Warning: None of the prayers in this article are intended to replace the need for professional medical monitoring, medical examinations, diagnoses or treatments. You should always consult your doctor and seek professional help.
Having a good medical test goes a long way in affecting your mental and emotional well-being. Some fall into depression because they got negative medical test results.
Having a good medical test can be gotten through prayer. You can pray to God about the medical test and expect positive results to show forth.
In essence, this means that you can pray to God for a good medical test result and get healed in your body as well.
I will discuss 11 powerful prayers in this article. Whenever you use these prayers, expect your medical result to change.
1) Prayer for a good diagnosis

“Father God, today I pray to ask You for good news related to my diagnosis. I pray that You will help me to have faith and hope regarding the results of my diagnosis and that everything will go well. I believe that You will help and protect me during this time of waiting.
I have faith that I will receive good results, because You never abandoned me, because You never ignored me and because You are always by my side.
I trust in You Father to help me at this time and for the results of my diagnosis to be positive. May it be so, now and forever, with your grace and mercy, Amen.”
Original StAgnes.net prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
When you pray for a good diagnosis, you are also praying for your health.
For example, if you have felt weak in your body recently, going to the hospital for a diagnosis is a physical action to know what is in your body. This action has nothing spiritual, right?
However, you can pray for a good diagnosis and get exactly what you said in prayer.
Now, if you get a good diagnosis, what does that mean in essence? It means that you have good health.
Therefore, start praying right now.
2) Awaiting prayer for good medical test results

“Saint Agnes, I am suffering right now as I await the results of my medical tests. I don’t know what to do, I don’t know what to think, I don’t know how to behave. I ask You, Santa Agnes, to help me to be calm while I wait and to help me so that I have good news.
With Your help Santa Agnes, I hope to have good news from my medical report, I hope that everything is nothing more than a scare and that my life returns to normal.
I truly believe that everything will be fine, I have faith, strength and hope as I patiently await the results. Amen.”
Original StAgnes.net prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
Before you say this prayer, you must have carried out a medical test.
The reason is that this special prayer is like an angel you send to follow the doctor into the laboratory.
The awaiting prayer for good medical test results is a powerful prayer to say after you have carried out the medical test result.
It influences the doctors and ensures that the equipment used to analyze the samples are working properly.
Also, you can trust God to get positive results by healing you instantly. This awaiting prayer strengthens your resolve and makes you hopeful for positive news.
You can also say this Bible verse after the prayer:
“Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.” — 1 Corinthians 6:19-20.
3) Prayer for someone waiting for test results

“Father God, I pray to ask You for help for (person’s name) who is currently waiting for the results of her medical tests (talk about the medical tests).
(Person’s name) is nervous, afraid and afraid that his/her test results will be bad, and he/she needs help right now.
Almighty God, first of all, calm the heart of (person’s name), fill his/her heart with hope, strength and faith. Help that person to receive good results and make this nothing more than a scare.
I pray to You God, with all my faith to help this person. I believe that everything will go well, as faith in God is greater than anything in this world. Amen.”
Original StAgnes.net prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
- Are you waiting for the test results?
- Or do you have someone waiting for test results?
This is the prayer to say for this situation.
This prayer addresses several aspects of your loved ones’ life. It brings divine encouragement to their heart.
Beyond that, it ensures that everything goes according to plan, and your expectations are not disappointing.
Say a prayer for your mind. Trust God to bring peace to their heart despite the news that comes from the results.
4) Prayer for good news from doctor

“Santa Agnes, hear this request of mine, hear this prayer and answer this request that I need so much. Saint Agnes, help me to receive good news from my doctor! Help me to have good news regarding my exams and my health status.
May this whole moment of panic be nothing more than a scare. May all this despair be in vain. That nothing is wrong with me, with my body or with my health.
Saint Agnes, may my doctor bring me good news so that I can continue to live my life.
I say this prayer in Your name Saint Agnes, Amen.”
Original StAgnes.net prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
One of the ways to say this prayer is by asking St. Anges for the good result that will come from the doctor.
Yes, you have not seen the result, but this is an act of faith.
After you are done thanking St.Agnes, then, go ahead to pray for good news from your doctor.
Tell Her that you desire to see only positive results from the doctor.
Tell St.Agnes to fix all the needs to be fixed to ensure that good news is given to you.
Before saying this prayer, I recommend that you say this powerful Bible verse:
“Nevertheless, I will bring health and healing to it; I will heal my people and will let them enjoy abundant peace and security.” — Jeremiah 33:6.
5) Prayer for negative test results

“My God, You who helps me so much, I know that I turn to You a lot, I know that I ask for Your help a lot, but I need You, Your help and Your protection!
I need You to help me in this phase of great anxiety, great suffering and great uncertainty. I am going to receive the results of my medical tests and I need Your help, Your interception and Your goodwill.
I need the results to be negative, that there is nothing wrong with me, my body or my health.
My God, help me to have negative results in this exam, help me, please!
So be it, now and forevermore, Amen.”
Original StAgnes.net prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
Have you gotten a negative test result?
Well, this is not the end of your life. No matter how impossible it might seem, you need to stay in the place of prayer.
This special prayer is a sign that you trust God enough to bring an end to the sickness — as revealed by the result.
Also, pray to God to help your heart to remain peaceful and calm during this dark moment in your life.
6) Positive result prayer for good medical test results

