It’s not just about getting married, but marrying the right man! That’s why they say, men are not necessarily scarce, but the good ones are.
In recent times, marriage could either be a blessing or a curse. While some enjoy eternal bliss, others are cut up in eternal damnation and regret.
Because we are humans, we can never know all there is to a person.
That is why you need assistance from a supreme being who knows the end from the beginning to guide you in such a delicate journey.
God can help you make the right choice in choosing the right man that befits your personality and purpose.
Do not forget, marriage is one area where you will not have a second chance to make the right choice if you miss it the first time.
1) Short Prayer to Find a Husband

“My God, You who are always with me, You who are always by my side, You who always support me when I need it, I pray this prayer today to ask You for help once again.
I pray to You, my God, to help me find a good husband. To help me find a man who likes me, takes care of me and wants to be with me for the rest of my life. My God, help me, guide a good man to cross my path now. Amen.”
Original prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
Before you start this prayer, you need to have a mindset that God is your father; he loves you dearly and wants the best for you.
The scripture said, “He has engraved our names in the palm of his hands; we are his”.
When God was creating us, he already knew what our future would look like.
He knew the man that is just perfect for complementing both your strength and weakness.
So you should pour your heart out to him.
Trust him with your heart’s desire and believe that whatever his choice will be perfect for you. Don’t be carried away by emotions or looks.
Trust the Holy Spirit to guide your heart and spirit to make the right choice.
2) Miracle prayer to find a husband

“With the graces of God Our Lord and Jesus Christ I will be able to find a husband to live with and I will be able to find a husband to marry.
God Our Lord will send to me and to my paths a worthy, faithful, friendly and affectionate man. God Our Lord will send me a man who loves me, who desires me, who respects me and who will want to spend the rest of his life by my side until death do us part.
I know that the forces of God Our Lord are greater than anything and I know that You, God the Father, will help me find the husband of my dreams. Amen.”
Original prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
Some people believe they can attract a husband by the things they do, the places they go and maybe their sense of fashion.
Unless, maybe you want to marry just any man: but if you are interested in a good and right man for you, then you should understand that life is spiritual. Things don’t just happen like that.
You can start by telling God you know He is omniscient, and nothing happens without his consent. He owns the universe and controls the affairs of men.
You can pray that he sends your husband your way as you go by your daily activities.
Do not forget to add that He helps you to be of virtuous character like it says in the Bible. So that when your husband comes, you can be worthy and ready for him too.
“A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies. Her husband has full confidence in her and lacks nothing of value. She brings him good, not harm, all the days of her life.” — Proverbs 31:10-30.
3) Singles prayer for a future husband

“God, I am praying this prayer because I feel alone, I need company by my side, to help me, to talk to me, to make me smile and to make me happy. I need to be with someone who likes me, takes care of me and wants to be by my side.
That’s why I pray to You, my God, to ask You to help me find the great love of my life, my future husband that I’m going to marry.
I know that destiny has someone for me, I know that I need to be patient, but I ask You, my God, send this man into my life, because I really need him to accompany me.
May it be so, with all the strength of God the Father Our Lord, Amen.”
Original prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
It’s paramount that we start praying for our spouse right on time.
I was taught that during my university days, while we never had the intention of getting married, we still pray for our husbands, that God will favor and be with them wherever they might be.
You can pray against every difficulty he might be facing, that God will take care of him.
Say this prayer every night before going to bed and God will soon answer your request.
He will send a kind and loving man to cross your path, so pay attention!
4) Powerful prayer to find a good husband

“My God, I pray today with great faith in my heart to ask You for something very important for my life and for my happiness.
I’m not very happy in love, I never had a good man, who truly liked me and who treated me as I deserve. I never had anyone by my side, able to do everything for me, to make me laugh, to cheer me up, to take me for a walk and to make me feel like a happy woman.
I feel like I deserve this. I feel that I deserve someone by my side and I feel that I deserve to be happy. And that’s why I pray to You, to help me find a good husband, to help me find the man who will complete me.
My God, put this man in my path, the person who is destined to be with me, to live with me, to be happy with me and to spend the rest of our days together.
My God, help me now, please! I count on Your help, Your presence and Your blessing. Amen.”
Before you can say this prayer, you have to believe that God is powerful and able to give you a good husband.
Original prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
Spend time praising him and expressing how much you are in awe of his greatness.
You can begin by bringing to mind those things he did in the past; both in your life and those in the scriptures.
Allow your spirit to glory in His might and wondrous deeds.
Then bring your case to his table and believe that He will answer you. Do not forget, your faith is as important as your prayer.
You can also say this Bible verse after praying:
“None of these will be missing, not one will lack her mate. For it is his mouth that has given the order, and his Spirit will gather them together.” — Isaiah 34:16.
5) Prayer to attract a specific husband

