Warning: None of the prayers in this article are intended to replace the need for professional medical monitoring, medical examinations, diagnoses or treatments. You should always consult your doctor and seek professional help.
Having a sick baby is worrisome for any parent. It’s even more stressful when you don’t know the cause of illness, and your baby won’t stop crying because of discomfort.
Don’t worry, dear parent. There is healing for your baby in Jesus’ name. As you take your baby to the hospital remember to whisper the following prayers for fast healing and recovery.
The devil has no hold over your baby’s health because they are healed by the power of the Highest.
Say these prayers with faith and your baby will recover in no time.
Before you start, save these morning prayers for your family.
1) Short Prayer to Bless Sick Baby

“Thank You, Father God, for blessing us with this wonderful gift from Heaven. Our baby has brought us so much joy and inspiration.
But today, Lord, I worry because our baby is not well. I speak Your healing into (name of the baby) in the name of Jesus. Please bless our baby with good health and strength as You help him/her recover from illness.
I ask for Your mercy, dear Lord, Amen.”
Original StAgnes.net prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
As a caring parent or guardian, it’s natural to be concerned about your baby’s health and want them to recover as soon as possible.
In such times, focusing on the baby’s treatment and care is essential. This may involve consulting your pediatrician or rushing the baby to the ER so they can get the best possible care.
It’s also critical to stay hopeful as you look to the Father, our ultimate physician for healing over your precious little one.
This blessing prayer can help you feel more confident as you work towards your baby’s speedy recovery.
Pray these prayers for your nephew.
2) Prayer to Give Strength to a Sick Baby

“Our Loving Father,
It hurts to watch my baby ailing right now. He/she is so weak that he/she can’t eat, sleep or play as he/she used to. I humbly ask for strength over my baby’s body in Jesus’ name.
Touch him/her with Your healing hands so that my precious baby can regain his/her energy. Breathe new life into his/herbody, oh Lord so his/her appetite, excitement and activeness can return.
Thank You because I know You have done it by Your mighty hand, Amen.”
Original StAgnes.net prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
Be encouraged by this Bible Scripture from Isaiah 41:10:
“Do not fear, for I am with you. Do not be stressed, for I am your God. I will strengthen and help you. I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”
Worry and anxiety are the first instincts a parent experiences when their body falls ill.
But the Lord tells us in His Word not to be fearful or dismayed. He promises to strengthen you and your baby. Choose to believe in God’s declaration right now.
While it’s natural as human beings to be stressed, we shouldn’t let such a feeling overpower us.
Exercising faith in the Holy Word releases incredible power into our lives. It’s that simple, just believe it!
3) Prayer to Heal Sick Baby Right Now

“Lord, as much as we love our baby, You love him/her more and don’t wish suffering upon him/her. Therefore, I ask for healing for our sick baby right now. By Your wounds and stripes, our precious little one is healed in Jesus’ name.
Let Your love and comfort surround him/her. Ease my baby’s discomfort and bring back his/her heavenly laughter and joy.
Hear my prayer and answer, Heavenly Father, Amen.”
Original StAgnes.net prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
When Jesus came to Earth, He did not only come for salvation. He came for children as well. Jesus Christ adores little kids.
In fact, the Bible recounts multiple cases of Him healing children.
Matthew 19:13-15 narrates the time “people brought little children to Jesus for him to place his hands on them and pray for them. But the disciples rebuked them.
Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” When he had placed his hands on them, he went on from there.”
What more assurance of God’s love and healing would you need? Your prayer for your little one for healing will bring instant healing.
Also try the Padre Pio healing prayers.
4) Prayer for a Sick Baby to Recover Quickly

“Our Father,
We pour our hearts and cries to You as we pray for our baby’s health. As painful as it is to see our baby in pain, our faith in You remains unshaken. We believe in Your mighty grace to heal and restore.
So we ask for the quick recovery of our little one. Let Your compassion and mercy heal all ailments in our baby’s body. Touch him/her from the top of the head to the soles of the feet.
Thank You for the baby’s speedy recovery in Jesus’ name, Amen.”
Original StAgnes.net prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
There is no sickness too complex for Jesus to heal. So when your child’s health is at stake, remember to go to Him for healing.
A great Bible story you can reflect on as you pray for your baby’s recovery comes from John 4:47-53.
An official went to beg Jesus for healing of his son, who was near death due to fever. “You may go. Your son will live,” Jesus said. And at that exact moment, the official’s son was healed.
The miraculous healing caused the official and his household to believe in Jesus.
Your baby’s quick recovery is coming sooner than you think, you just need topray with unwavering faith.
I believe you should try these prayers for a miracle and request.
5) Prayer to Bless and Heal Sick Baby