“Dear Lord, as my loved ones and I await the results of medical tests, I offer you our anxieties for our own good and for your glory. Calm us in our worries, knowing these don’t add wisdom but rather stress to the situation.
Enlighten us, through the power of your Spirit, to make wise decisions about treatment.
Heal my/our affliction. Help us not to turn away from You in these fragile, painful moments, but rather towards you for grace and strength.
Comfort us as we seek you now and place all of our concerns into your loving hands as we say Thy Will Be Done. Amen.”
This is a special and powerful way to ask God for what you desire.
When you say this prayer, create an image in your heart concerning the things you desire to see in your life.
For example, if you went for a cancer test, create an image in your heart of not having cancer.
Ensure you focus on that image in your heart. Once that is done, the next thing is to speak things forth through this positive prayer.
You can pray in the morning and also continue the same at night.
You can end this prayer with Proverbs 3:5-8:
“Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. Be not wise in your own eyes; fear the LORD, and turn away from evil. It will be healing to your flesh and refreshment to your bones.“
7) Prayer for good biopsy results

“Father God, I am so nervous as I wait for my biopsy results. I am very nervous because I am afraid that something is wrong, that something is wrong and that my health is bad.
That’s why I pray to You, to bless my biopsy results, to keep negativity, bad luck and all evil from the results.
Good God, please don’t let it be cancer! Don’t let it be something evil! Don’t let it be something serious that destroys my health, my life and my happiness.
God in heaven, bless my health, bless the biopsy result, and let me have good news. Amen.”
Original StAgnes.net prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
A biopsy is crucial. You should not do a test like this and go to sleep.
Ensure you say this prayer every day — until the result comes forth.
This prayer shows that you believe in God to get a positive test result.
It is an expression of your desire. God wants to hear your desires because He is willing to answer.
8) Prayer for good blood test results

“God’s graces are going to enter my life right now to cure all my illnesses. God’s graces are going to enter my life right now to heal my blood. God’s good will will enter my life so that all the tests are negative, so that everything is fine with me, with my health and with my blood.
I ask God to help me receive good results for my blood tests so that all is well with me, my body and my health.
I pray to God that the results come quickly and that they are good. I pray for good news, please, please! Amen.”
Original StAgnes.net prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
Going for a blood test might be for various reasons. However, you must not forget to trust God in the place of prayer for a positive blood test result.
This special prayer should be made every day — till the result comes out as expected.
Sometimes, this special prayer is a powerful act of faith.
It helps to deny all odds and focus only on God’s power and how you need His help.
Therefore, don’t stop saying this prayer.
9) Prayer for good urine test results

“My God, let my urine test results be clean, good, and satisfactory. Allow that everything goes well during the tests and that the result is what I expect. Don’t allow anything bad to happen to me, the urine test or the result. Help me with Your strength to get the results I need.
I believe in You, in Your strength and in Your goodwill. With a lot of faith I pray this prayer and with a lot of hope I say goodbye to You.
In Jesus’s name, Amen.”
Original StAgnes.net prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
This is specific. Unlike some of the prayers in this article, this prayer addresses a specific medical test, which is the urine test.
Those who are going for this test can say this prayer. Also, those who have done the test but are awaiting the result can pray this.
Start this prayer by asking for the test to be clean and satisfactory. Afterward, ensure you tender your petition one after the other, and talk to God about your expectations.
Believe in your heart that God desires to answer your prayers. Trust me, He wants to hear your deepest concerns.
This is why you should go to him in the place of prayer, and trust Him to give you a positive urine test result.
The implication of this means that you are praying to God to heal you of any disease that might be discovered through your urine.
10) Prayer for good news from doctor

“Gracious God, as I wait for the results of this testing, I pray that You would build up my trust in You. Help me have that childlike faith, believing in Your mercy and Your great power, so that no matter whether I get a good report or a bad one, I know it’ll be okay. Lord, You are my help and my deliverer. May You be magnified in my life. Amen.”
Everyone wants to hear good news from their doctors. There is nothing to be ashamed of as regards this.
All you need to do is spend time praying to God about it. This special prayer is powerful enough to influence the decisions of your doctor.
When you say this prayer, use your picture as a point of contact.
As an additional element, practice positive affirmations by confessing good things about your health and the test result you are expecting.
Biblically, prayer releases positive energy. As you pray, positive energy will be released over your health, which will also influence your doctor’s decision and grant you the expected positive news.
11) Video Prayer
Will these prayers really help me?
Yes, these prayers will help you by working on your:
- Health;
- Sample of blood, urine, or your body parts that have been taken for analysis;
- Mindset by restoring calmness;
- Doctor’s decision.
These are a few of the things you should expect from these prayers.
Can I pray for someone else?
Yes, you can say these prayers for someone else.
Spiritually, this prayer will not only work for you. It will work for those around you as well.
If someone around you has to go to the hospital for a test, you can pick these prayers one after the other.
The only difference is that you will have to change some tenses, and include the name of the person.
This directs the energy of the prayer toward the person involved.
Should I pray while waiting for test results?
Yes, you should pray while waiting for test results.
This keeps your mind conditioned. It also keeps you focused and positive.
Additionally, these prayers will bring the hand of God into the situation. It will also work on your health.
Therefore, it is best to keep praying even while you wait for test results.
It’s going to be all right. Believe in God!

You need to be strong in your faith right now. Stop concluding the outcome of the test result in your heart.
If you have prayed, then, leave everything in the hands of God. Everything will be alright.
With these 11 prayers for good medical test results, you will be assured of getting positive outcomes.