7 Goodbye Short Prayers for The Dead You Should Try

7 Goodbye Short Prayers for The Dead

Losing a loved one is not a good experience. Well, I don’t have to say this to you. 

You are reading this article right now because you just lost a loved one and you are looking for a way to say your prayers of goodbye.

Now, what is the reason for these goodbye prayers?

It is one of the ways to release grief, accompany the soul of the deceased to the afterlife and embrace the loss, so you can move on with your life.

There are a lot of prayers to be said. However, I have found 7 powerful goodbye short prayers to say for the dead. With these prayers, you can finally release them to go to the world of spirits

Read on to find out.

Before you start, if you lost someone recently, you should save these prayers for a soul in purgatory.

1) Goodbye short prayer for the dead

Goodbye short prayer for the dead
Prayer to print

“Father God, I pray today that You will accompany the soul of (name of the deceased) to Heaven.

I ask that You help this soul to reach the light and that You do not allow this person who has passed away to be taken into darkness.

Bless (name of the deceased) and allow that soul to get its deserved eternal rest. Amen.”

Original StAgnes.net prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.

This is a prayer to bid the spirit of the dead farewell.

To make this prayer powerful, you can make use of candles and a contact point (which can be a picture of the dead or their belongings). 

Saying this prayer is one of the ways to also cherish the memories of the dead. It is believed that this prayer prevents the deceased soul from feeling lonely.

In this prayer, you can ask God to guide the deceased soul into the afterlife.

“For this God is our God for ever and ever: he will be our guide even unto death.”Psalm 48:14.

2) Rest in peace goodbye short prayer for the dead

Rest in peace goodbye short prayer for the dead
Prayer to print

“Our Lord, allow the soul of (deceased’s name) to reach Heaven and for their soul to reach Heaven, to be by Your side forever.

May the soul of (deceased’s name) rest in peace, with no more problems or worries. Don’t allow anything bad to happen to that soul. Protect it by Your side with all Your strength and with all Your will.

May (name of the deceased) rest forever, in peace, with peace and always at the side of God.


Original StAgnes.net prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.

God wants the soul of the dead to rest in peace. Therefore, don’t be scared to say this prayer.

This goodbye short prayer should be said for the dead because the cause of death might make the soul a bit restless.

However, with this special rest in peace prayer, you are not just wishing the spirit of the dead good luck and safe travels, you are also helping them to find peace and finally rest

This prayer should be said with thanksgiving for a life well spent. Afterwards, ask God to help the soul rest in peace.

Also read these prayers for a mother in heaven.

3) Goodbye prayer for departed souls

Goodbye prayer for departed souls
Prayer to print

“Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.

Like the seed buried in the ground, you have produced the harvest of eternal life for us; make us always dead to sin and alive to God. Amen.”


This prayer is not just for someone who has died. It is a general prayer to make for departed souls.

That is, if God has called you into the ministry of intercession, you have the responsibility to say this prayer.

When you say a prayer like this, it helps departed souls (who are wandering across the earth) to finally muster the courage to journey into the afterlife and find the peace they deserve.

You don’t have to lose someone to say this prayer.

It is a general prayer that can be done for any departed souls.

Also read these prayers for a dog who died recently.

4) Goodbye prayer for a friend who died suddenly

Goodbye prayer for a friend who died suddenly
Prayer to print

“(Friend’s name), I didn’t expect to lose you so soon, I didn’t expect your death nor did I expect to have to deal with this kind of problem and suffering on this day.

I’m sad, I’m helpless and I don’t know what to do or think, but I still want you to be well after your death.

That’s why I pray this prayer, to ask God Our Lord to help you (friend’s name) to find the light and to reach His side in Heaven.

I ask that you find the eternal rest you deserve, that you find the peace you deserve, and that you have a happy afterlife free of worry and negativity.

May your soul rest in peace (friend’s name) and may you have an afterlife as you deserve, full of happiness, peace and quiet.

Be at peace, always at God’s side, Amen.”

Writing this prayer reminds me of a friend I lost some years ago. The news of his demise struck me so hard that my hands began to shake

Well, it took days for me to muster up the strength and courage to say this goodbye prayer.

After 3 days of saying this prayer, I felt peace of mind and knew that the spirit of my friend had gone to rest

This will be your experience as well. When you say this goodbye prayer, the soul of your friend who died suddenly will go to heaven.

Additionally, you will release the grief in your heart over the shocking news and move on with courage and strength.

Say this prayer as frequently and constantly as you can. Ensure you have the picture of your friend.

