Why do you need to pray this prayer? You should pray this prayer when you find yourself in a time of chaos, calamity, or any other desperate need in your life because Saint Jude is the patron saint of hopeless cases and calamity.
He is also the saint who has been given the task of special heavenly intercession.
He brings to God’s attention all your desperate needs, which could be a family crisis, a life threatening illness, the thought of suicide, or anything that threatens your life.
We can call on this saint whenever we are faced with situations out of our control. We should never despair, but if we do, we have Saint Jude waiting for us to call on him. For this purpose, you can pray the three day Saint Jude Miracle Prayer, never known to fail.
Before you start, save the 3 day miracle prayer to Mother Mary.
About The 3 Day St. Jude Miracle Prayer

This prayer is meant to be said for three days in a row. Its power lies in that. It is a powerful prayer for those who are in desperate need of various kinds. So, it does not matter what it is; you can pray this prayer.
It is for those who seek solutions for difficulties; for those who seek guidance and hope. Most of all, if you need an intervention in your life, you can call on Saint Jude through this prayer.
Say the prayer for three days in a row, and you will find that it is true that it never fails.
It is an important prayer if you are truly seeking deliverance from any hardship.
3 Day St. Jude Miracle Prayer: Never Known To Fail

“Most holy Apostle, St. Jude, faithful servant and friend of Jesus, the Church honors and invokes you universally as the patron of difficult cases, of things almost despaired of, Pray for me; I am so helpless and alone.
Intercede with God for me that He bring visible and speedy help where help is almost despaired of.
Come to my assistance in this great need that I may receive the consolation and help of heaven in all my necessities, tribulations, and sufferings, particularly
(Mention your request here…)
And that I may praise God with you and all the saints forever. I promise, O Blessed St. Jude, to be ever mindful of this great favor granted me by God, to always honor you as my special and powerful patron, and to gratefully encourage devotion to you.
Pray these powerful prayers to Mother Mary for a miracle.
How Should I Pray This Prayer?
As mentioned, you pray this prayer over three days. The following guidelines tell you what to do:
- On Day One: Call on Saint Jude to hear your cries.
Begin by praying the prayer. Petition, Saint Jude, to intercede with God for your particular need. You can tell him how urgent your need is and that you trust that he is able to bring urgent relief.
- On Day Two: Continue to petition Saint Jude.
You pray the prayer again on day two. Invoke your firm belief in the prayer and the answer you will receive. Believe and affirm that Saint Jude’s will bring about the changes you desire.
- On Day Three: You should focus on thanking Saint Jude for hearing your cries.
On day three, you repeat the three Day St. Jude Miracle Prayer. For this day, though, the emphasis and focus are on being thankful and being filled with gratitude.
It is about thanking Saint Jude for whatever the outcome might be. Thank him also for his comfort and the peace he brings to you.
Suggestion: Find a quiet area in your home and set it up for the three days you are going to pray this prayer. Place an image of St. Jude somewhere in the space and light a candle. You can use a prayer card or your phone when you repeat the prayer over the next three days.
What Is The Best Day To Pray This Prayer?
It is possible to pray the three Day St. Jude Miracle Prayer at any time of the year. That means any three days of the year. However, if you have the time to wait, you can start the prayer three days before the feast day of the saints.
This will fall within the novenas. Even though you can choose any day of the year, it would be greatly effective before the feasts of the saints.
Is the Prayer to St. Jude Really Miraculous?
Prayers to Saint Jude take on many forms. It depends on what the desperate need is in your life.
Praying the three Day St. Jude Miracle Prayer can bring about the changes you want and need in your life. It is especially true if you pray the prayer three days in a row. This will ensure that you receive the answer to your request.
There are several testimonies of how God provided through the intecessary prayer of the patron saint, Jude. You can therefore know that the prayer is indeed miraculous.
Before you leave, also try the Father Rookey Miracle prayer.
Final Thoughts
All Christians should have a prayer life. Praying prepared prayers is a way of making contact with God, especially if we are in despair and at a loss. Hence, prayers such as the three Day St. Jude Miracle Prayer can be a valuable aid to your prayer life.
We all face desperation and grave needs at times. By following the steps given here, you will be able to focus your prayer time on what you need.
Saint Jude is the patron saint of hopeless cases, as many can attest. You can read the many testimonies online. The patron saint is known to have saved many people from desperate situations and many different types of crises.
If you are in despair today, praying the three Day St. Jude Miracle Prayer can help you find peace.
You will be able to ask Saint Jude to intercede for you in reaching God, the Father. Ask him to ask God for healing in times of illness, difficulties, family crises, and especially when you have lost all hope.