Bedtime is not just a moment to bond together as a couple. It is also a moment to pray together about several things. This is the moment to address matters spiritually.
Let me tell you how I do things in my family:
After discussing critical issues, we take a break to try to understand each other points of view and then, we get on our knees and begin to pray.
Every time we do this, there is always an atmosphere we create and this has helped us to build bonds better, love each other, and listen to ourselves better.
In this article, we will discuss the 9 short bedtime prayers for couples. These prayers address numerous aspects of marriage, family, and individual lives.
Do you believe in the power of prayer? Are you ready to pray? Then, read this article till the end.
1) Short bedtime prayer for couples

“Father God, we pray to You together to thank You for all the good things we have in our lives. To thank You for our relationship, for our love and for all the opportunities You have given us.
Bless us during the night, protect us and give us Your graces. Amen.”
Original prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
This short bedtime prayer for couples should be said before sleeping.
After you’ve had your discussions with your husband or wife, join hands together and begin to say this prayer.
God loves to hear the prayers of couples. This is why I am sure that your prayers will be answered.
Invite the power and wisdom of God into your marriage and soon you’ll see the difference.
You’ll both learn to listen and to think before saying something that can hurt your partner.
You can also say these prayers for forgiveness.
2) Catholic bedtime prayer for couples

“My God, You who are always by our side, You who are always protecting us, You who are always willing to help, we wanted to thank You tonight. We wanted to thank You for all the good You do for us, for all the times You help us and for all the moments You are by our side.
Let us thank You for Your help, Your protection and Your light in our lives and in our relationship. I ask You to never leave us and never stop being by our side.
With lots of love, affection and faith, Amen.”
Original prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
This prayer addresses the general aspect of marriage and personal lives.
Before you sleep, spend time praying this prayer.
God desires to hear your prayer. Therefore, go to Him with your spouse before you sleep.
Lay all your desires before Him and watch everything fall in line. Couples are meant to say this prayer every night before they sleep.
It will help them not only bond better, but also bring forth various miracles and breakthroughs.
During this moment of prayer, you’re covering every aspect of your life:
- Family;
- Your personal lives;
- Your children (if you have one).
Trust God to hear your prayers.
You can finish this prayer by saying this Bible verse:
“Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves.” — Romans 12:10.
3) Relationship prayer for couples before sleep

“Our Lord, it is a true blessing that we can pray together as a couple, and I thank You in advance for that. Thank You for bringing us together and for allowing us to have such a happy life, side by side.
As a couple, we couldn’t ask for more, we can only thank You for all the good things You make appear in our lives and for all the opportunities You’ve given us so far.
Our Lord, before going to sleep, I would like to ask You to bless our relationship, so that everything continues in the best way, with good energy, lots of love, affection and peace.
I know that with Your strength, faith and light, everything will be possible. Amen.”
Original prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
Always learn to commit your relationship to the hands of God before you sleep.
This is a crucial aspect of life you should never ignore.
I understand that there are other pressing matters. However, your relationship is the bedrock of everything else.
If it is in shambles, then, everything else will not stand.
This is why you should pray so much about your relationship. Before you sleep, hold hands with your spouse and believe God to solve any issue in your relationship.
Ask God for peace and harmony. Trust God for understanding and forgiveness in your relationship.
4) Good night prayer for couples

“Heavenly Father, may Your light illuminate our relationship tonight. May Your presence always be here while we sleep. May Your peace be present in our hearts when we wake up in the morning.
May You, My God, never abandon us and always be present at our side, for good and for bad, now and forever and ever. Amen.”
Original prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
The good night prayer for couples is a vital prayer to make before sleeping.
In this prayer, couples should ask God for protection at night. In addition to this, they should also pray about any pending issues.
Start this prayer by thanking God for everything He has done for your family.
Then, proceed by tending your requests before God and believe that He will do everything you have asked Him to do.
You can hold hands to say this prayer if you want to. However, all that matters is unity and faith.
You can start this prayer by saying this Bible verse:
“In the same way, you husbands must give honor to your wives. Treat your wife with understanding as you live together. She may be weaker than you are, but she is your equal partner in God’s gift of new life. Treat her as you should so your prayers will not be hindered.” — 1 Pedro 3.7.
5) Good night prayer for my wife

“My love (wife’s name) I am praying at this very moment thinking of you, thinking of our love, our relationship and our sacred union. I pray to wish you a good night, full of peace, light, harmony, happiness and a lot of faith.
I wish you sleep well, always in the presence of God Our Lord and with the divine protection of your Guardian Angel.
May you have sweet dreams and wake up in the best mood in the world. Sleep well, I love you. Amen.”
Original prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
As a husband, the good night prayer for your wife is one of the ways to show your love and commitment to her.
Through this prayer session, you should ask God for His blessing over your wife. If she has any needs, you can also tender them before God.
Additionally, this prayer should be made alone. Send prayer blessings to her even as she sleeps.
Remember, everything must be committed to God at all times.
Talk to God about her and express how you feel about her in the place of prayer.
6) Bedtime prayer to bless our relationship

