The great Oshun, founder of love, femininity and wealth, is recognized widely among the worshippers of Santeria or the rule of Ifa and Osha.
Invoking the seductive Orisha through prayers for love, wealth, and protection offers immense energies that come with blessings. This powerful deity is also highly versed in love matters, an area that tears the hair out of many in the current world.
This article takes you on a spiritual journey on five amazing prayers concerning love, wealth and protection that you can say to Oshun.
Before you even start, save these Shango prayers.
1) Oshun Prayer for Love

“Oh, Blessed mother Oshun,
I praise your sensuality and your wisdom. Great queen of love and the mother of the energy that love radiates, today I come to you for help. Love does not come easy for me, and so finding the true one has not been a light journey.
I pray that your mysteries and secrets, bring into my life a genuine person who will cherish me forever. Please mother, grant me the strength, patience and sweetness so that love knocks on my door. Ashe.”
Original prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
If you are on the quest for true love, learn to apply this prayer to Oshun, the owner of love, to find that special someone.
Before you start praying, ensure to love yourself first and be confident about your qualities so that Oshun is pleased. The idea is to dwell on feeling beautiful and admiring yourself.
It is necessary to undress in front of a full-length mirror and look at every inch of your body without criticism. Carefully observe all your curves and gifts, from the color of your skin, your face, your butt and even to overlooked areas like your knees or armpits.
Turn to Oshun with this prayer so that your beloved will sigh for your beauty.
2) Oshun Short Prayer for Wealth

“Goddess Oshun, I greet thee,
I plead with you today that you may pour the blessings of wealth and the energy of prosperity upon me. Enable the spirit of money to lodge in my astral, transforming the well-being of my affairs.
May you hear my words and bring me abundance and wealth. Ashe.”
Original prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
Applied specifically by the rule of Osha or the Santeria, this prayer for wealth directed to Oshun incorporates the Catholic and Yoruba religions.
Remember that this goddess is surrounded by copper and her statement color is yellow. Copper, yellow and gold are crucial elements that refer to wealth.
So to invoke Oshun as you say this prayer, you can light a candle and have a bouquet of five sunflowers. Doing so will please this deity given that sunflowers are her favorite flowers.
3) Prayer to Oshun for Spiritual Protection

“I praise Oshun, the spirit of mystery that protects my physical and spiritual body.
May you protect me from the spirit of darkness that passes over me. Shield my four cardinal points: north, south, east and west so that no harm will penetrate. Always walk in front of me and make evil spirits depart with your eyes.
Save me from illness, death, loss and misfortune so that everything in my life is safe. Ashe.”
Original prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
Praying to Oshun increases hope and trust so that you get the protection we all need in this unpredictable world. Oshun stops evil from coming your way forever.
As the protector of homes, it is crucial to venerate and remember this divine being in every aspect of our dwellings. Oshun is also a keen protector from childhood to even adolescence of the new lives that are generated in your family.
Saying this prayer to the great goddess leads to balance, harmony, stability and union of the family unit and the spirituality that surrounds the home.
4) Oshun Prayer to Save My Marriage

“Beautiful and Miraculous Oshun,
I invoke before your presence to light my marriage path. You who know my unquenchable thirst for genuine love and a long lasting union, thus I implore you to salvage my marriage and bring back the eternal bond I once had with my partner.
May my husband/wife never want someone other than me. May the sighs of (name of spouse) only belong to me.
Blessed Oshun, I trust and commit my beloved to your power so that my name is always in your thoughts. Ashe.”
Original prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
As mentioned before, Oshun is the goddess of love, so protecting the sanctity of marriage is of utmost importance to her. This prayer is made to the deity to increase the desire and love of one’s spouse or enliven love.
Oshun is said to be akin to the Virgen de la Caridad del Cobre, and approaching her through this prayer, can bring angry lovers closer by fostering trust. Prayers to the goddess for a marriage in trouble are perceived to be the best that can be practised.
5) Oshun Prayer for a Special Request

“Oshun, the owner of love and sweet waters,
I approach you with a special request, seeking your assistance and guidance. Please bestow upon me grace and healing so that I can find solace during this time of confusion.
Hear my plea and help me find a solution to my (name the special request) with the powers of your compassionate spirit. Bless me with love, patience and understanding as I navigate life’s challenges. Ashe!”
Original prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
This prayer is made to Oshun to ask for a special favor to resolve any issue that affects us. The goddess and her miraculous powers will always help and support you to solve your problem.
When you call on her to come to your aid, you must always have a lot of faith as well as love and respect for her abilities.
You must understand that Oshun adores the attention of those who call to her, so you must be kind, humble and attentive when saying this prayer. In return, she will listen to you and bless you.
Before you leave, try these Obatala prayers for protection and peace.
Who is Oshun?
Oshun is a goddess and the youngest Orisha serving under the Supreme Being Oludumare (creator of the universe).
She is popular in the Yoruba and Santeria cultures and is considered one of the seven African Powers. Apart from Oshun, she goes by other name variations like Ochun, Osun and Oxum. The name Oshun means “source”.
She is believed to be the patroness of the sweet waters, including springs, streams, rivers, lakes and waterfalls.
The beautiful goddess not only controls the fresh waters, but she can also influence love, health, and wealth among other issues that impact our lives.
She is a specialist in granting wishes concerning feelings and romance as long as the prayers are made correctly. She is also credited with the ability to restore the health of sick and brokenhearted people.
Oshun is a powerful entity and is taken into account as the queen of the witches because of her magic and mysticism. She is well known for casting love charms. She is also full of wisdom and great charisma and characterized by being cheerful, kind and generous.
Likewise, this beautiful goddess loves to dance and laugh a lot. Therefore, it is said that she is present where people are full of laughter and merry-making. It is also said that she is present where there is flirtatious energy because she is the queen of seduction.
Will Oshun Really Help Me with My Requests?
Absolutely! Oshun is a specialist in granting requests connected to feelings and the heart.
She does this as long as you say your prayers with respect and invoke her correctly. Her main specialties include matters of love, fertility and pregnancy, success and protection.
When Can I Start Praying?
According to some people and Yoruba religious experts, Saturday is considered the best day to make prayers as well as rituals to Oshun.
Saturday is specifically important when the prayer to the Oshun dancer of the five handkerchiefs is conducted and involves lighting a yellow or gold candle.
Before you start praying, it is recommended to get your heart and feelings in the right place.
People who invoke this goddess should be happy and positive so that she can grant their requests. You must also make your prayers with great certainty of receiving your wishes.
Hopefully, this post has attained the purpose of enlightening you on this not very elaborated subject of praying to Oshun.
Remember you can approach the goddess on crucial life matters such as marriage, love, prosperity and protection. As you call to her for help, it is of utmost importance to show faith so she can bless you.