It is one of the ways to connect with the departed soul.

“I tell you the truth, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not be condemned; he has crossed over from death to life.” John 5:24.

5) Goodbye prayer when someone dies

Goodbye prayer when someone dies
Prayer to print

“(Name of the deceased), I pray this prayer today to say goodbye to you. To say goodbye to your presence on Earth, your voice, your attitudes, your moments of joy and all the good times we spent together.

Meeting you was one of the best things that happened to me and I thank God for that, for putting you in my life (name of the deceased).

Now that you’ve gone to heaven, I can only wish you a good eternal rest, always at the side of God Our Lord. Amen.”

Original StAgnes.net prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.

When someone dies, goodbye prayers are prayers to make. Yes, ensure you say encouragement prayers, and so on.

However, don’t forget to say these goodbye prayers as well.

Talking to God about the way you feel about the death of the person helps you to release grief.

Apart from this, it soothes the soul of the departed and strengthens it to go into bliss. 

Also, these goodbye prayers imply that you have finally decided to move on with your life after accepting the new reality.

Also read these miracle prayers for loss of an husband.

6) Miracle rest in peace prayer for death person

Miracle rest in peace prayer for death person
Prayer to print

“(Name of the deceased), I miss your presence on Earth. I miss you, I miss your presence and I miss your words. I miss being with you, laughing by your side and having good times with you.

Sadly, our journey on Earth alongside each other is over. But I believe that one day we will be together, the two of us at God’s side.

For now, I can only wish you the best. I can only ask God to protect you with all His strength and even to guide you in the direction of the light.

I know that you will be able to rest beside God, (name of the deceased), in peace, as you deserve.

May your eternal life always be full of light, love, affection and peace. Amen.”

Original StAgnes.net prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.

By praying for the dead, you’re making sure that their soul reaches Heaven.

Beyond that, it might take a miracle for us to recover from the shocking loss

“Do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”Joshua 1:9.

When you discover that it is getting difficult to overcome the grief and sorrow you feel, it might be an indication that the time to pull out your spiritual firepower has come. 

Using this prayer does not just soothe your heart and heal you from the emotional wounds of grief.

It also ensures that the soul of the deceased rests in peace and goes to heaven.

7) Beautiful prayer of remembrance for the dead

Beautiful prayer of remembrance for the dead
Prayer to print

“Almighty and eternal God,

From whose love in Christ we cannot be parted, either by death or life: hear our prayers and thanksgivings for all whom we remember this day; fulfill in them the purpose of your love; and bring us all, with them, to your eternal joy;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.



A lot of people believe that this prayer should be said during remembrance days.

Well, they are right. However, you can say this prayer even if it is not the day of remembrance. 

This prayer can be said whenever you remember the dead

Also, it is a prayer to show honor for the dead and gratitude for the beautiful memories that were left behind. 

Most times, this is not a mourning prayer. It is simply a spiritual exercise of reflection to establish a brief spiritual connection between you and the deceased.

Before you leave, I believe you should also say these comfort prayers during death.

Shall we bid farewell to the dead?

Yes, it is okay to bid farewell to the dead

Now, you can simply say goodbye and move on with your life.

However, the best way to do this is through prayers. The 7 prayers in this article are the best ways to bid farewell to the dead. 

Through these prayers, you are demonstrating that you miss the dead, honor their memory, and bid them farewell as they journey into heaven.

When should we pray these prayers?

You can say these prayers any time of the day.

However, the best time to say these prayers is midnight. This is because of the divine energy that is present at such an auspicious hour of the day. 

When you say these prayers at midnight, you will easily connect with God and invoke his power for your desired response

In addition to this, some of these prayers can also be said when you hear the news of the demise of someone you know. It helps to reduce how you grieve.

Will prayers help the deceased person?

Yes, these prayers will help the deceased person by doing the following:

  • The prayers are a demonstration of your love for the deceased;
  • With these prayers, the deceased can be assured that you will be fine;
  • Also, these prayers serve as a guiding light, which leads the soul of the deceased into eternal bliss;
  • These prayers gather the fragments of the deceased’s soul, puts them together, and help the deceased to heal from the effect of their sudden death.

These are some of the reasons why you should not stop praying goodbye prayers for the dead.

Always believe that God will be with the deceased

Yes, God will be with the deceased.

This is an assurance. When people die, it is believed that they go to heaven, which is the abode of God. 

Therefore, don’t be worried. Keep your faith in God alive

Through the prayers in this article, you will not only be free from the grief of losing someone, but you will also release the soul of the dead to heaven.

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