Nobody likes exams and tests. Personally, I don’t! Now, don’t get me wrong. This does not mean I am not a learning freak (I am).
However, the stress of reading for hours and preparing to write exams and tests is what I hate — coupled with the fact that you might still get below your expected score.
Later on, I discovered that there was more to just reading for exams. There is the place of prayers and fasting (I will leave out the fasting aspect in this article).
From my experience, these 8 prayers can get you a guaranteed score on your exam or test.
Are you ready for a brilliant academic journey? Read this article till the end.
1) Short prayer for passing a test

“Lord, I gave all of me to this test, I applied myself with all my strength, with all my will and with all my determination.
I ask You to help me receive the reward for all this effort and to help me pass this test. Thank you for listening to me Lord, thank You for hearing this prayer of mine and for answering my requests. Amen.”
Original prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
In my high school, tests come before examinations. If you perform below par in your tests, it will affect your overall score at the end of the term.
This is why it is important to get good grades on your tests.
Well, beyond reading, there is also a place for prayer and this short prayer fits perfectly into the mold.
Before you write any test, say this short prayer to God.
He will guide you on what to write and how to answer the questions that will be pleasing to your teacher or instructor.
Furthermore, immediately after you are done with the test, ensure you repeat this same word of prayer to God before submitting your test sheets.
2) Powerful prayer to pass an exam

“Dear Lord, as I take this exam, I thank you that my value is not based on my performance, but on your great love for me.
Come into my heart so that we can walk through this time together. Help me, not only with this test, but the many tests of life that are sure to come my way.
As I take this exam, bring back to my mind everything I studied and be gracious with what I have overlooked.
A Salesian Prayer
Help me to remain focused and calm, confident in the facts and in my ability, and firm in the knowledge that no matter what happens today you are there with me.”
This does not have to be within an educational context. Therefore, if you are about to write a promotional exam for your job, you can say this prayer as well.
You might need to tweak some of the words a bit to fit properly into the context of your examination.
Now, one of the things you should expect from this prayer is divine help from God.
For example, if you forget a detail (which you need to add to your answers), the Holy Spirit will remind you.
You will notice several unusual things happening around you during the examination, which will bring about a positive result in the long run.
Say this Bible verse after praying:
“ For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” — Jeremiah 29:11.
3) Powerful prayer for a friend to pass an exam

“Saint Agnes, today I pray for someone who needs Your help more than I do. Today I pray to You for a friend who needs Your help more than ever to succeed in life.
My friend’s name is (friend’s name). This friend needs Your help to pass a very important exam in his/her life, to be successful and to get through this phase of his/her life.
He/she needs to pass the exam: (talk about the exam).
I don’t ask You much Santa Agnes, I just ask You to help that person calm down to take the exam. I ask that You help that person to have the patience to study. And I ask that You help that person to be smart enough to pass the exam quickly.
Saint Agnes, help my friend, please. Amen.”
Original prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
You can say this prayer for your friend(s) who might need help passing an examination.
Begin this prayer by thanking God for the success of your friend’s exam. This is an act of faith.
Also, gratitude brings down the hand of God. It also calls the attention of God. It is almost like showing God your thanksgiving.
The next thing is to introduce your prayer by speaking about “why your friend needs to pass this exam”.
Afterward, you can begin to say this powerful prayer with faith that God hears you and will answer everything you ask Him.
This powerful prayer has the positive energy to bring results instantly.
Make sure you encourage your friend to read, put in his best, and have faith in the prayers you’ve said over his exam.
4) Short prayer for exam success

“May the help, protection and blessing of Jesus be with me when I go to take my test (tell me which test you are going to take).
May the protection of Jesus be with me, may the wisdom of Jesus be with me and may the miraculous help of Jesus be with me and help me succeed in this exam!
With the company and help of Jesus, I know that I will be able to pass the exam, be successful and achieve my goals. Amen.”
Original prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
Examination success is necessary for promotion.
Therefore, this short prayer is an important way to get success in your exam.
The major thing you should ask for is the spirit of wisdom and knowledge. This is just as Solomon asked.
With the spirit of wisdom and knowledge, you will understand the questions asked and also be able to answer as expected.
You can also ask for the spirit of excellence and the spirit of divine favor.
Through this prayer, things will align in your favor. The questions will be simple to answer, and your expected/desired result will be granted to you.
As it says in the Bible, in James 1:5, we must ask God for wisdom.
“If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.“
5) Prayer for good luck on test