“Gracious God,
I kneel before You pleading for the health of my sick baby. Our baby is a fighter and our little hero. Despite his/her discomfort, he/she can manage to smile, which brings me much cheer.
Please bless our baby with healing. We have faith that You can touch his/her ailing body today, bringing restoration. We leave everything in Your powerful will, Heavenly Father. Amen.”
Original StAgnes.net prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
All children are a blessing from the Lord, which is why it’s so difficult having your little blessing ailing from sickness. At these times, it’s important to stay hopeful and positive.
Surrounding your baby with love and care can help them feel more comfortable and secure, thus quickening the recovery process.
While it can be challenging to have your baby struggle with sickness, remember there is hope for healing made through God’s Word.
The book of 2 John 1:3 declares, “Grace, mercy and peace will be with us from God the Father and Jesus Christ the Father’s Son in truth and love.”
The Lord promises to bless You with grace, mercy and peace as you pray for the healing of your sick baby.
6) Prayer for a Mother with a Sick Child

“Jesus Christ,
I ask for Your divine intervention to heal this sick child. It is hard seeing the baby suffering and his/her mother in even more pain because of her child’s illness.
I pray for the baby and mother’s comfort, peace and strength during this challenging time. Let the baby’s mother know that she’s not alone. May she find hope, grace and mercy in You as You surround her with Your loving presence.
I ask in the mighty name of Jesus, Amen.”
Original StAgnes.net prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
It’s widely recognized that mothers suffer most when their children get sick. There’s a deep bond between a mother and her child that transcends basic perception.
If your friend or family member has a sick baby, it’s important to support her in action and prayer. She could be going through great turmoil and desperately needs a hand to hold.
The story of Elijah and the widow of Zarephath is an ideal example to learn from. When she accommodated the prophet of God during the great famine, her son fell ill.
His condition worsened until he died. Of course, the widow was confused and grief-stricken. Since she had no husband or family to help her, she must have been in great suffering.
Elijah then cried out to the Lord on her behalf and begged that He bring him back to life. The Lord heard Elijah’s intervention and raised the widow’s son (1 Kings 17:9-23).
Your intervention for the mother of the sick baby can bring healing and restoration.
Also pray these prayers for your niece.
7) Healing Prayer for Sick Baby

“Dear Jesus,
Watch over this sick child. Please grant that he/she may be restored to good health, which is Yours alone to give.
In You I trust to heal my baby with Your powers, love and mercy. With You by our side, there is no sickness that will strive over my baby’s body
Through our Lord and Savoir, I pray, Amen.”
Original StAgnes.net prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
Sometimes the people entrusted with the knowledge of treatment may fail us. But God never fails us.
Even modern medicine can make errors- from misdiagnosis to failed treatments.
However, the Lord is gracious and mighty to save us and our children from sickness when we approach Him by faith.
Mark 9:17-29 illustrates the case of a father of an epileptic son, who desperately reached out to Jesus for healing after the disciples couldn’t drive out to the spirit that tormented the boy. “If you can, take pity on us and help us,” cried out the father.
He further asked Jesus to deal with his unbelief. Eventually, Jesus healed the boy, never to suffer from attacks again.
He told His disciples, that some illnesses can only be dealt with by prayer. This is absolutely true!
Some health situations might be impossible to cure for physicians but are curable through prayer.
So don’t give up praying for your sick baby to be healed.
Before you leave, read these prayers for your granddaughter.
Can I Pray for Any Baby?
Sure you can! You can channel these healing prayers for any baby.
There are many sick babies in hospitals, in need of hope and perhaps their parents are unable to pray. Your prayers could be really helpful.
Should I Pray Just One Prayer?
It depends on the situation. In some cases, one prayer could bring healing while sometimes you might need to say more than one prayer for God to work.
I recommend praying as many prayers as possible until God heals your baby.
Will God Really Hear My Prayers?
Definitely, He will. This post covers several examples from the Bible where the Lord heard and answered the distressed who called out to Him for the healing of their children. The Lord never changes.
He remains the same as in the days of old. Therefore, be rest assured that God will hear your earnest prayer and answer soon enough.
Final Thoughts
Nothing is more stressful for a parent than having a sick baby. Whether it’s a serious illness or mild discomfort, watching your little one suffer can be unbearable.
Reflecting and saying these prayers can bring hope and healing and help you respond faithfully to your precious baby’s sickness.