“Dear God, thank You for how You’ve been blessing our marriage with so many good things. You’ve given us a good and loving home to share with one another. We thank You for the blessings we receive daily.
Thank You most of all for our physical safety and good health. We praise You for being our protector, provider, and sustainer. We’ve had a productive and safe day because of Your loving hand of guidance and protection over each one of us. Dear God, thank You for being good to us in every way.
Even when we fail You, You always remain faithful to us. You’ve helped us through all the challenging times and struggles we’ve gone through in and outside of our home. Your presence has comforted us in sickness and in need. Even in our conflicts, You are in our midst helping us sort through our differences. Father, we just take this time to thank You for Your unending grace, love, and goodness.”
Start this prayer by thanking God for how far He has helped you in the relationship.
Thanksgiving is an important aspect of your communion with God — it builds and strengthens your faith.
After thanksgiving, present your desires before God about your relationship. If there are any pending issues, you can talk to God about them.
Additionally, also talk to God about the plans you have for your relationship. This is the best time to do that, before you sleep.
This prayer is powerful. Most times, you will have dreams that bring clarity to all that you asked God in the place of prayer.
7) Bedtime prayer to protect our relationship

“Father God, please protect our relationship, our love, our life together and our happiness. Give strength to our love, deliver him from all the evils and attacks that may appear. Allow us to live together, without problems, without adversity and without bad luck.
Strengthen our love, guide us in the right direction and don’t allow anything or anyone to spoil what we have with each other.
Use your light to illuminate our paths, illuminate our love and illuminate our future.
It allows us to be happy, that no one spoils what we have, and that our love is eternal.
Father God, thank You for helping our love to grow stronger, day after day, night after night, always with Your presence by our side.
Love is a special ingredient to having a lasting relationship. It must be protected at all times. Amen.”
Original prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
Once you begin to observe certain impediments as regards this aspect, then, this is a spiritual sign that you need to pray.
Therefore, before you sleep, hold hands with your spouse and begin to say the bedtime prayer to protect the relationship.
People might be involved.
However, with prayer, a strong wall of protection will be built around you, which keeps intruders far from you.
Also try these good night prayers for your husband.
8) Bedtime prayer for a loving couple

“Jesus, our Savior, I pray to You tonight to fill my partner and I with Your Holy Spirit. Create in each of us the perfect partner for each other. Fill us with the virtues of honesty, compassion, generosity, fidelity, integrity and fairness.
Above all, sweet Jesus, fill our hearts with a Godly and biblical love for each.
Teach us how to best show our love for each other, so that the other may best receive it.
Let all that we do be in love, for love, and because of love. Amen.”
At night, having a bedtime prayer is one of the ways to consolidate the love you have for each other.
Most times, this prayer should be full of thanksgiving. Now, this does not mean you should leave out any issues you need to deal with.
However, the fact that there is a mutual love between you and your spouse is enough to be grateful for.
This bedtime prayer keeps the fire of love burning and brings God into any issue you need Him for.
The bedtime prayer for a loving couple can be said every night.
However, I suggest saying them on Saturday night and Sunday night. During the week you can say this Bible verse:
“Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works. And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near. ” — Hebrews 10:24-25.
9) Powerful good night prayer for couples
This powerful good night prayer for couples is another way to pray before sleeping.
As you commit yourselves to the hands of God, remember to also thank Him for how He brought you through the troubles of the day.
In addition to this, pray for your children, the relationship, and the next day.
When you say this prayer, you are showing proof that you trust God.
When we show our trust in God, it impresses God and this brings Him into our family.
Can any couple pray these prayers?
Yes, any couple can say these prayers. As long as you believe in the power of your prayers, there will be tremendous results.
Also, before you say these prayers, ensure the following are in place:
- You must have resolved any pending disagreements between you and your spouse. The reason is that your prayers will not be answered when there is disunity;
- Both parties must be focused on what they want to pray for.
These 2 factors are crucial.
Should I pray prayers before bed?
Yes, it has to be right before going to sleep. Ensure this is when you say these prayers.
Praying before bed is a comforting and relaxing way to end the day.
It is a moment to be thankful for how the day went — even as you commit the next day to the hands of God.
Spiritually, this is also an auspicious moment and a lot happens when people pray at night.
Can I pray the prayers alone?
No, you cannot say the prayers alone.
You need to pray with your spouse. This is how your prayers will be effective.
Therefore, if your spouse is not around or available (on the phone), then, you have to wait for him/her to be available before saying these prayers.
About the prayers

Prayers are powerful. Everything in life responds to prayer.
This is why you should never joke with this important mode of communication with God.
When you pray, God hears. Have faith in your prayers, and expect a miracle.
With these 9 short bedtime prayers for couples, you can tender your request to God and expect everything to go perfectly well.