Warning: None of the prayers in this article are intended to replace the need for professional medical monitoring, medical examinations, diagnoses or treatments. You should always consult your doctor and seek professional help.
When you pray for epilepsy, it is a practice of faith in God’s power to heal you.
This sickness can be fatal if not taken care of. Don’t take it for granted. Through prayers, you can demonstrate your trust in God’s ability.
Furthermore, praying to God about this situation indicates that you depend on Him to birth a miracle in your health or someone you care about.
You can pray alone, or with people. If you like, you can also choose to seek the spiritual guidance of spiritual elders in your religion.
The disadvantage of living with this neurological disorder can affect your entire life. This is why you should take decisive action against it by using the power of prayer.
I have the 7 most powerful prayers that can help you with epilepsy and seizures. In this article, you will be trained on the special ways to say these prayers to get instant results.
Read on to find out.
1) Prayer for epilepsy

“Father, epilepsy is something that bothers me a lot, something that affects my well-being, my happiness and my peace. This is why I pray to You, this is why I turn to You, this is why I turn to Your miraculous help.
Please Lord, help me to improve my health, improve my epilepsy condition and have fewer seizures. Help me to control the disease and to live with it more peacefully.
Help me to be happier, healthier and have more peace in my life. Amen.”
Original StAgnes.net prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
There is something special about this prayer. It affects the mind because this sickness has a lot to do with the brain.
The public stigma that comes with this disease can also go a long way to affect people’s outlook on life.
This is why it is important to say this prayer every morning.
Firstly, say this prayer for total healing. That is, tell God to heal you from this disease.
The next thing is to say this prayer for mental healing. Because of the stigma you have had to suffer, it is possible for your mind to not be in its right mental shape. Therefore, pray to God to help you heal mentally.
By combining these 2 steps, you will have a complete and wholesome prayer experience that will lead to a total turnaround.
You can also say this prayer for a loved one that suffers from epilepsy, just mention their name on the prayer.
2) Prayer against seizure and epilepsy

“My God, I’m afraid, I don’t know what to do, I don’t know what to think and I don’t know how to act in relation to my state of health. I have epilepsy and seizures. I don’t know why I suffer from this disease, but I’m sure that everything has its reason for existing.
I don’t ask that You cure me, because I know that this will hardly happen, but I ask that you help me to live better with the disease and make it more tolerable in my life.
I ask that You help me to suffer less from my illness, that You help me to deal with it and to ease the pain. I ask that You use Your powers and Your miracles to help me live better, happier and healthier.
Please, my God, help me to overcome epilepsy and seizures. Amen.”
Original StAgnes.net prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
You might be wondering what type of words to use. This is why you should say this powerful prayer.
This prayer includes a lot of things. In this prayer, you are not only focused on praying for healing.
You are also focused on other things that have been affected by this sickness.
From the name of the prayer, you will discover that this is a defensive way to pray. Rather than praying FOR something, you are actually praying AGAINST something.
The prayer against seizures and epilepsy helps you to remain strengthened during this tough moment of your life.
Also, you target your prayer towards the sickness and any possible spiritual source that might have contributed to it.
Because of the nature of this prayer, midnight is the perfect moment to generate enough spiritual energy for this exercise.
With faith in your heart, you can expect results very soon. You can end this prayer with this Bible verse:
“Heal me, Lord, and I will be healed; save me and I will be saved, for you are the one I praise.” — Jeremiah 17:14.
3) Prayer for seizures to stop

“I ask with all my will, all my faith, and with all my strength to God Our Lord to stop all my convulsions right now. I ask God Our Lord to free me from this illness that makes me suffer so much, that puts me through so much and that spoils my life so much.
I pray with strength and faith to God our Lord not to allow the convulsions to appear in my life again, not now, not later, not ever!
I ask with faith in God that the seizures end. With faith, strength and hope I pray, for I know that God will be by my side and will help me, now and forever. Amen.”
Original StAgnes.net prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
This prayer is a special request for your seizures to stop.
The beautiful part is that you can also say this prayer for someone who has a seizure.
With this prayer, you are seeking the divine intervention of God on behalf of yourself or the one that is affected.
In this prayer, ensure you tell God to set up preventive measures to stop seizures from happening in the future.
Remember that faith is needed to pull this through. Also, you can say this prayer at any time of the day.
4) Prayer for a child with epilepsy

