Beyond doubt, it is clear that we all need divine protection and intervention at one point or the other in our lives.
Sometimes, when everything is going perfectly according to plan, we might feel in control of our lives until things go south. Although this is not the best way to live, we sometimes fall victim to this.
Now, when tragedy strikes, or when things begin to go haywire, a lot of explanations will be given along the way.
However, when we take a closer look at the things that are happening, it is clear to us that a negative spiritual pattern is forming, indicating that an attack is on our lives. This is why we should never stop being spiritually conscious.
If you are under a spiritual attack, it is not too late to demand your deliverance.
I have some quick, sharp, and powerful prayers to recommend for you. These are prayers that can bring about a transformation in very quick succession. Are you ready for that? Then, let’s get into this.
Before you start, you should save these prayers to cast out demons from your life.
1) Short prayer to bind the enemy

“You (enemy’s name) will no longer be able to attack me. You won’t be able to harm me anymore. You won’t be able to bring me down anymore. I say this because Our Lord God is at my side to help, protect and guide me on the path of light. You will never be able to attack me again, not now, not ever. Amen.”
Original prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
When you begin to notice a negative pattern around your life, the first thing you need to do is bind the enemy.
The Bible already made it clear to us. In the bible, we can see that every negative thing comes from the devil, who is our enemy. Therefore, we need to learn how to stand our ground at all times.
Through this short prayer, you will expose the work of the enemy and render him powerless over your life and your situation.
Before saying this prayer, say these two bible verses:
“The Lord will keep you from all harm; he will watch over your life; the Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore.” — Psalm 121:7-8.
“‘Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.” — Matthew 6:9-13.
2) Short prayer to rebuke the enemy

“You (name of the enemy) will never again have the strength to attack me, to hurt me or even to try to harm me, because God Our Lord will be by my side, now and always.
God will be on my side when you try to attack me, God will be on my side when you think of me.
God will always be by my side.
You (name of the enemy) will never hurt me again, because I will forever be with the presence of God Our Lord. Amen.”
Original prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
The Bible says “resist the devil, and he shall flee from thee”.
Therefore, we can resist the work of the enemy and expect them to leave our lives alone.
Through this prayer, you can stand on your authority and command the enemy to leave your life alone.
Whenever you begin to notice a negative spiritual pattern around your life, this is one of the most powerful spiritual firepower to use. As you say these prayers, expect the power of God to begin to work instantly.
This is an instant prayer that works in both the spiritual and physical realms.
I believe you will love these prayers for a miracle.
3) Prayer against your enemies attacks

“Saint Agnes, I pray to You right now so that You give me all the strength I need to be able to withstand the attacks of all my enemies.
Saint Agnes, I now pray to You that You do not allow my enemies to be able to attack me, to be able to reach me and to be able to harm me.
I know that You, Santa Agnes, will always be by my side to protect me against everything and everyone. I know that with Your presence Santa Agnes, nothing and no one will be able to attack me.
I trust You Saint Agnes, I trust Your light, Your powers and Your graces.
Original prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
God is interested in your peace of mind. Therefore, when you pray to Him about enemies’ attacks, expect an instant response.
This prayer is a cry for help. It is a sign that you have tried your best to destroy the works of the enemy, but nothing seems to be working.
As you say this prayer and express your heart to God, the angels of God will be dispatched and mighty things will begin to happen.
Constantly say this prayer every day until you begin to notice changes in your life. When you say this prayer consistently, peace will flood your mind, which is a definite sign that something powerful has started to happen.
4) Powerful prayer for demonic attacks

“I am grateful, Heavenly Father, that the Lord Jesus Christ spoiled all principalities and powers and made a show of them openly and triumphed over them in Himself. I claim all that victory for my life today.
I reject all the insinuations, and accusations, and the temptations of Satan.
I affirm that the Word of God is true and I choose to live today in the light of God’s Word.
I choose, Heavenly Father, to live in obedience to You and in fellowship with Yourself. Open my eyes and show me the areas of my life that do not please You. Work in me to cleanse me from all ground that would give Satan a foothold against me. I do in every way stand into all that it means to be.
Your adopted child and I welcome all the ministry of the Holy Spirit.”
This is a prayer for protection.
This powerful prayer will protect you from the attacks of demons. It keeps the hand of the devil far away from you. This is why you need to always be constant in prayer.
Do you need God’s help? Do you feel vulnerable? Are you under a demonic attack?
If yes, then, get ready for a miracle!
This powerful prayer has the potential to destroy the works of the enemy. Ensure you shout the name of Jesus three times before saying this prayer.
These prayers for getting closer to God can really help you.
5) Prayer against a specific enemy

