Afternoons are often busy hours as you strive to beat the huge workload since your time in the office is almost over, digest the delicious lunch you’ve just consumed, or think about the next day at work.
We all agree that by the time it gets to the afternoon, many of us struggle with stress and fatigue that can easily derivate us from our main goals. As you make time to respond to several emails or messages, you can spare a few minutes to say some good afternoon prayers for inspiration.
Below are eight good afternoon prayers to guide you through your afternoon with God.
Before you start, also save these miracle morning prayers for your family.
1) Short Inspiration Good Afternoon Prayer

“Everlasting Father,
Thank You for watching over me throughout the morning. As I move forward with the afternoon, I pray for Your blessings upon every activity I engage with.
Lead me to more fruitful paths and grant me the wisdom, strength, and guidance to continue the rest of the day with more energy than I have right now. Let me reflect upon Your blessings in my life.
Thank You, Lord.
Original prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
The afternoon is the period after mid-morning and before evening, usually likened to the middle-aged part of the day.
Therefore, the afternoon is typically a time to reflect on what you’ve been doing in the past hours while planning how to proceed for the rest of the day.
As you reflect and plan, it’s essential to welcome the presence of God into your afternoon through prayers.
Your inspirational good afternoon prayer should be directed to thanking God for His grace and goodness since morning while seeking His guidance through the coming hours.
Also save these Friday morning prayers and blessings.
2) Catholic Inspiration Good Afternoon Prayer

“O, Hail Mary, Mother of Jesus,
This afternoon, I thank You for the continued blessings and protection You’ve showered me with since morning.
I pray that the Holy Spirit may guide me to the right path this afternoon and turn my eyes to seek Your glory, not earthly materials.
Please refill my heart and mind with everlasting peace and love so that I may live as a symbol of Your grace.
In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.”
Original prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
Praying in the afternoon doesn’t sit right with many people, as most are used to praying in the morning before heading to work and at night as they prepare to sleep.
The reality is that God always listens to our prayers regardless of when we make our requests known to Him.
You can cut the norm that morning and evening prayers are more effective than afternoon. Lead as an excellent example by saying the above prayer — change starts with you!
In fact, those afternoons when you’re filled with never-ending tasks are when you should draw closer to God through prayers so He may grant you the energy you desire.
“But as for me, it is good to be near God. I have made the Sovereign Lord my refuge; I will tell of all your deeds” — Psalms 73:28.
3) Thankful Afternoon Blessing Prayer

“Dear Lord,
Thank You for enabling me to experience this afternoon after a busy morning. I don’t take it for granted but glorify Your holy name because You’re my protector.
May You fill this gracious time with Your blessings of peace despite everything going on.
I ask this in Your name. Amen.”
Original prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
Afternoon prayers of thanksgiving and blessings should be a daily practice to help believers keep the evil one away from their plans and heart desires.
The prayer also makes you aware of God’s blessings while enabling you to set God-led intentions for the hours and days ahead.
An afternoon prayer can turn that bitterness or disappointment you might have encountered into more positive energy and wisdom, shielding you from the evil intentions of Satan.
So, we’ve provided a short and straightforward sample to guide you through.
You can supplement the prayer with your unique prayer requests or words for more effective outcomes.
Save these Thursday morning prayers and blessings.
4) Good Afternoon Blessing and Prayers

“Glorious God,
I bow before Your presence this afternoon, thanking You for the beautiful morning I have just completed.
As I navigate through the afternoon, please help me to be productive in my activities and guide me to do what’s right.
I ask for Your protection, love, grace, and wisdom today and forever, not for my gain but for the glory of Your son, Jesus.
Thank You, Lord. Amen.”
Original prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
Understandably, afternoons are often boring for many of us. Either, you’re feeling sleepy after an extended lunch break or wondering what you’ll make for dinner.
Instead of complaining, turning the energy to God through a good afternoon prayer for blessings would be best.
When you feel like you’re missing your loved ones who you’re quite far from, you can send them this prayer, making you feel more relaxed and contented.
The book of Psalm 55:16-17 stipulates that you should call to God at all times and cry out to Him in distress, and He will hear your voice and save you.
I believe you will love these Tuesday morning prayers and blessings.
5) Good Afternoon Prayer for God to Bless You

