5 Native American Prayers for the Dead – Printable Prayers

5 Native American Prayers for the Dead - Printable Prayers

Native Americans are the earliest inhabitants of the United States, comprising approximately 575 federally acknowledged tribes spread across the nation today. Many are linked to the old Indian practices, acquiring other names like the American Indians. 

These people profoundly honor and maintain their cultural and religious practices from centuries ago.

One of the most popular is praying for the dead, as they believe they’re still interconnected to life, somehow. 

This blog will take you through five beautiful Native American prayers for the dead

1) Native American Prayer for the Dead

Native American Prayer for the Dead
Prayer to print

“O Great Spirit of our Fore Fathers, 

We raise our voice unto You as we mourn the loss of our beloved (mention person’s name). We pray for Your comfort and peace of mind during this frustrating experience. 

Even though we knew it was bound to happen, we are still in disbelief that it occurred so soon. Please give us the wisdom and understanding to remain calm and remember that You have every reason for this. 

O glorious King, hear us. Amen.”

Original StAgnes.net prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.

Praying for the dead is a great way to show them love and support even if they are no longer with us. Many believers may view this as a goodbye while it’s a God-given opportunity to celebrate the gift of life and transition to His kingdom. 

When a loved one passes away, there is often so much bitterness in us that we forget it’s through God’s grace that they came that far. Therefore, as we continue to mourn, we should remember to pray for them dearly.

Your prayers can help purify their souls from purgatory and transition them to eternal life.

Try these miracle prayers for the Holy souls in purgatory.

2) Native American Prayer to Bless the Spirits of the Deceased

Native American Prayer to Bless the Spirits of the Deceased
Prayer to print

“O Creator of all things, 

We humbly draw near Your presence with heavy hearts as we say goodbye to our dear ones. We acknowledge the beauty and love they brought into our lives and do not take it for granted. 

May You bless their spirit and embrace them into Your warm and loving hands. As for us, help everyone find solace and peace in the faith that we shall one day reunite in Your presence. 

Glory be unto Your name. Amen.”

Original StAgnes.net prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.

This solemn Native American prayer attracts blessings for the deceased’s spirit while seeking guidance and strength for those left behind.

As Ecclesiastes 9:5 says:

“For the living know that they will die, but the dead know nothing; they have no further reward, and even their name is forgotten.”

Clearly, the living must pray for the deceased. In fact, it’s more of an endless chain because as you pray for someone who has passed away, someone else will intercede for you, and so on.

Ask the Lord to pardon their inadequacies and not keep them waiting in purgatory. 

Also try these beautiful prayers for dead grandmother.

3) Native American Prayer to Ask Help from the Deceased 

Native American Prayer to Ask Help from the Deceased
Prayer to print

“Father, You are our source of Life, 

You’re the beginning and the end! Today, we gather before Your throne in deep sorrow following the death of (mention person’s name). We stand here in disbelief because they were so dear to us. 

Please let them watch over us daily as we keep their memories deep in our hearts and minds. We pray for healing from You as promised in Your Word in Psalm 147:3 that You heal the brokenhearted and cover up their wounds. 

We glorify You forever. Amen.”

Original StAgnes.net prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.

As highlighted earlier, the Native Americans have been bold with their beliefs, especially those relating to the continuity of life. The above prayer shows unshakable faith that the deceased can continue helping their people even in their absence. 

When someone passes away, a prayer is said to honor and recognize the life lived while offering gratitude to the Creator.

It’s a principle of how humans are connected to the planet in all aspects, whether as spirits or living creatures.

Save these goodbye short prayers for the dead.

4) Native American Prayer to Protect the Dead

Native American Prayer to Protect the Dead
Prayer to print

“Everlasting Father, 

You’re the Mightiest! We praise Your name in all situations, including this that has cut deep through our hearts. As we gather here now, we pray that You may protect our departed loved one from the harshness of purgatory. 

We believe that they led a life that aligned with Your teachings. Where they might have missed a step, may You forgive them, O Gracious, and open the doors of Your kingdom wide for them.

Remember us, too, who are bereaved, and strengthen us through this unbelievable pain. 

It’s only You who can. Amen.”

Original StAgnes.net prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.

It may seem awkward to pray for the protection of the dead, right? At first, you may be wondering what they are to be protected from. The truth is that the lifeless need your protection prayers

According to the Native American beliefs (and many others like the Roman Catholic), when someone dies, they do not go straight to Heaven.

Instead, there is somewhere like a waiting bay, referred to as purgatory, where cleansing of the earthly sins occurs before the transition to glory.

 The above prayer is to protect the dead from this suffering that doesn’t have a specific period or degree. Your prayers can shorten their stay in suffering, unlike what is said in:

Truly I tell you, you will not get out until you have paid the last penny.” — Matthew 5:26.

5) Blessing Native American Prayer for the Dead

Blessing Native American Prayer for the Dead
Prayer to print

“O Lord our Redeemer, 

We come before You in sadness regarding the death of (mention person’s name). The joy and relief they brought us have been taken away so soon. Our happy days together have ended suddenly, and we dearly miss them already. 

Remind us, O Almighty, to be thankful for our good life with them and not complain endlessly. Thank You for creating and entrusting them among us and sustaining them for the period they lived.

Now we give them back to You, believing there’s a happy place for them in Heaven. May their memory bless our lives with eternal happiness. Amen.”

Original StAgnes.net prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.

The most effective way to connect with your deceased loved one is through prayers, more so if you’re a Native American. Still, different beliefs and cultures deal with death and celebrate life differently, but prayers can always come through

You can still embrace other ways of reconnecting with the dead, like meditating upon your memories together, visualizing their images, or gazing at a mirror.

Other believers recommend wearing something they may have gifted you more often, visiting a place they or you both loved or celebrating their special occasions, i.e., birthdays or anniversaries.

Before you leave, save the 9 days novena prayer for the dead.

Can Anyone Pray Native American Prayers?

Yes, anyone can say the Native American prayers for the dead. However, this mainly depends if you’re one of the indigenous people or you’ve adopted their spiritual beliefs and practices. 

Whichever scenario, these prayers are effective regardless of who says them. You can use them to bless and protect the dead while seeking encouragement and comfort for the bereaved.

The same prayers are used in nearly all denominations to celebrate life and are not strictly tied to Native Americans. 

What is the Best Day to Pray These Prayers?

There’s no specific day to say these Native American prayers for the dead. However, the International Day of the Dead is celebrated on the second day of November; hence, you can choose this as the most suitable day to say these prayers. 

Still, we should intercede for our deceased every day for the Lord to receive them in paradise and bless those they have left behind. Ensure to extend your prayers to everyone grieving, even if you don’t know them. 

Can I Pray More Than One Prayer?

Why not? You can say as many prayers as you wish for the dead. There are many things to intercede for our departed dear ones that cannot be exhausted in a single prayer.

That means you can say as many as you wish, including personalizing others to suit the specific connection with the deceased. 

However, you should not focus on how many prayers you say. The key is maintaining unwavering faith in God, believing He will grant your heart’s desires.

Furthermore, remember to recognize His goodness and blessings and not solely concentrate on making requests. 


Praying for the departed souls of our dear ones is a beautiful way of remembering them while accelerating the healing of the bereaved. Through these prayers, you will also grow your faith and relationship with the Lord

If you have lost a dear one, we motivate you to use these prayers more often, and you will realize a positive impact. Allow the Lord’s love to flow in your heart and mind today, and do not lose hope in Him, for His plans are good for the righteous.

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