7 Short Prayers for Someone Who Lost Their Mother 

7 Short Prayers for Someone Who Lost Their Mother 

The Holy Spirit is the spirit of comfort and one of the ways we can tap from this virtue is through prayer. When we pray, our hearts are comforted and the grief we have will begin to dissipate.

Losing one’s mother is not an experience to be wished for. This can alter the course of the person’s life forever

Do you have someone who has lost their mother? As much as being there for the person physically is advised, you should also spend time praying for the person. Doing this is also one of the ways to show your deep care and concern. 

I have identified 7 powerful, but short prayers you can say for this person. Read on to discover more about this.

Note: These prayers are for someone’s mother. If you want to pray for your mother, use these prayers.

1) Short prayer for someone who lost their mother

Short prayer for someone who lost their mother
Prayer to print

“Father God, today I am praying for someone who is sad, suffering and helpless. I’m praying for (person’s name) who lost his/her mother.

That person is truly sad and helpless and needs Your help to overcome this moment of great difficulty. Please Father God, stand by (name of person) now and help him/her to recover.


Original StAgnes.net prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.

Praying for someone who lost their mother is one of the ways to show that you care for the person involved. Giving gifts or placing wreaths on the coffin might not suffice much. 

This short prayer is one of the essential means of reaching the soul of the bereaved. This person might be a friend, family, relative, and so on.

When you say this prayer, ensure that you lay bare your heart before God.

The reason for this is that you are carrying the burden of the bereaved person even in the place of prayer. This burden is an important element to make the prayer as effective as you want.

Also read these short and powerful prayers for a grieving family.

2) Prayer for grieving loss of mother

Prayer for grieving loss of mother
Prayer to print

“May you find shelter. Shelter in the love and prayers of family and friends. May you find time to rest. Rest in the comfort of warm memories and moments shared. May you find heavenly hope. Hope in the renewal of creation, in beauty and life. May you stay close to Jesus. Jesus, the great redeemer, leading our eyes to eternal skies.”


This special prayer should be made for the person grieving the loss of their mother.

The criteria for this prayer is that – the person must be grieving the loss at the moment. Most times, this means that the loss happened not too long ago. 

The moment you hear of the demise of someone’s mother (especially someone close to you), you need to begin to say this prayer. 

As funny and controversial as it may sound, you should start this prayer with gratitude and not complaints.

Thank God for the life well spent of the deceased and then, begin to pray for the person grieving the loss. You can extend this prayer also to the family members of the person.

With this prayer, the Holy Spirit will begin to work. He will bring comfort and divine strength to the heart of the bereaved

Additionally, this prayer will help the deceased to also find peace – knowing that her family members are doing quite alright.

Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.” — Matthew 5:4.

3) Mother’s Day prayer for someone who lost their mother

Mother’s Day prayer for someone who lost their mother
Prayer to print

“Be merciful to me, Lord, for I am in distress; my eyes grow weak with sorrow, my soul and body with grief” (Psalm 31:9, NIV). My heart is broken, my mind exhausted. I cry out to you and hardly know what to ask. All I can do is tell you how I feel and ask you to “keep track of all my sorrows. . . . [collect] all my tears in your bottle. . . . [and record] each one in your book” as I pour them out to you (Psalm 56:8, NLT). Amen.”

Mother’s Day can be a day of celebration or a day of mourning. For those who have lost their mother, this is a day of mourning

On a special day like this, one of the ways to show support for people who have lost their mother is to say this Mother’s Day prayer for them. 

In this prayer, express the fact that the person’s mother is no longer on earth, and they miss her. On this ground, offering prayers to God on behalf of the person.

Ask God to be with the person and become a strong support system for the person.

If you are closely related to the person, and you know their mother, then, you can thank God for the impact of the deceased mother while she was on earth.

These comfort prayers during a death can really help you right now.

4) Sympathy prayer for loss of mother

Sympathy prayer for loss of mother
Prayer to print

“God will always be by your side (person’s name), God will always be with you and will help you to achieve the peace you are looking for so much. After your loss, God will not abandon you (person’s name), God will not leave you alone or let you fall.

Always trust in the powers of Our Lord (person’s name), because He will always be by your side!

Now and forevermore, Amen.”

Original StAgnes.net prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.

People might find it hard to accept this, but when someone loses his/her mother, they need sympathy. There is a difference between sympathy and pity. 

When you pity someone, you don’t take additional actions to make them better. However, sympathy or compassion comes with action. This is why a prayer like this is necessary.