“Merciful Father,
With a thankful heart, I come before Your presence for enabling me to see another afternoon in good health.
May You continue to bless me, O, Lord, in different aspects of life and let me be committed to this afternoon prayer every day and not fall back.
I pray in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen.”
Original prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
Do you need some inspiration and blessings to push on with your afternoon and the rest of the day? The above prayer can be an excellent option. Everything shall be transformed positively.
We all have been at a point where we feel like giving up on our dreams, but this barely ends well without prayers.
A good afternoon prayer can change your perspective towards various things. It can inspire you to do better even when it appears impossible.
You can accompany the prayer with a few Bible verses such as:
“Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father, has been pleased to give you the kingdom.” — Luke 12:32.
“I can do all this through him who gives me strength.” — Philippians 4:13.
6) Good Afternoon Prayer for Good Luck and Happiness

“Almighty Father,
I come before Your mighty throne this afternoon, thanking You for Your mercies and grace that have enabled me to complete my morning safely.
Allow me to emerge victorious in all my projects and overcome the fears that might hinder me from achieving my purpose.
In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.”
Original prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
Regular life is filled with struggles and barriers. Whether you have an exam, interview, assessment, or any other project this afternoon, you can pray for God to grant you good luck and happiness.
Many people have prayed for good luck and happiness in different situations. So, you must be familiar with such prayers.
Besides boosting your mood as you look forward to a particular project, prayers for good luck and happiness can change your perspective and heal any negative thoughts you might have had.
Again, your faith should remain equal with your actions (praying) when saying the good afternoon prayer for good luck and happiness.
7) Strength Good Afternoon Prayer for Every Day

Like You encouraged David and gave him the strength to face Goliath, I need the same strength and encouragement to navigate through this afternoon.
I may be weary, but I have a strong God who uplifts me whenever I weaken. Please remove any negative forces that may try to show me how difficult and impossible things are and replace them with immense energy and strength.
Thank You, Father. Amen.”
Original prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
Hard and long days at home, work, or other atmospheres are sometimes inevitable. You might have woken up early and prayed, but you still feel emotionally or mentally drained for no specific reason.
No matter how strongly you prayed in the morning, you can go down in prayers again in the afternoon.
Ask God to grant you the energy to complete your daily duties and eliminate the overwhelming wave of negative thoughts from your mind.
God knows and understands such situations and promises to guide and strengthen His children if they hope in Him. You will rise on wings like eagles; run and not get tired; walk and not be faint. (Isaiah 40:31).
8) Good Afternoon Prayer for Peace and Strength

“Mighty Father,
I need Your peace and strength this afternoon. This day has been challenging for me, and I don’t think I can continue with the afternoon without Your guidance and intervention.
Since I can no longer rely on my mind and strength, I ask You to intervene in this situation and take control of my life. Calm my mind and grant it the peace it needs to think properly.
I ask this in Your name. Amen.”
Original prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
“Do not be anxious about anything in everything; make your needs known to God by prayers, supplication, and thanksgiving.”
The above Philippians 4:6 scripture should be your best friend whenever you feel disturbed or weary and don’t have peace of mind; it’s natural to feel so sometimes.
Say the above prayer in confidence, and don’t be afraid of telling God what’s specifically disturbing your mind.
God is faithful and will strengthen you no matter how bad the situation appears before everyone else if you trust Him and do good.
Before you leave, try these intercessory prayers for your family.
Can I Say the Prayers Every Afternoon?
Why not?! You can make the above prayers a part of your afternoon routine and watch how fruitful they will become. Do not forget to also pray in the morning and evening to keep yourself protected from the evil one.
Will These Prayers Help Me Get Through the Afternoon Better?
Indeed! The above prayers can effectively ensure you get through your afternoon better and more confident than at any other time. You, however, need to exercise unwavering faith in God as you pray.
Can I Also Pray a Psalm?
Yes! You can also pray a Psalm because many of the words inspired by God to David were written as prayers and can be effectively used in different situations.
God Will Bless You!
Statistics show that only 2 in every ten people pray in the afternoon while the rest focus on morning and evening prayers — that’s undesirable.
You can add to the former number by making these afternoon prayers consistently and watch how positive and hardworking you will become in those hours. Even better, you can tag a friend or colleague along during the lunch break and be blessed.