Our Lady of Fatima is the title granted to the Blessed Virgin Mary after she visited three children while herding in Fatima, Portugal.
Holy Mary performed a miracle of making the sun jiggle in the sky under the watch of hundreds of people every time she visited them.
It’s believed that Our Lady taught the children, Blessed Franciso Marto, Jacinta Marto, and Lucia Santos, to pray the Rosary and other prayers. This was to end the then-prevailing war and bring peace into the world.
Since then, the Blessed Virgin Mary has been a prayer icon in the Catholic doctrine, whereby believers trust that she can intercede their request to God. Below are five prayers to Our Lady of Fatima.
1) Short Prayer to Our Lady of Fatima

“O, Blessed Virgin Mary,
Like you visited the children of Fatima and gave them hope for life by teaching them how to pray, may you visit me and my family today.
Please make our devotions bring us closer to God. We pray for strength, peace, and guidance to overcome daily challenges and become warriors of the Gospel.
We pray in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen.”
Original StAgnes.net prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
Sometimes, life may throw different challenges at us, often weakening our faith in God. When such moments come your way, you can always pray to Our Lady of Fatima for hope, strength, and guidance.
The Bible reminds us in Psalm 145:18-19 that:
“The Lord is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth. He fulfills the desires of those who fear him; he hears their cry and saves them.”
While you can say this prayer independently wherever you feel hopeless, you can join other believers in celebrating the Feast of Our Lady of Fatima on May 13th with collective prayers.
During this day, Catholic believers worldwide light candles at different Churches.
Try these miracle Saint Jude prayers for a special request.
2) Miracle Prayer to Our Lady of Fatima

“Our Lady of Fatima,
Through the power of the Most High, you performed the miracle of the sun in Fatima by making it dance before thousands of eyes. Today, I come before you, praying for your miraculous intervention.
May you end the suffering and hopelessness that we have today and replace them with light, love, and peace. I am certain of your miracles today and forever more.
Blessed Virgin Mary graciously hear my petition. Amen.”
Original StAgnes.net prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
Anytime you’re deep in thought, and in dire need of a divine breakthrough, you can confidently say this miracle prayer to Our Lady of Fatima. Present it most humbly, and God will surely intervene in several ways.
Do you believe in miracles? Surely, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” (Matthew 19:26).
Your life is a great miracle, hence, if you’re feeling like you desire God’s presence in your life now, all you need is to ask, and it shall be given.
It’s worth noting that this miracle prayer isn’t reserved for just ‘big’ issues but also the smallest problems that disrupt your peace of mind.
3) 9 Days Prayer to Our Lady of Fatima

“O, Most Holy Virgin Mary,
You came to Fatima and revealed to the three little shepherds the grace that comes from praying the holy Rosary and other prayers. Today, may you inspire us with a sincere love of this prayer so that, like the children, it’s not a tiring task but a life-giving prayer.
May our prayers and meditations on the mysteries of our redemption bring us closer to your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. Our Lady of Fatima, thank you for appearing on the children of Fatima and delivering messages that remain relevant to us today.
We pray again and again for peace in the world and an end to war. May we continue to pray and sacrifice as you requested. Lord Jesus, the miracles, prophecies, and prayers that Your mother brought to us at Fatima amazed the entire world.
We are certain of her closeness to You. We ask through the intercession of Blessed Mary that you graciously hear and answer our prayers, especially (mention your request).
There are nine Novenas said to Our Lady of Fatima with different intentions.
The first and last parts are quite similar to all Novenas, while the middle part covers various devotions and requests of the believers through Mary. The above is the original prayer.
Also save these miracle prayers to St. Christopher for a safe drive.
4) Healing Prayer to Our Lady of Fatima

“Mother of Jesus,
I come before your presence today, praying for healing. May you heal our hearts, minds, and bodies from various misfortunes so we may continue praising the Lord.
Sometimes, I may not fulfill my goals because I face different battles in my physical, mental, and spiritual health. I pray that You pray for my healing from your Son, Jesus Christ.
Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for me. Amen.”
Original StAgnes.net prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
In times of physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual hardships, it’s easy to become stressed as we constantly think of when things will get better. Many times, regaining your energy again can be a difficult and straining process.
However, it’s essential to remember that you’re not alone in this, and there are paths you can follow to heal and regain your strength and peace once again. One of the most effective oaths is saying this healing prayer with faith and trust.
Speak Jeremiah 17:14 unto yourself, saying, “Heal me, Lord, and I will be healed. Save me, and I will be saved, for you are my heart’s desire.”
5) Powerful Miracle Prayer to Ask Help to Our Lady of Fatima

“Immaculate Virgin,
I humbly cry unto you from the bottom of my heart to see me in my need. I beg for your intercession to your Son, our Savior Jesus Christ, so that I may receive a powerful miracle.
Dear Mary, please pray for the forgiveness of our sins so our prayers may receive favor before God. Teach us to live according to the Word and find hope in the holy Rosary.
Loving Mary, hear us, Amen.”
Original StAgnes.net prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
You can make your requests to Our Lady of Fatima and she will in return intercede on your behalf to God.
But how do you make your prayers more sincere for immediate action? First, you should be converted by neglecting the ways of sin and living according to the Holy Word.
Secondly, it’s essential to faithfully honor the devotion of the First Saturdays by taking the Communion of reparation. Displaying a picture of the Blessed Virgin Mary in a place of honor in your office or house would be an added advantage.
Priests and other Church leaders also urge believers to say the Rosary daily and, if possible, with their friends or families. That way, you will have made your Novenas to Our Lady of Fatima more practical.
Before you leave, try the Saint Benefict prayers for spiritual protection.
Will Lady of Fatima Really Help Me?
Why not? You should never doubt the power of your devotion to Our Lady of Fatima. The Blessed Virgin Mary was chosen among all women to become the bearer of the life of Jesus Christ on earth.
Therefore, you can confidently believe in her ability to help you through these prayers, especially if you honor the above ‘criteria’ of faith. Furthermore, you should say these prayers with unwavering trust, believing God will hear your request through her intercession.
Can I Pray These Prayers Every Day?
Indeed, you can say these prayers every day independently or alongside the Novena of the Holy Rosary. Novenas to Our Lady of Fatima incorporate different requests relating to daily life frustrations and needs.
Therefore, saying them every day will not only guide you in dealing with different situations but also improve your faith in God.
Can I Pray More Than One Prayer?
A big YES! You can pray two, three, or all of the five prayers to Our Lady of Fatima. Even better, you can undertake the nine-day Novenas to Our Lady of Fatima challenge, allowing you to pray more and deepen your trust.
Nevertheless, it’s crucial to understand that the number of prayers doesn’t matter; how much faith you portray through your devotions does. Above all, avoiding sins and honoring the Word of God would make the prayers work.
Final Thoughts
Prayers to Our Lady of Fatima offer a glorious opportunity to air our concerns and needs to the Most High. Hopefully, the above five samples will benefit you as you seek divine intervention for different situations and issues.
However, you shouldn’t only say the prayers when faced with a life-and-death struggle but rather make them a part of your life. Remember to intercede for others including those you aren’t close to, and God will bless you more.