“Saint Agnes, You who help me so much, You who protect me so much, You who do so much for me, I pray to You today to ask You for a huge favor related to love.
I ask You Saint Agnes to help me to bring a man into my life, into my future and into my destiny called (man’s name).
I ask You, Santa Agnes, not to let that man follow a path different from mine, because the two of us were made for each other.
I am sure that I will be happy with (man’s name) and that we were made to live side by side, so attract this man into my life Santa Agnes, help me to bring him to my destiny and help me build a future with this man.
Saint Agnes, help me, please. Amen.”
Original prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
I learnt how to say this kind of prayer when I was finding the right person for me.
I believe the same prayer will work for you as well as it worked for me.
You shouldn’t say this prayer when you are already in courtship or a relationship.
This prayer should also be said for a man who’s single. God won’t destroy a relationship so you can start yours.
You can start by reminding God what he said in the scripture about receiving whatever we asked in his name. Start this prayer by saying this scripture:
“If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.” — James 1:5.
So, you can then tell him exactly what you wanted for a husband, and believe he will answer you just as He has promised in His word.
6) Prayer asking God for the right man

“Lord, You said that is not good for man to be alone, so You made woman (a helper) for him. I know that I was made to serve You, but I also know that I have a duty to serve my husband here on earth.
I pray that You draw us to each other so that neither of us has to be alone, I pray that we do not settle for those who are not suited for us just to avoid loneliness. Amen.”
Just like I stated earlier, it is only God that knows the end of the world right from the beginning.
In the Bible, in Psalm 139 it’s pointed out that he knows everything about us, including our thoughts.
That means He alone knows the man that befits your purpose and assignment on earth.
In this prayer, you should approach God in that father-child intimacy to guard your heart and spirit in choosing the right person for you.
7) Prayer for marriage partner

“Eternal couple, I pray today for myself and for my future spouse that I will love so much, that I want so much and that I so desire to protect, love and respect.
I pray that You help me to keep my future spouse safe from all harm, from all people, from all negativity and from all things that could negatively affect him.
Eternal Father, help me still to find my future spouse by crossing our paths. As long as he is by my side he will be happy, protected and always smiling. Amen.”
Original prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
This is a very powerful prayer to make. However, let me give you some useful tips.
First, you have to believe that God loves you unconditionally, and is capable of giving you someone that can love you.
You have to believe that despite how distorted the marriage institution has been in our world of today, there are still godly men out there.
Thank him for his abiding presence in your journey of life, and ask that He help you even as you are about to enter into the marriage phase, he will guard your heart to make the right choice.
8) Prayer: waiting for God to send me a husband

“Father God, I pray this prayer to You as I wait for You to send into my life the man of my dreams, the man who will stay with me for now and forever.
I pray this prayer to tell You that I am patiently waiting for You to send my future husband to me, to make him come to me so that we can start building our lives.
Father God, send this man to me, have him find me, and help us start our lives now and till death do us part. Amen.”
Original prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
I don’t know if it’s just me, but this is one thing I find so hard to do.
It’s difficult when you have a long queue to wait at the bank, hospital and so many other places.
Imagine, when you think you are ready for marriage and no man is showing up.
It could be hard, and to top it up, your friends kept sending wedding invitations every month!
It is not a pleasant situation, trust me.
Trust God and his timing for your life. Do not be in a hurry!
Ask the Holy Spirit for the gift of patience to wait for God’s time, because it is always the best.
After you’ve said these prayers, believe God’s word that you have asked and surely you shall receive.
Will these prayers really work?
Yes, these prayers will really work.
The Bible is not just stories that were cooked up.
They are true life stories that happened many years back. God has been answering prayers since the beginning of time and is not planning to stop.
The only thing that can hinder our prayers is doubt; when we do not believe.
When you pray, believe that God is able and willing to hear and answer your prayers and watch his mighty power being made manifest.
Can any woman pray these prayers?
Yes, a woman can pray these prayers.
As long as you are on earth, and created in the image and likeness of God, He can answer you when you pray.
The Scripture said He loves ALL His creation.
Should I pray more than one prayer?
Yes, you can say more than one prayer.
In prayers, there shouldn’t be any limit.
It’s a communion between humanity and divinity. And because of God’s supremacy, we can trust him with our needs and wants no matter how innumerable they are.
Be ready to tell God all your problems, and believe He will answer you.
God will send a husband to you. Believe!
You should have this consciousness that there’s nothing too big nor too small to ask God. He can send that husband your heart desires anytime he deems best.
Just believe!