Losing someone is not often an easy situation. Trust me! This is a terrible moment to ever experience in life.
Although, you will always move on eventually. However, this has not always been the case for some people.
We have gotten reports of people committing suicide on the funeral day of their loved ones, losing their minds at the news of losing a loved one, and so on. These are extremely terrible situations.
At such a dark moment, only God can comfort you and provide you with the necessary divine strength you need to pull through this season.
The hurts we get from losing someone can remain for years. Sometimes, it can remain for the rest of our lives. This is why we need God.
I have discovered 7 powerful prayers you can constantly say to help yourself during this dark season.
Read on to find out more about these prayers.
1) Short prayer for strength and comfort during death

“God the Father come to me, comfort my heart, relieve my soul and help me to overcome the death of (name of the deceased).
Allow me to heal, allow me to get back on my feet, and allow me to continue living my life. May Your presence always be in my life, now and forevermore. Amen.”
Original StAgnes.net prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
During death, we need the strength and comfort that comes from God alone.
You might be wondering why this is important. Well, let me break it down for you.
If you rely on comforting and soothing words from people, those words might not have lasting effects. The reason is that they are words that were spoken from the standpoint of mortality.
However, if you look up to God at such a moment, His words will go directly into your spirit and grant you the strength and comfort you need to pull through this deep season of anguish.
Therefore, even if you don’t feel like praying at the moment, ensure you try as hard as you can to mutter these words.
This short prayer does not take long, but it has a long-lasting and far-reaching effect on your mind.
You should also try the 9 days novena for the dead.
2) Prayer for peace and comfort after a death

“Father God, I pray to You on this sad day, full of longing for (name of the deceased), full of desire to be beside (name of the deceased) and with a heavy heart for not being with that person now.
I am praying to You, Father God, to help me find the peace that I so need, the peace that I have been looking for so much and the peace that I never found after the death of (name of the deceased).
I come to ask You to enlighten my heart, to bring peace to my soul and to help me to overcome this moment of great pain, unhappiness and misery.
Father God, help me to live happier, with more positive thoughts and with more faith within me. Amen.”
Original StAgnes.net prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
When you lose a loved one, it is highly possible to lose your peace. This is especially if the person was close to you.
Well, at the initial moment of death, it is okay to lose your peace and composure. The reason is that you will have to physically express your sadness and anguish.
However, when you notice a strange hold of darkness on your peace of mind, it is time to get into prayers.
This is the time to ask God to grant you His peace from heaven.
Also, ask God to truly comfort your heart to finally accept that your loved one has gone to heaven.
You should continually say this prayer till the result you desire begins to materialize.
As it says in Isaiah 41:10 God is always with us:
“So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”
3) Prayer for family strength during death

“I am praying today on my behalf and on behalf of all my family to ask for God’s presence in our lives at this time of great difficulty and loss. I am praying that God is present in our family, in our lives and in our future.
After the loss of our beloved (say the name of the person who died) we are shaken, we are sad and struggling to recover. That’s why God’s presence is so important to us. That’s why God’s presence is mandatory in our lives.
My God, stay by our side, give us strength to get through this moment, give us faith to help us recover, give us hope to be able to see a more promising and happy future.
Do not abandon us in this moment of suffering, always stay by our side helping us, protecting us and giving us strength. Now and forever, Amen.”
Original StAgnes.net prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
In a family, not everyone grieves the same way during death.
Therefore, if you notice that you are stronger than other members of the family at such a moment, it means that the time to pray for the family has come.
The burden lies on your shoulder right now to start saying this prayer consistently for them.
Talk to God about the situation at hand. Tell Him how you feel about the loss of a loved one. Actually, you can take a few moments to let out your grief once again.
Afterward, start praying for the family as a whole. Tell God to help the family stay strengthened during this moment of loss.
Mention the names of everyone in your family and positively affirm divine strength over them.
This is a powerful prayer that works every time it is said with sincerity and faith.
The person died suddenly? We have some powerful prayers you should try.
4) Prayer for comfort during loss of a loved one

“Oh Lord, hear my prayer and grant me the peace that passes all understanding. Show me the way to your throne so I may sit at your feet and know your abiding comfort.
Let a wellspring of joy rise from my heart until it overflows. Lead me to your garden of peace, so I may sit among the angels. Let me hear their songs of praise and know peace within my soul once more. Amen.”
When the loss of a loved one becomes unbearable, this is one of the prayers to say for yourself and your family members.
You can also say this prayer for everyone that has been affected by this sudden loss.
Tell God to grant you the spirit of comfort in this season. Also, ask God to do the same for everyone that has been affected.
One of the ways to be truly comforted is to get an assurance that the deceased has gone to a better place.
Therefore, although we miss the deceased, we are happy that they have gone to a much better place, and this gives us the fortitude to move on with our lives hoping and knowing that we will see them again in the afterlife.
This is how powerful the prayer can impact your mind. Start praying right away.
“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.” — Matthew 7:21.
5) Prayer for healing during death

