7 Short Prayers to Comfort a Grieving Friend: With Images

7 Short Prayers to Comfort a Grieving Friend 

All of us face the loss of a loved one or a pet at some point. Our lives are changed forever and it can be an incredibly difficult time. Sometimes, praying is the only way to get us through the days ahead.

Praying for a friend who is going through grief, it is often the best way to bring comfort to them. We often do not have the right words to say but we can always pray for them to find comfort.

Pray the healing Blood of Jesus over them and ask God for such spiritual healing, as it can protect your friend from being overcome by grief.

Here are 7 short prayers to comfort a grieving friend. If you want to, you can print them and send them to your friend. This way, you can pray trogether.

Before you even start, save these prayers for a friend who lost a loved one.

1) Short Prayer To Comfort A Grieving Friend

Short Prayer To Comfort A Grieving Friend
Prayer to print

“Gracious God,

May You shine Your healing light to the heart of my friend (say their name) and his/her family who just lost a loved one.

Give them peace, light, hope and mercy for the future. Show them that even though their loved one isn’t in this physycal world anymore, he/she will always live in their hearts.

Strengthen the hearts of all the relatives of (say their name) as they grieve. Cover them with Your comforting love and give them some peace.

I ask this in Your name, Amen.”

Original StAgnes.net prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.

When a good friend experiences loss, we know that they are hurting deeply. Coming alongside them with prayer is often the best way to assist them. We can pray that the Lord will help them make the journey easier.

Jesus experienced the death of a dear friend as well and He wept.

It says in John 11:34-36, “And said, Where have ye laid him? They said unto him, Lord, come and see. Jesus wept. Then said the Jews, Behold how he loved him!”

Friends share wonderful bonds and their pain is often our pain too.

Also try these prayers for someone who lost their mother.

2) Short Prayer For Grieving Friend To Recover

Short Prayer For Grieving Friend To Recover
Prayer to print

“Heavenly Father,

I pray to You today with much sadness in my heart about  my friend (say their name), who just lost someone very important to him/her.

He/she is in so much pain right now. I can’t stand seeing him/her with such a big suffering in his/her heart for not being able to be with his/her loved one anymore.

I ask You, God, help him/her find peace and comfort in You. Enlighten (say their name)’s hearts and give peace to all of his/her relatives. Guide him/her and protect him/her in this moment of great pain and misery.

Help (say their name) no to lose hope in life. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”

Original StAgnes.net prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.

God is our gracious Lord and Father. He is always near to those who suffer.

We can always know and trust that the Lord will keep us safe and secure in Him. Praying for those who know grief, especially those close to us, can truly help them overcome the loss of a loved one.

Isaiah 53:4 tells us that “Surely he took up our pain and bore our suffering, yet we considered him punished by God, stricken by him, and afflicted.”

Pray for your friend to find some peace and comfort in God.

3) Prayer For A Friend Who Lost A Loved One Recently

Prayer For A Friend Who Lost A Loved One Recently
Prayer to print

“Blessed God,

Today I don’t pray for myself but for my friend (say their name). Com to his/her family, comfort their hearts and relieve their pain. I ask You to help them overcome the death of (name of the deceased).

Touch this family and allow them to heal. Strengthen them so they can get back on their feet and continue to live their lives.

May my dear friend feel the presence of his/her loved one, giveing him/her comfort and love whenever he/she needs. Amen.”

Original StAgnes.net prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.

Our prayers can bring healing because Jesus is the Healer. He heals all afflictions and grief is an affliction.

It not only affects our hearts but also our bodies as Psalm 31:9 says, “Be merciful to me, Lord, for I am in distress; my eyes grow weak with sorrow, my soul and body with grief.”

Loss can rip open our hearts and our beings. It is therefore prudent to pray for a friend who has recently lost someone. You should pray for them continually for God’s hand to heal them.

Also save these prayers to help and heal a grieving family.

4) Prayer For a Friend’s Mother’s Death

Prayer For a Friend’s Mother’s Death
Prayer to print

“God of mercy,

Today I pray for someone I care about that is grieving the death of his/her mother. I pray for (say their name) and I put him/herunder Your care and protection.

May You receive his/her mother’s soul in Heaven and let her rest peacefully by Your side.  My friend is sad and feeling helpless, so I want to ask You to give him/her strength, comfort and peace.

Help (say their name) stand strong as he/she recovers. May You also give comfort to all of those who are grieving the loss of such a kind and beautiful person. Amen.”

