One of the best blessings a child can have in life is a mother. This is because a mother’s love cannot be compared to anything.
As Christians, one of the greatest advantages we have is a mother. Not just any mother, but our Great Mother Mary who listens to the prayers and cries of her children, and grants their heart desires.
Everyone can affirm the fact that our great mother Mary has a track record of answering all our prayers.
If you are currently in need of a miracle, you do not have to worry or panic, all you need is to go down on your knees and pray to mother Mary to cause the miracle you want, to happen.
Unsure of the prayers to say? In this article, we will be covering very powerful prayers you can say to our great mother Mary for a miracle.
Before you even start, save the 3 day miracle prayer to Mother Mary.
1) Very Powerful Prayer To Mother Mary For a Miracle
“Our great mother Mary,
I thank thee for all you have done in my life. I also thank you for causing your beautiful light to shine upon me.
Today, I have come before you and I am down on my knees praying that you cause a miracle to happen in my life.
Oh glorious mother, I have been expecting (mention the miracle you want) in my life, and I know I cannot do it on my own.
I am confident that you have the power to make this happen and that is why I have come before. I will no longer worry because I know you will answer my prayers.
Original prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
A lot of times, the situations and circumstances of life can push us in different directions, and we may forget to pray.
Also, things could get out of control and the only thing that can make things right would be a miracle. If you’re in need of a miracle, then praying to our mother Mary is one of the best things you can do.
It doesn’t matter what your situation is or what you are going through, our mother Mary has a track record of answering the sincere heartfelt prayers of her children, and she will answer yours.
Once you say this prayer, mention the miracle you want, and put your mind at rest. You don’t have to worry anymore because your miracle is already on its way.
In the book of Psalm 77:14, it says, “You are the God who performs miracles; you display your power among the peoples.”
2) Short Prayer To Mother Mary For a Miracle
“Most holy Mary, full of grace,
I am privileged to come before you today and I do not take this for granted. I thank you for answering all my prayers in the past and for the ones you will answer.
Holy mother, today I have come with a burden in my heart, and that is because of what has been bothering me.
I need a miracle. I need you to (mention the miracle).
I have tried on my own, but my strength has failed me. I know this is nothing before you, please perform this miracle in my life.
Original prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
Did you know that the power of prayer can turn the toughest situation into no situation at all? Yes, praying is that powerful.
If you’re stuck in a rut or there’s a miracle you want in your life, you should say this prayer.
As humans, we have the habit of trying things first before mentioning them in prayer and that is why we face most of the obstacles we do.
But if you mention your project or expectations to our mother Mary first in prayer, be rest assured that your prayer for a miracle will be answered.
3) Miracle Prayer To Mother Mary
“Hail Mary, full of grace,
I am grateful for your love for me and my family. I cannot fail to thank you for not withholding your motherly love from me.
Holy mother, there is no time I come to you that you do not answer and that has built an assurance in my heart.
Today, I have come to ask that you grant my heart’s desire and do a miracle in my life, (mention the miracle you want).
Also, may your light and favor shine upon me that I might be favored in the land of the living.
Original prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
Our holy mother is a mother of light, and as her children, she shines her light on us too. Most people shy away from asking our holy mother to grant their heart desires because they believe they ask too much.
But they fail to understand there is no such thing as asking too much.
As a child, you should not hold back in making your requests or asking our mother Mary to grant your desires. Come to her freely and ask as much as you want. She will answer all your prayers.
4) Prayer Of a Miracle To Mother Mary
“Our holy mother,
You are the one who bore the savior of the world and I thank you. I am down on my knees today because I know you are a miracle worker, and you answer the prayers of your children.
I am before thee, oh holy mother because I want you to perform a miracle in my life. I remember when I was in dire need and you helped me out. Again, I have come humbly to seek your face because I know you will answer my prayers.
Oh Gracious mother, please cause this miracle (mention the miracle) to happen soon. Amen.”
Original prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
If there’s anything our mother Mary never gets tired of doing, it’s miracles. Remember the last time you were in need and went to her in prayers and she answered you? She’s going to do the same thing for you again.
It doesn’t matter how big or impossible your miracle is, there is nothing beyond our mother Mary. She has been performing great miracles in the past, and she will even do a greater miracle in your life.
5) Powerful Prayer To The Blessed Virgin Mary
“Blessed Virgin Mary,
I thank thee for being the greatest mother to us your children. You have cared for us and looked out for us on the days our strength was low, and in good times too, and we do not take that for granted.
Oh, holy mother, I haven’t come today to make a request or ask that you do anything. Instead, I have come to appreciate you and thank you for all the great things you have done in my life. My life has been full of miracles and I am a miracle on two feet myself.
I say may your name be exalted in all the corners of the earth.
Original prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
As Christians, most times we might be so overwhelmed with our problems that we become stuck with asking and receiving without appreciating and thanking. If this is you, you need to stop.
As often as you pray to our mother Mary to grant your heart desires, you should also thank and appreciate her for all the answered prayers and everything she has done for you.
When you do this, it will show that you are grateful for all the things she had done, and this will excite her to answer your new prayers.
Before you leave, save these 4 strongest prayers for pleading the blood of Jesus.
Can I Say These Prayer Everyday?
Of course, you can. By saying these prayers every day, it shows that you are serious about your miracles. And when you consistently ask our Mother Mary for something, she will answer your prayers instantly.
How Long Does It Take For These Prayers To Work?
We cannot give you a timeline or a deadline, but be rest assured that your prayers will be answered in no time, and the miracle you desire will happen faster than you think.
Can I Pray For Someone Else?
Yes, you can. Feel free to say this prayer on behalf of someone else, and the person will experience a mind-blowing miracle.
Final Thoughts
Praying to our mother Mary comes with an assurance that your heart desires will be granted. Our mother Mary has never been known to fail. For decades, she has been hearing the cries and answering the prayers of her children.
Do not fret when you pray to our holy mother for a miracle, instead, be glad that your prayer has been answered and your miracle is on its way. You can also share the prayers in this article with a friend or family member.
These prayers are very effective and they will go a long way for you and your friends.