“May the peace of the Lord enter my heart right now. May the peace of the Holy Spirit enter my life right now. May the peace of Jesus come to me right now.
With you, God the Father, I know I will be able to overcome all challenges. With Your presence, I know that I will have more light in my life. With Your help, I know that I will have my paths enlightened.
Father God, may Your presence come now, help me and heal me in this time of suffering. May you now come to me, help me, heal me and help me to keep going. May Your presence be here, now and forevermore. Amen.”
Original StAgnes.net prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
Both our physical and mental health can be affected during the loss of a loved one. This is why you should not neglect this prayer.
Ensure you constantly pray for healing during the loss of a loved one.
The dent that is left in our hearts can take forever to heal. However, with prayer, the healing process will be sped up.
Ask God to heal you and everyone affected by this sudden loss.
This is the best way to ensure you are full of hope and energy to move on with your life and face the reality that now lies in front of you.
I believe you will love these prayers for your dead mother in heaven.
6) Catholic prayer for grief and sadness during death

“Holy Mary, You know my heart, You know my weaknesses and You know my pain. You know I’m suffering, that I don’t know what to do, not knowing what to think and not knowing how to act.
In this moment of great disorientation, I can only pray to You, because I know that only You can bring some comfort and peace to my heart.
I know that only Your miraculous powers, Holy Mary, can help me in this path that I am going, in these problems that I am having, and in this suffering that I am going through.
Holy Mary, intercede for me, help me to fight, to get up and live my life. Fill my heart with hope in this time of great need and take away all the sadness that is leaving me dead inside.
Holy Mary, help me, intercede for me and never forsake me. Amen.”
Original StAgnes.net prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
As a Catholic, when you are grieving over the death of someone, you can say this special prayer right away.
The Holy Mary understands how you feel. Therefore, she can provide her motherly care and love. She can reassure you that everything will be fine.
You can also beg her to do the same for everyone that has been affected in one way or another by this sad incident.
Say this prayer every morning. It has the power to truly overcome grief and sadness caused by the death of someone.
“The lowly he sets on high, and those who mourn are lifted to safety” — Job 5:11.
7) Prayer for those who are grieving (during death)

“Saint Agnes, I pray today for all those who are grieving right now, who are suffering and missing the deceased person who has left for another world.
My dear saint, I pray to You to ask You to help this deceased soul to find peace in heaven, but also to help those who remain on Earth, with all the suffering behind them.
Santa Agnes, help the relatives of the deceased who were in mourning on Earth, whose hearts were full of longing, full of pain and full of great suffering.
Allow these people to move forward, continue living their lives and overcome this moment of great pain and suffering.
Santa Agnes, help all those who are in mourning, give them strength and will to overcome this moment, show them that the future will be better, calmer, with more peace and more hope. Amen.”
Original StAgnes.net prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
Even if the death did not impact you in any way, you can stand in the place of prayers for those who are grieving the loss of a loved one.
Pray for divine strength and ask God to comfort the hearts of those who are struggling to grieve.
Tell God to show the people that their deceased loved one is now in heaven and to fill them with the holy spirit of God.
The words of prayers I shared above should be said with faith.
Why should we pray during a death?
We should pray during a death because of the following reasons:
- Shows that we choose to hold on to God during such a moment;
- Helps our hearts;
- Provides strength;
- Provides comfort;
- Shines the light of God in our souls and takes out the confusion;
- These prayers also help us to move on with our lives – with so much optimism.
These, and many more, are the reasons why we should pray during a death.
Will these prayers help during grief?
Yes, these prayers will help you during a grieving moment by doing the following:
- Providing strength;
- Giving you the fortitude to bear the loss;
- Helping you to be stable emotionally;
- Opening your eyes to see that the deceased is now in heaven;
- Sending the holy spirit to comfort your heart and make you happy.
Can I pray for a grieving family?
Yes, you can pray for a grieving family.
This special prayer will work for a grieving family.
Instead of personalizing the words of these prayers, simply direct them to the family you are praying for.
Also, there are other prayers you can say for a grieving family. Read more here.
Final thoughts
Losing someone does not have to be the end of your life. Therefore, receive strength and comfort today.
As you say these prayers, I believe that God will step into the situation by providing joy, peace, strength, and good luck to you and everyone affected by the negative incident.
Before you leave, read this article with some prayers for loss of husband.