Original StAgnes.net prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.

Mothers are the center of our lives. We have the closest ties with them because we are an intricate part of them.

We are born from them after they carried us in their bellies for nine months or less. When they die, it is as if a large part of our lives is gone

Praying for someone whose mother has passed on is even more important.

Our friend’s mothers are often like second mothers to us. We should therefore pray deeply for our friend as well as for ourselves for healing.

5) Strength Prayer For A Friend Who Is Grieving

Strength Prayer For A Friend Who Is Grieving
Prayer to print

“Father in Heaven,

You see and know the grief that (say their name) is facing right now. Please touch his/her heart to be strengthened and calmed.

May Your comforting and loving light enter his/her heart as he/she faces such a challenging moment in life. May You be there to lift him/her up when he/she is feeling down.

May (say their name) keep feeling the presence of his/her loved one always guiding and comforting him/her as they have been doing until now.

I ask this in Your Holy name, Amen.”

Original StAgnes.net prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.

Mourning a loved one is never easy. Yet, we can depend on the Lord to encourage and strengthen us. So we also pray for others to experience strength during grief.

As 1 Thessalonians 4:13 says, “Brothers and sisters, we do not want you to be uninformed about those who sleep in death, so that you do not grieve like the rest of mankind, who have no hope.”

Also try these miracle prayers of the faithful for funeral.

6) Prayer For A Friend Whose Mother Passed Away

Prayer For A Friend Whose Mother Passed Away
Prayer to print


I ask You to be right by the side of my friend (say their name), helping him/her achieve the peace he/she much needs.

Do not abandon my friend right now after the loss of his/her mother (name of the deceased), who was also very important to me. May You lift him/her up whenever he/she losses the strength to stay strong.

I trust in Your powers, God, and I trust in You to take good care of my friend and the soul of his/her mother, which will rest peacefully by Your side. Amen.”

Original StAgnes.net prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.

We all have to face the death of a mother at some point. Praying for someone who has lost such a vital part of his/her life is often a much-needed part of how you can assist them.

James 5:16 tells us, “Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.”

Mothers play an important role in our lives, and they leave a huge hole in our hearts and beings when God calls them away.

Be there for your friend, to support them in every way they may need. For example:

  • Doing laundry;
  • Grocery shopping;
  • Cleaning the house;
  • Babysitting their kids.

I believe you should try these prayers for a peaceful death.

7) Prayer For A Friend Whose Father Passed Away

Prayer For A Friend Whose Father Passed Away
Prayer to print

“Lord Almighty,

I pray today with a lot of faith in my heart for the father of (say their name), who just passed away. I pray for my friend and forhis/her father’s soul, which is now in Heaven.

Protect and help my friend right now. Give him/her some peace, comfort and love. Show him/her the path of light and the blessings of being Your children too.

Keep (say their name) in Your heart and take him/her under Your care and protection right now. Amen.”

Original StAgnes.net prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.

We may know that mothers are the heart of households as they play specific roles, as Proverbs 31 tells us. That does not mean fathers do not have a significant role in the family.

Praying for someone who has lost a father through death is therefore as important.

Fathers are the leaders and breadwinners of the household. As Ephesians 6:4 tells us, “Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord.”

Pray for your friend’s loss of a father figure.

Befoer you leave, save these prayers for a death in the family.

Can I Pray For Any Friend Of Mine? 

People pass away every day. Some of them we know of, and others we do not. We can pray for their loved ones in general. When it comes to those we know, it often has a different effect on us.

Our relationships with our different friends are always different, but we should pray for them all. It is especially true when they lose a loved one because we often know those who have passed on as well.

Will These Prayers Really Help My Friend?

We know that prayers are always helpful. James 5:16 tells us that “The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.” Praying for a friend who has suffered a loss will definitely help them.

We can ask God to strengthen them and make things easier for them because grief is unfortunately a part of life.

Can I Start Praying Right Now?

Start praying for your friend the moment you hear of his/her loss. It is never too late to start praying, even if you only hear about the death at a later stage.

Pray immediately so that God can come to your friend’s rescue. The soul needs comfort at any time.

God Will Help Your Friend!

The Holy Spirit is our Comforter. Jesus said in John 14:16, “And I will pray to the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you forever.”

When we pray for a friend who has lost a loved one, we can certainly ask the Comforter to bring the comfort he or she needs.

Death is part of life, but that does not make it easier to deal with. It is therefore important to pray for the loved ones of a deceased person. This is one of the best things we can do to support them.

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