“Santa Agnes, I pray to you because I need help, I need help and I need a miracle in the life of my son (son’s name) who is sick. My son has epilepsy and I don’t know what to do, I don’t know how to act or how to cure him.
That’s why I pray to You, Saint Agnes, to help me cure my son’s epilepsy or at least alleviate the disease. Help me to make my son’s life simpler, lighter and healthier. Help me to attract luck and health into my son’s life, so that he can live normally, like other children.
Please, Santa Agnes, hear and answer this request of mine! I will be grateful to You now and forevermore. Amen.”
Original StAgnes.net prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
To every concerned parent and caregiver, I want you to know that God has not abandoned you in your situation.
He is looking out for you and ensuring that your child with epilepsy is healed.
However, you need to show that you trust Him. this is why you should say this special prayer for this child.
Have a picture of the child with his/her name written boldly at the back of the picture. After saying this prayer, say this Bible verse:
“So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” — Isaiah 41:10.
5) Prayer for a friend with epilepsy

“God, we pray for those who suffer from epilepsy, just like my dear friend (friend’s name). We know that You are a God of healing and we ask that You would heal their bodies and minds from this disease.
Lord, we know that You are the only one who can truly heal them and so we ask that You would touch their lives in a powerful way. We pray for Your comfort for those who suffer from epilepsy and for their families as they walk with them through this difficult time.
As a concerned friend, this is one of the prayers to say for your friend with epilepsy.
As you pray for his/her healing, also ask God for encouragement, comfort, and protection.
This neurological disorder can become depressing in most cases, and the comfort of the Holy Spirit is needed at such moments.
Therefore, by saying the prayer for a friend with epilepsy, you are not just playing your part as a good friend, but also releasing the holy spirit into the heart of your friend for comfort.
6) Prayer for God to help me cure epilepsy

“I ask my Guardian Angel to hear this prayer of mine and to answer this request of mine! Guardian Angel, please watch over my health, watch over my illness and help me overcome all the health problems I have, especially epilepsy.
Allow me to live a better and healthier life and leave epilepsy in the past. Allow this disease to disappear from my life, disappear from my body and my existence.
May the epilepsy go away and may I be healed, with the power of God and my Guardian Angel. Amen.”
Original StAgnes.net prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
This special and powerful prayer is one of the ways to release your faith for your healing.
When you begin to pray, you are releasing God to intervene on your behalf.
There are records in the bible about how people prayed to God and he responded. This is about to be your testimony.
This prayer can be done any time of the day. All that is required is faith. You also need to concentrate.
Set your intentions right, and say the words below out loudly.
You can also say this Bible verse before praying:
“And this is the confidence that we have toward him, that if we ask anything according to his will he hears us. And if we know that he hears us in whatever we ask, we know that we have the requests that we have asked of him.” — 1 John 5:14-15.
7) Prayer for God to help me with my health problems

“O God, the source of all health: So fill my heart with faith in your love, that with calm expectancy I may make room for your power to possess me, and gracefully accept your healing; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.”
This prayer is a special request for God to intervene in your health issues, and provide you with the mental, emotional and spiritual support that is needed to get through this situation.
When you say this prayer, your faith in God is expressed.
As a special request, you can tell your friends to say the prayer with you.
A synergy of spiritual energies will go a long way in ensuring that the desired results are manifested.
Should I trust in the powers of God?
Yes, you should trust in the powers of God.
He is the supreme being, who controls everything on earth. He created the worlds and can recreate them a million times over.
Therefore, you can trust Him to heal you because only a fragment of His power is needed to make that a reality.
For your health problems, it is safe to trust in the powers of God because He will not let you down.
When can I start saying the prayers?
You can start saying these prayers right now.
Just ensure that the following are in place:
- Your prayer point;
- A conducive environment;
- Faith;
- A readiness to pray.
Once all of these are available, the best time to start praying is NOW.
Should I say these prayers to help other people?
Yes, you should say these prayers to help other people.
God wants us to shine the light of love all around us.
One of the ways to do that is by carrying the burden of others even as we pray for them.
Do you have anyone suffering from epilepsy or seizures? Then, get down on your knees and say these prayers for them right now.
Trust in God, He will help you!
No matter what you are going through, I want you to trust in God that everything will be fine. I understand that seizures and epilepsy are not the best diseases to be afflicted with
However, your life is not over yet. Go to God in the place of prayer and trust Him to heal you. Well, I can assure you that the miracle will happen sooner than you expect.