Sometimes, one of the things we will have to deal with in life is unholy associations. This will happen to us in one season of our lives or the other.
It might be due to growth, progress, and the demands of businesses and careers.
Breaking soul ties goes beyond physical or mental means. It has a more spiritual impact than we can ever imagine.
This is why you should approach this through prayers.
This is why I am going to be sharing these powerful soul ties breaking prayers with you.
Are you ready to pray? Then, let us get to it.
1) Short prayer to break soul ties

“May God our Lord hear this prayer of mine with immediate effect and cut off my connection with (person’s name) right now.
May it destroy all our ties, all our affection and all the connection we can have. May God our Lord separate our bodies, separate our souls and separate our paths, today, now and forever and ever.
Original prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
This is one of the 5 powerful prayers to say when you are about to break soul ties.
Breaking soul ties might be a difficult and emotional experience. The reason is that the people who will leave our lives might be unexpected.
However, your mind needs to be settled on this fact, and you must be ready to go through the pain and turmoil.
This short prayer to break soul ties should be said with faith. Whenever you say this prayer, ensure you are praying with all of your heart, and with focus.
In addition to this, you should remain consistent and persistent. This means that even when what you have prayed for is not coming to pass YET, keep saying this short powerful prayer.
As you linger on in faith, the power of God will be released over the situation, and the miracle you desire will begin to surface.
End this prayer with this Bible verse:
“It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.” — Galatians 5:1.
2) Unfailing breaking soul ties prayer

“I bring the cross of my Lord Jesus Christ between me and (name this person). As Galatians 6:14 says, I have been crucified to (name them), and they have been crucified to me. So by the cross of Jesus Christ, I break every soul tie and every unholy bond with (name them).
I command their human spirit bound back to their body, and I send all of their sin and warfare and corruption bound back to the throne of Christ in their life. I forbid them or their warfare or their sin to transfer to me. And I allow only the love of God, only the bond of the Holy Spirit, between us.
In the name of my Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.”
This unfailing prayer will ensure that the connection you share with the person comes to an end.
With this prayer, you can talk to God about the reasons why you feel it is time to end the connection.
This is an honest prayer you should say. Go to God with honesty. Tell Him everything in your heart, and beg Him to bring an end to this unholy and inappropriate relationship.
The unfailing breaking soul ties prayer should be said in the morning, afternoon, and evening. Also, there should be a consistent approach to this prayer.
Now, if you have someone in mind, then, ensure you include the name of this individual in the prayer. This directs the prayer energy to the main subject.
Spiritually, breaking soul ties through prayer is one of the perfect ways to end an unholy spiritual association. Therefore, engage in this prayer consistently.
The unfailing breaking soul ties prayer brings the result you desire. It ensures that what you are praying for happens within a month, or at most 3 months.
Bring the prayer to an end with thanksgiving, and begin to look out for the changes you desire to see.
I believe you will love these prayers to cast out demons from your life.
3) Prayer for breaking ungodly soul ties

“Father God, I have my soul ties attached to (person’s name) and I don’t want that. I don’t want our bonds tied, I don’t want our lives tied, I don’t want our future tied.
I want to free myself from (person’s name) life, I want to free myself from their future, and I want to free my soul from (person’s name) soul immediately.
That’s why I pray to You Father God, that You sever the connection I have with this person, that You sever our soul connection, that You sever our connection now and forever.
Original prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
When you notice an ungodly pattern in the people around your life, then, it is time to consistently pray.
When you say this prayer, ungodly soul ties will be broken by the power of God.
Ensure you say this prayer every morning. This is the best time to take control of your day.
As you say this prayer, ungodly soul ties will be broken. Now, the process might not be palatable. It might begin through fighting, disagreements, and so on.
Once you begin to notice all of these, it is a sign that prayers are answered.
“Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.” — Psalms 23:4.
4) Powerful prayer to get rid of soul ties

“Father God, I don’t want (person’s name) to control me, I don’t want that person to have any effect on me, I don’t want that person to mess with me, not now or ever.
Father God, forgive me for being attached to this person, for sharing a soul connection with (person’s name), but I am truly sorry for it. And that’s why I’m asking You, that’s why I’m begging You to end this connection that exists between us.
That’s why I ask Almighty Father God to separate me from (person’s name) immediately, without further delay, without further waiting, once and for all.
That’s why I ask Our Almighty God to separate us, to separate our bodies, to separate our souls, to separate our paths.
May it be so, with all the help and blood of Christ, Amen.”
Original prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
It takes the power of God to get rid of soul ties.
The powerful prayer to get rid of soul ties helps the connection you share with the person fall apart.
Spiritually, this prayer works on the minds of people.
It begins to stimulate the minds of people negatively, and before you know it, the connection will be broken.
I have experienced this and I can tell that this powerful prayer works. It will bring an end to the connection and release you to explore other relationships without the burdens of the past.
Also try these powerful prayers to rebuke the enemy.
5) Christian prayer to break soul ties right now

“Lord, I do not want for (name here) to have control over me and I don’t want to have control over (name here). Forgive me for the sin of entangling myself with (name here) in an ungodly way. Lord, I confess these ungodly ties as sin and ask that you forgive me and cleanse me of all unrighteousness.
In the power and authority of Jesus Christ, I break the ungodly soul tie between me and (name here). I surrender my heart, soul and spirit completely to Jesus Christ and His rule, authority and reign in my life. I put the Cross of Jesus Christ between me and (name here).
Lord, I ask you to heal my heart of the effects this soul tie has had on my heart, mind, body, spirit and life. Restore my soul and my union completely with you. Make me whole and restore everything that the enemy stole from me. Free me to love you with my whole heart and love others with a Christ-like love.
In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”
Saying this special prayer will break soul ties right away.
This is why you should be SURE that you are ready to break the soul ties.
Start this prayer by calling the name of Jesus 7 times. Then, proceed to tender your requests to God.
Talk to Him about the issues you are facing in the relationship. Tell Him you want the soul tie to be broken right now.
I did this 4 years ago, and the thoughts of the person left my mind and have not returned till this day.
The Christianity prayer to break soul ties works on you more than it works on the other person.
The Padre Pio healing prayer will also help you.
It’s really possible to break soul ties with a prayer?
Yes, it is possible to break soul ties with a prayer.
This is why you should start saying this prayer right away. When you pray, the power of God is released and involved in the situation.
With God, everything is possible! Therefore, when God gets involved in the situation, the soul tie will be broken.
Is praying the prayers enough?
Yes, praying the prayers is enough.
However, you should take certain actions of faith. This means that you are showing how ready and determined you are to end the soul tie and connection.
Once you have said these prayers, take physical action by refraining from communicating with the person.
What is the best day to pray?
There is no best day to pray.
The Bible encourages us to pray EVERYDAY.
You can say this prayer everyday – expecting God to grant you the requests you are making to Him.
Pray with faith. Everything will be fine!
You don’t have to worry anymore!
If you have prayed about the issue, trust in God, everything will be fine.
The 5 powerful prayers in this article will bring an end to every ungodly relationship you have been entangled in. you will be free from those bondages and everything you have lost will be restored.