and at his graveside (if you decide to visit on such an important day).
6) Prayer for deceased husband to rest in peace

“Heavenly Father, I pray for Your peace to be upon me as I am grieving right now in this time of bereavement. Whilst it is normal for one to grieve, I pray that You will give me peaceful sleep and thoughts during this time.
I pray that Your peace will transcend all understanding for me in Jesus Name. I ask that You heal my broken heart and bind up my wounds, this I ask,
Psalm 147:3, Philippians 4:7
“Rest in peace” is not just a cliche. It is a reality!
Whenever spirits don’t rest in peace, they can haunt their loved ones.
You don’t want that to happen, right? And beyond the haunting, you don’t want your dead husband to be busy wandering the spiritual realm lost and alone.
Therefore, ensure you pray for him to rest in peace.
To make this prayer effective, it is okay to burn candles and place his picture right in front of you for connection.
7) Comfort prayer for loss of husband

“Jesus, I’m so sad, please help me.
Jesus, I’m so down, please stay by my side.
Jesus, I’m on my knees, please don’t leave me.Jesus, stay with me, stay by my side, help me, protect me, give me strength to move forward, to continue fighting and to continue living.
Jesus, don’t let me give up on life, don’t let me give up on my friends, don’t let me give up on being happy.
I really need your help Jesus, because I don’t know what else to do…
Please, Jesus, stay by my side, now and forever. Help me get through this difficult phase of my life. Please! Please! Please!
Original StAgnes.net prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
Comfort is needed in such a difficult moment.
This is why the comfort prayer for loss of husband is an important way to ask God to comfort your heart in such a moment.
God is concerned about how you feel. Therefore, when you speak to Him about it, expect His peace to flood your heart.
Before you start saying this prayer, you can read “Philippians 4:6-7”.
Will my husband hear me pray?
Yes, he will hear you pray.
Spirits are not actually truly gone. They are aware when we talk about them, or pray about them.
Therefore, when you pray for your husband, he will hear you and this will make him happy and at peace.
Will these prayers help my late husband?
Yes, these prayers will help your late husband.
- It will bring peace to him;
- It will assure him that everything will be alright;
- It also reveals that you still think of him, and this will make him very happy.
These prayers also help your heart to be at peace.
Can I say the prayers before bed?
Yes, you can say these prayers before bed. It is one of the best times to really pray.
The reason is that you will see your husband in your dream. Most times, these dreams are always very therapeutic and reassuring.
It also shows that your prayers are being answered.
Your husband is with God. Have faith!
This caps it all.
As Christians, when we die, our spirits go to be with God.
It is the same with the soul of your husband. Don’t be worried. Don’t be discouraged.
Simply believe in your heart that your husband is in heaven and let this bring joy, faith, hope, and courage to your heart.