“Almighty God, I am going to take an exam that is very important for me, for my life and for my professional future, and I need Your help so that everything goes well.
I can’t go through this alone, I can’t overcome this challenge, and that’s why I pray to You, that You help me in this important phase of my life.
I need You Father to calm me down. Give me the confidence, the strength and the wisdom to successfully pass this complicated exam.
I need Your presence while I take the exam to stay focused, to know what to answer and to have the patience to take the exam and get all the questions right.
God Father, stay with me during the exam, help me to pass the first time and do not abandon me in this period of difficulty. Amen.”
Original prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
Good luck cannot be trivialized in life. This also applies to educational pursuits like writing examinations or tests.
A prayer like this is important. Ensure you state this clearly and with faith.
Tell God that you need to have good luck with your test. Ensure you let Him know that you trust Him to bring success and breakthrough in your test.
You can also specifically tell Him to give you good grades.
6) Prayer for exam success for my daughter

“God Father, be with my daughter right now as she prepares for exams.
Attract good luck to her paths, help her to be calm, strong and hopeful about the exam.
Allow my daughter to get the intelligence she needs to pass the exam. Allow my daughter to succeed, get all the questions right and pass the exam quickly.
Thank you Father, for helping my daughter and for always being there. I will be forever grateful to You, with all my love, affection and all my faith. Amen.”
Original prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
As a father or mother, this is a prayer you should make for the exam success of your daughter.
Nothing brings pride to a parent more than seeing your daughter excelling in her academic pursuits.
Also, failure can affect the psychological state of your daughter and this must be prevented at all costs.
Therefore, begin to say this prayer from now. You can choose to start praying a few days or a few weeks before her examination.
If she is nearby, visit her and say this prayer with her.
You can lay your hands on her and pray for wisdom and assimilation.
“Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: And with all thy getting get understanding.” — Proverbs 4:7.
7) Prayer for someone taking a test

“God, I ask that You help (person’s name) to pass the test (say what test) once and for all. I ask You to guide this person throughout the test so that they can calmly take the test and complete it successfully.
May Your presence be with (name of person) as they take the exam. May you help him/her to have patience, intelligence and persistence to get all the questions right and pass successfully once and for all.
Thank You for listening to me Father God, thank You for helping that special person for me and for never leaving us. Amen.”
Original prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
Do you know someone planning to take a test? Then, this is a special prayer to say for them.
Trust God for excellence and good grades on the test. Also, pray for the mind of the person.
With your prayer, take away every form of distraction that might affect the mental state of the person taking the test or examination.
To make this prayer effective, try using mediums like an academic book and write the name of the person on a piece of white paper.
8) Short prayer before a test or exam

“My God, I’m going to take a very important exam soon (Talk about the exam) and I don’t know how it’s going to go.
I’m nervous, not knowing what to do or what to think, and that’s why I pray to You, that’s why I turn to You and Your help in this moment of great instability.
I need You to help me be lucky in this exam, to help me stay calm, gain strength and get all the questions right. I strongly ask You to help me pass this exam the first time.
I count and believe in Your help, now and forever. Amen.”
Original prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
When you are in the examination or test hall, say this prayer a few moments before writing the exam or test.
In this prayer, thank God for success and remind Him of His promise to You in the bible.
In addition to this, ask Him to bring everything you have read back to your remembrance.
With this, you will remember what you have read and be able to answer questions skillfully.
This prayer brings good luck to you, grants you favor before the marker, and causes you to stand out among other people.
Should I pray before the exam?
Yes, you should pray before the exam because of the following reasons:
- It is one of the ways to acknowledge God before writing your exam;
- You can take that as an opportunity to ask God for success, wisdom, and knowledge;
- You can also use this as a time to bring good luck and positive energy back to your mind.
These and many more are the reasons you should pray before your exam.
Will these prayers calm me down?
Yes, they will calm you down.
Prayer has therapeutic benefits. It can relieve you of stress and anxiety. Also, because you talk to God through prayers, He will fill you with hope and courage to write your exams.
This is why you should not forget to say some of these prayers before writing your exam. You don’t want your mind to be disorganized before the exam.
Can I pray for other students?
Yes, you can pray for other students. This is a good way to show that you love and care for other people.
God will see this act of Love and reward you greatly.
Ensure you include their names. However, if they are too much, then, generalize the prayer.
Everything will work out! God will be by your side
Always remember that you are never alone — even in your examination hall. God is always with you and will be by your side.
Therefore, don’t be scared of anything. Just say these prayers, have faith and approach every question with confidence that you will come out successful.