“Today I pray to You God Our Lord that You protect me against the attacks of a person who doesn’t like me and who doesn’t want to see me well.
I pray to You, God Our Lord, to protect me eternally from the attacks of (name of the enemy). That person doesn’t like me, doesn’t want to see me happy or wants me to walk well on Earth.
This is why I ask You, Our Lord, to help me to remain invisible to the attacks of (name of the enemy). I ask that You protect me, now and forevermore.
Original prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
Do you have an enemy in your mind that you want to pray against? If yes, then, this is your prayer.
Firstly, ensure you create the image of the enemy in your mind.
If you can, write down your desire on a white paper before praying.
Hold the paper in your hands and light a white or black candle.
Place the paper over the candle and say this prayer vigorously and with faith in your heart.
Once you are done saying this prayer, burn the paper and blow the ashes into the wind as you say:
“I will praise God’s name in song and glorify him with thanksgiving. This will please the LORD more than an ox, more than a bull with its horns and hooves.” — Psalms 69:30-31.
Then, return to your prayer position and begin to thank God that the enemy has been defeated.
6) Protection prayer against enemies

“I need help, I need protection, I need someone to cover my back, watch over my enemies and protect me against all the evil present in this world.
That’s why I turn to You Saint George, because I truly trust You, Your strength and Your powers of spiritual protection.
Saint George, help me, because I need it! Saint George, help me, because I trust in You!
Mighty Saint George, protect me because I really need protection! Protect me against my enemies, against false friends and against all those who wish me harm. Protect me today, now and in this very moment, now and forever.
May it be Glorious,
Original prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
This prayer is mainly for protection against enemies. Whenever you begin to feel vulnerable to spiritual attacks, it is an indication that something bad is about to happen.
Therefore, you need to arm yourself with the power of God by saying this prayer. As you constantly pray to God, you will begin to feel a surge of strength on your inside.
This is an indication that the prayer is working, and God is fortifying you with divine power to withstand your enemies.
Say this prayer with confidence and faith that it will be answered.
Learn to approach this protection prayer with doggedness, faith, and persistence. God will protect you against your enemies through this powerful prayer.
7) Catholic prayer to bind and rebuke the enemy

“With the powers of light from Santa Agnes, all the people who want me badly will move away, because this saint does not forgive.
With all the strength of Santa Agnes, all my enemies will move away, as this saint does not allow them to approach.
And with all the powers, miracles and with the interception of Saint Agnes, all evil will depart from my life, as this will be the will of this saint.
Spiritual protection will be by my side, with the strength, power and help of Santa Agnes.
Original prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
It is time to begin to bind and rebuke the enemy.
It is time to render the enemy powerless over your life and over your situation.
The best way to make this happen is through a catholic prayer.
When you say these prayers, you are sending the holy saints on assignments and trust me, they will carry them out effectively.
Therefore, pick up your rosary and begin to say this prayer. Say this bible verse after praying:
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” — Philippians 4:6-7.
8) Prayer to destroy all enemies

“May the powers of Our Lord descend from Heaven to enter my life right now.
May the powers and protection of Christ descend from the earth to enter my body, my soul and my whole life right now to give me aid, support and protection.
Help to have the strength to withstand all enemy attacks that try to make me. Support to fight against all the evils that try to enter my life.
Protect against enemy attacks, against traps and against all the harm that people who don’t like me try to do to me.
Christ, only You are able to help me to rebuke my enemies, to leave them without strength and unwilling to attack me! That’s why I ask You for merciful and urgent help.
That’s why I turn to You in this moment of suffering, anguish and sadness. I count on the powers of Christ to protect me, now and forevermore.
With the strength of Christ, Amen.”
Original prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
All your enemies need to be destroyed.
This is one of the ways to ensure that your life is free from them forever.
This is a very strong prayer. If you want to add more effect to this prayer, get a black candle.
Also, create an emotion of aggression before saying this prayer because it is needed. It serves as a force that sends the prayer to your enemies as weapons.
Your prayer will be answered soon.
How to pray against the attacks of the enemy?
If you want to pray against the attacks of the enemy, follow these steps:
- Engage in midnight prayers often;
- Before you pray, think of the damage your enemy has done to you. Let it well up in you till it becomes an aggressive emotion;
- Light your black or white candle;
- Write the name of the enemy on a white paper ;
- Say the prayer;
- Burn the paper.
You can repeat this process constantly until the result becomes a reality.
Can I pray for any enemy?
Yes, you can pray for an enemy.
There are several instances in the bible of people who prayed about their enemies.
It is not wrong to pray about your enemies.
Will these prayers really help me?
Yes, these prayers will help you. Beyond the answer it brings to your requests, it will also help you in the following ways:
- It boosts your confidence in the power of God;
- It activates the angelic dimension for your benefit;
- It draws you closer to God;
- It builds your confidence and courage;
- It helps you to build a strong prayer life;
- It increases your reliance and trust in God.
God will help you with your enemies!
God is an expert at taking care of demonic forces. He is going to help you with your enemies as well.
I am sure you have discovered one of the prayers to use, right?
Then, go and pray right now.