Saying this prayer shows that you sympathize with the bereaved.

This is most useful when you cannot be with the person physically. With this prayer, you can register your presence.

Also, it is believed that this prayer invokes the presence of angels to comfort and shed their light on the mourning family. 

So with you: Now is your time of grief, but I will see you again and you will rejoice, and no one will take away your joy” — John 16:22.

5) Short catholic prayer for someone who lost their mother 

Short catholic prayer for someone who lost their mother
Prayer to print

“With the help of the Holy Mary (person’s name) will be able to regain your strength and fight. You will be able to get over your mother’s death and you will be able to continue your life.

You will realize your mother will always be with you, she will always be with you in your heart.

With the strength of the Holy Mary, (person’s name), you will overcome and be happy again.


Original StAgnes.net prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.

The catholic prayer for someone who lost their mother can be said by Catholics.

Before saying this prayer, start by saying the following Bible verse:

And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.” — Revelation 21:4.

Holy Mary is the mother of all and she knows the pain people go through when they lose their mother.

This is why you should pray to her. 

Ask her to fill the heart of the bereaved with peace. Also, ask her to keep the soul of the deceased mother and guide her to eternity.

Most times, this prayer is said at midnight – when everything is quiet and serene.

Also pray these short prayers for someone who died suddenly.

6) Short prayer for someone’s mother in heaven

Short prayer for someone's mother in heaven
Prayer to print

“My God, I am praying today with a lot of faith inside my heart for the mother of (person’s name). The mother of that person is now in Heaven and needs Your help.

That person needs Your help My God, Your help to protect them, to help them and for You to always show them the path of light.

Father God, keep the mother of (person’s name) protected, happy and always blessed with Your powers and Your miracles.


Original StAgnes.net prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.

Whenever you say this prayer, ensure you begin with thanksgiving

Do you know why? This is because the soul of the person’s mother has finally reached heaven.

Now, how can you be sure of this? It is very simple. The moment you begin to feel peace in your heart at the thought of the deceased person, it is a sign that they have gotten to heaven.

Therefore, start this prayer by thanking God for this. 

Afterwards, proceed by asking God to reveal this beautiful truth to the bereaved friend or relative.

When they know that the soul of their deceased mother has gotten to heaven, it brings peace of mind and also helps them to move on with their lives. 

You can say this prayer any time of the day – be it morning, afternoon, or midnight. 

7) Strong prayer for someone who lost their mother 

Strong prayer for someone who lost their mother
Prayer to print

“Today I pray with all the strength I have inside of me for (person’s name) who lost his/her mother, who is sad, who is helpless and who does not know how to overcome this pain.

I pray for (person’s name), to You My God, help that person to get the strength to overcome this moment of great difficulty, of great pain and of great suffering.

I know that (person’s name) is suffering and needs Your help right now, needs Your interception right now. That’s why I ask you (person’s name), to help that person right now to overcome this pain and this moment of great agony.

So be it, Amen.”

Original StAgnes.net prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.

This prayer focuses mainly on divine strength. The impact of losing one’s mother is weighty. It takes divine strength to be able to cope with the loss and move on with life. 

This is why you should constantly say this prayer for someone who lost their mother.

Ask the Holy Spirit to strengthen the heart of the bereaved and help them to move on with their lives despite the loss.

Before you leve, save these prayers for the holy souls in purgatory.

When can I pray these prayers?

Some of these prayers can be said at midnight. However, most of these prayers can be done at any time of the day

All that matters is having the right emotion, concentration, and faith. 

God is always willing and ready to answer all your desires

Are these prayers really miraculous?

Yes, these prayers are miraculous

They can be soothing, comforting and even encouraging in inexplicable ways – ways that defy normal thought processes and logic.

When you say these prayers, the bereaved person will begin to feel comfort and assurance. This prayer also strengthens the bereaved. 

Can I pray more than one prayer?

Yes, you can. You can say as many prayers as you need to

You could say just one, or say all of them. You could even say the same prayer as many times as you want. 

Most times, I recommend saying 2 – 3 prayers at the same time. This keeps your focus and helps you to channel the right words properly. 

Final thoughts

Be a good friend or relative today!

Go on your knees and say these prayers for someone who has lost his/her mother. You might not know how much pain they are going through. However, talk to God on their behalf and send your prayers as a gift of comfort and assurance

As you say these prayers, God will be happy with you and the soul of the deceased mother will smile.

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