The Sacred Heart of Jesus prayers are one of the most ancient devotions inspired by Christ to Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque of 1647 to 1690.
However, these devotions have encountered various transformations along the way as today’s aren’t like those of the beginning.
By praying to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, we deeply respect Him and His unimaginable love for the human race. In the vision to St. Margaret, Jesus asked her to spread these prayers to the world so all may embrace them.
Below are five samples to guide you when honoring this revelation.
1) Prayer to the Sacred Heart of Jesus

“Holy Heart of Jesus, source of all blessings,
I love and adore You. With a livery sorrow for my inadequacies, I offer You this poor heart of mine, asking You to make me pure, patient, and fully obedient to Your will. Allow me, O Jesus, to live in You and for You.
I pray for protection amidst dangers, crying for Your comfort in my afflictions. Grant me health of body, support in my temporal requirements, blessings in everything I do, and grace of a holy death.
I place my every need in Your heart, trusting in You and saying O Sacred Heart of Jesus, hear my prayer.
Original prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
About 400 years ago, when the world had early forgotten about the softness and grace of Jesus’ love, the Savior appeared to Saint Margaret Mary. It was during St. John’s feast in France when He revealed His never-ending love for God’s creation.
Besides the revelation, Jesus had twelve amazing promises which He pledged to those who lived according to His will and honored His Sacred Heart. These promises are to grant them all the graces needed in the state of life, establish peace in their families, comfort them in their afflictions, and be their refuge always.
The fifth to tenth are shed abundant blessings on them, be merciful to sinners, make lukewarm souls passionate, flourish fervent souls in perfection and righteousness, and grant priests the gift of softening troubled hearts.
He continued to the last two, promising to write the names of those who preach these prayers in His Heart and eternal grace to those who receive the Holy Communion on the first Friday of the nine consecutive months.
Also try these prayers for pleading the blood of jesus.
2) Daily Prayer to the Sacred Heart of Jesus

“Everlasting Son of God,
You’ve shown us the way and the truth through many revelations. Thank You for sending St. Margaret Mary to teach us the prayers to Your Sacred Heart that we rely on today.
Please continue blessing and protecting us from dangers while filling our hearts with courage in Your divine love. Be our stability when everything else is shaking and bring us joy during suffering.
Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on Your children. Amen.”
Original prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
Daily devotions to the Sacred Heart of Jesus can be a chance to rekindle your relationship with Him and pray for many other things. The above is a short yet powerful sample you can embrace every day and at any time of the day.
Life is generally challenging, so why not say this prayer daily. Do not forget to ask for forgiveness of sins. This is what often holds us back from getting immediate and adequate answers to our prayers from Jesus.
“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” — 1 John 1:9.
Read these prayers to Saint Dymphna for stress and anxiety.
3) Short Prayer to the Sacred Heart of Jesus

“Loving Heart of Jesus,
I come before You this minute with a grateful heart, for You have been so good to me. Through Your everlasting love for us, I offer this prayer, asking You to pour Your blessings upon me.
I ask for immeasurable perseverance in this frustrating world, also pray that You may increase my wisdom every day. May You pardon our transgressions and convert sinners to start living for Your glory, O Jesus.
In Your loving name, I pray and believe. Amen.”
Original prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
The most important connection every Christian should be dying to have is with Jesus Christ. He’s the way, the truth, and the life, and no one goes to the Father except through Him, as mentioned in John 14:6.
We always need cleansing from sins, guidance concerning several things, favor, protection from evil, and many other miracles, which we can only receive by believing in Jesus. Here is a simple prayer if you have not been devoted to Jesus and invited Him into Your life.
The Son of God can attend to our needs Himself or intercede for us to the Father. Every day, you have an opportunity to thank Him for our lives.
I believe you will love these holy water prayers for protection.
4) Novena Prayer to the Sacred Heart of Jesus

“Oh my Jesus,
I put all my trust in You this moment for I know if I ask anything from the Father in Your name, I shall receive.
Behold, I seek Your grace in (particular request) and life in general, for with You, nothing is possible.
Help me to continue being encouraged by Your words in Jeremiah 33 that when I call to You, You will answer and tell me great and hidden things that I have not known.
Heart of Jesus, I firmly believe You can grant me the mercy I humbly ask You. Thank You, my Jesus. Amen.”
Original prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
How do you say the Novena prayer to the Sacred Heart of Jesus? First, you should find a peaceful atmosphere for the devotions where you will not be distracted.
roceed to make the sign of the Cross (in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen.)
You can start with praying the Our Father, followed by Hail Mary, and later the glory Be. Some believers opt to jump straight to the Novena prayer, and it’s still okay.
You can also say the above three prayers soon after the Novena before concluding with the sign of the Cross.
While it’s optional to say the preceding and succeeding devotions, saying them helps increase your faith in the Lord and opens doors for more blessings and grace.
Repeat these steps daily when praying the Sacred Heart of Jesus Prayer.
5) Prayer to the Sacred Heart of Jesus for the Family

“Gracious Savior,
I draw near Thy presence this minute, bringing my lovely family before You. Lord, may You continue keeping us together in love and harmony. Instill the spirit of companionship and understanding for one another in each member.
I rebuke every plan of the devil to scatter and kill our dream. May our children grow with respect for others and acquire every other virtue taught in the Bible. Let this family be a reflection of the Body of Christ and the fruits of the Holy Spirit.
Our Savior, graciously hear me. Amen.”
Original prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
Family is such a beautiful unit, and having a God-fearing one is so powerful. Your prayers to the Sacred Heart of Jesus should never miss an intercession for family.
This is what mainly helps to strengthen the bond, enhance unity, and, most important, offer thanksgiving to the Lord for the gift.
You can also personalize them to suit the specific features, needs, or prevailing situations in your family. Declare Psalm 122:8, saying:
“For the sake of my friends and family, let the peace of the Lord be with you.”
Sacred Heart of Jesus prayers for family are best said collectively, more so before dinner when everyone is home for more effectiveness.
Before you leave, save these prayers to get well soon.
What Are These Miraculous Prayers For?
Prayers to the Sacred Heart of Jesus aren’t meant for anything specific.
You can use them to request many things, including protection, grace, blessings, family needs, friends, and everything else that pleases the Lord. Additionally, you can use these prayers to seek forgiveness of sins while expressing gratitude to the Lord for His goodness.
When Should I Pray These Prayers?
You can say these prayers at any day or time as there’s no restriction. In fact, saying them daily can help deepen your spiritual well-being.
It’s also essential to acknowledge that the International Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus prayers is launched on the third Friday after Pentecost. You can join other believers in honoring this feast.
Can Anyone Pray These Prayers?
Certainly, yes! Anyone can say the prayers to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Although they’re originally associated with the Catholic Church, Lutheranism, Western Orthodoxy, and Anglican Communion, any Christian can use them at their own free will.
It’s your turn to make these beautiful prayers a part of your life. Hopefully, they will be helpful as you strive to seek the face of Christ and His promises to the righteous.
Remember not to make the prayers all about you but intercede for others and you will be blessed. Most importantly, it’d be so wise to preach these devotions to other believers for the glory of God.