When you live in a world that is full of uncertainties, evil and so many bad things happening at the same time, the need of protection becomes paramount. Sadly, even if you get people to protect you, look after your family, home and children, the ultimate protection still comes from God.
Believe it, the protection from God cannot be compared to any other and this is why you must go to God in prayer to ask for protection.
Thankfully, as Christians, we have patriarchs/ saints of old who are constantly interceding for us in prayers, so you can always pray to them to keep interceding for you.
In this article, we’ll be covering 5 St. Benedict prayer for protection you can say everyday or for as long as you want. Many people have said these prayers and they have attested to how powerful these prayers are.
1) Original Short St. Benedict Prayer For Protection

“Oh, Glorious St. Benedict,
I thank you for continually praying for us your children. So far, I am grateful for the protection that my friends, family and loved ones have enjoyed.
I have come before thee today to ask that you continue to look after us. Thank you for interceding to God for us and I pray that your intercession for us never ends.
As this new week is set before us, let our going out and coming in be under your protection.
Original StAgnes.net prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
The prayer of protection is one of the most important prayers you should say.
In fact, it doesn’t matter if you say this prayer once every day or thrice a day because you need God’s protection in almost every you do.
Already you know that St. Benedict is always there to intercede for us and if you’re not sure how to pray for protection, saying this short St. Benedict prayer of protection is a good place to start.
Also try these miracle St. Servatius prayers for healing.
2) Saint Benedict Prayer For Protection For Children

“Dear Saint Benedict,
I am in complete awe of how you love us and continue to look out for us. For years, you have always been there, interceding for us and ensuring that we have the utmost protection, and for that I am grateful.
Today, I have come to pray and intercede for the children. Oh Precious Saint, please look upon the little ones and pour forth your protection. Watch over them and fill them with love for each other.
Original StAgnes.net prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
If there are people who need the prayer of protection always, then it’s always going to be children.
This is because, most times, children do not know the right type of prayers to say, and this is where you come in as a guardian or parent.
Praying this prayer of protection is very important for children because you will not always be around to look after them all the time.
Aside from always being around them, no one can protect your children as God does, and this is why you must always commit the children to his mighty hands.
I believe you should pray the 3 day miracle prayer to St. Jude.
3) St. Benedict Prayer For Spiritual Protection

“Admirable St. Benedict,
Truly you are the saint after God’s heart, love and image. The world and our lives are a better place because of your graciousness and love toward the people.
As humans, we know it’s not easy to constantly pray to God or Intercede for others, but your love for us has kept you in the place of intercessions. I come humbly on my knees to pray for your spiritual protection.
Let no harm come to me, Amen.”
Original StAgnes.net prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
This St. Benedict prayer of spiritual protection is a very powerful and effective prayer.
If you never knew that there was a thing like spiritual attacks, now you know, because there would be no need for spiritual protection If there isn’t anything threatening you spiritually.
The Bible has instructed us to not be ignorant of the devices of the devil, and to protect ourselves from the devices of the devil, we need a spiritual covering. This is where the prayer for spiritual protection comes in.
The book of 2 Samuel 22:3-4 says:
“My God is my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation. He is my stronghold, my refuge and my savior — from violent people you save me. “I called to the Lord, who is worthy of praise, and have been saved from my enemies.”
Also pray the Saint Christopher prayer for a safe travel.
4) St. Benedict Prayer Of Protection Against Negative Energy

“Oh, Holy St. Benedict, I thank thee for your love and thoughtfulness towards us.
My family and I thank you together for your protection in our lives. We would be ungrateful if we did not show you how appreciative we are to you, holy Saint.
Right now, I pray thee that you protect my family and me against negative energies.
Whatever area of our lives has negative energy, let your protection cover us and keep us only where positivity dwells, Amen.”
Original StAgnes.net prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
Believe it or not, the same way you pray for your daily bread, provisions and financial open doors is the same way you should pray for protection against negative energy.
The world we live in today is full of so many negative energies and if you’re not careful, you’re likely going to fall into the pit dug by these negative energies.
This is why it is very important that you say this protection prayer against negative energy as much as you can.
The book of Psalms 3:3-5 says:
“But you, Lord, are a shield around me, my glory, the One who lifts my head high. I call out to the Lord, and he answers me from his holy mountain. I lie down and sleep; I wake again, because the Lord sustains me.”
5) Saint Benedict Prayer For Protection Against My Enemies

“Oh Glorious St. Benedict, I praise you.
Thank you for your work in our lives and for always talking to the father on our behalf.
You are the most admiral saint and we do not take for granted your love for us. I implore thee, oh St. Benedict, that you deliver me from the hands of mine enemies.
Truly, my enemies have gathered against me and they plot evil for me. Please, protect me from the hands of my enemies, and cause me to always be multiple steps ahead of them.
Original StAgnes.net prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
If you think you’re such a sweetheart, everyone loves you, you have no enemies and no one would plot any harm against you because you’re too kind, then you are completely wrong.
You should know by now that in the kind of society you live in, you don’t need to offend anyone to have enemies. People could hate your guts simply because of the way you look, talk, dress or the shade of lipstick you wear.
So, it is imperative that you take this protection prayer against enemies very seriously.
The book of Psalms 140:4 says:
“Keep me safe, Lord, from the hands of the wicked; protect me from the violent, who devise ways to trip my feet.”
Before you leave, save the Saint Jude prayer for financial help.
Will St. Benedict Really Help Me?
Yes, St. Benedict will definitely help you. He has a track record of always answering our prayers and taking them to God. So be rest assured that the help you seek will come to you.
Can I Light a Candle For This Saint?
Yes, you can light a candle while saying this prayer. You could see this as your way of honoring our glorious Saint Benedict.
What Is The Best Day To Pray To Say This Saint?
In all honesty, any day works. There’s no best day or preferred day to pray to this saint. You can say your prayers whenever you want to, and they will be answered.
St. Benedict Will help You!
Like we said earlier, the prayer of protection is one of the most important prayers you need to say, literally every day.
Mainly because you need God’s protection in almost everything you do, everywhere you go and in every area of your life. Praying to St. Benedict for protection is one of the great ways to say the prayer of protection.
This is because St. Benedict is always there to present our prayers to God and intercede on our behalf. The prayers in this article are very powerful and once you say them, you will feel the overwhelming presence of God and his protection around you.