Healing is the restoration of health. It’s glorious that the Lord has given us the chance to believe in Him for healing of whatever complication. You should not be frustrated when facing health issues, but take it to the Lord.
Thanksgiving prayers for healing allow us to show gratitude for His blessings after you’ve received healing or even while you’re waiting.
The fact that you’re reading things shows that you’ve decided to express appreciation for God’s blessings.
So, what do you say in your Thanksgiving prayers for healing? I got you! Here are 5 beautiful prayers to thank the Lord for healing you, or someone else. Just remember to mention their name.
1) Short Thanksgiving Prayer for Healing

“Loving Father,
I exalt You today, for You’ve lifted me out of a situation I never thought would come to an end. I called to You for healing, and You came to my rescue.
I praise You because You’ve remained faithful to me and made me feel secure in Your presence. Thank You for being my healer from all perspectives.
In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.”
Original StAgnes.net prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
There’s no better way to count your blessings than a thanksgiving prayer. The distress that comes with being sick can be genuinely devastating because you don’t even know when you’ll be okay again.
As you pray for healing, remember to thank God for His goodness because you’re already redeemed through faith.
This Thanksgiving prayer is practical for whatever kind of healing, including that relating to emotional, spiritual, or physical complications.
God has healed many illnesses and will do it again. There’s nothing new to Him in the entire world.
“Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe, for our “God is a consuming fire.”— Hebrews 12:28-29.
Try these miracle prayers for emotional healing.
2) Miracle Thankful Prayer for Healing

“Dear God,
I cried unto You for healing regarding (specify), and You stretched Your mighty hand upon me. Thank You for the abundant blessings You’ve shown me.
I can continue to undertake my responsibilities more confidently and peacefully through Your power. Please send this miracle to everyone who is ailing today and remind them to be grateful.
I ask this in Your name. Amen.”
Original StAgnes.net prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
When Jesus healed the ten lepers on His way to Jerusalem, only one returned to praise and thank the Lord. Jesus asked him, “Jesus asked:
“Were not all ten cleansed? Where are the other nine? Has no one returned to give praise to God except this foreigner?” — Luke 17:17-18.
Clearly, He was not happy when the other nine lepers did not show gratitude for their healing.
Even though that didn’t slow down His power and desire to restore people’s health, it’s not a good habit not to be grateful when we experience God’s grace in our lives.
Luke and Paul wrote this scripture to teach believers the importance of thanksgiving prayers in their lives after blessings.
Also save these thanksgiving prayers for your family.
3) Prayer of Thanks for Healing

“Dear Lord,
Thank You for the gift of life and good health today. I’m so grateful because it was just the other way I was drowning in pain and discomfort.
I glorify Your name for restoring my health and putting me back in line to continue serving You. Thank You for healing me even though I am a sinner and often go against Your will.
Be exalted my Lord. Amen.”
Original StAgnes.net prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
Isn’t it so good that we have someone we can run to the healing of whatever sicknesses? The same energy you put towards praying for healing should be experienced in the thanksgiving prayers.
Giving thanks to God for healing isn’t just a tradition but an opportunity to show faith and dedication.
Through this prayer, you can tap into more blessings for your family, relatives, friends, and future generations.
You don’t have to wait until you fully recover to say this prayer, as you can do it even after the slightest improvement, and you will be healed.
You can also extend thanksgiving for other answered prayers that do not concern healing.
Also save these short miracle prayers to overcome fear.
4) Thanking God Prayer for Healing a Friend

“Glorious God,
Thank You for blessing me with an awesome friend I can always talk to. I am also grateful for Your unexplainable mercies because You healed him/her when he/she was hopeless.
Friendship brings joy when everyone is doing well in all aspects. Thank You for healing (mention your friend’s name) and protecting him/her from more issues. Remind him/her of Your power so he/she can continue testifying Your grace to nations.
I pray in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen.”
Original StAgnes.net prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
Friendships thrive when you are all doing fine in various ways. When your friend is unwell, you often look forward to seeing them stable again so you can continue with your usual activities.
After intensely praying for healing and for God to restore your friend’s health, you shouldn’t forget to return with gratefulness.
There’s no better way to be there for your close than praying for them. Relationships built on earthly desires and no prayers hardly flourish.
As you thank God for healing your buddy, encourage and teach them about the importance of prayers.
It’s unhealthy when you’re the only one in your unit who loves the Lord; the Heavenly Kingdom awaits millions of souls, which can only be achieved if you continue drawing more people to Christ.
5) Prayer to Thank God for Healing Me

“Lord God,
You’re great! I cannot express how wonderful You’ve been to me. I praise Your Holy name today because You heard my cry for healing and ran to my rescue. I rejoice today. You’ve been faithful to me in all situations.
Keep me closer so my faith and trust can grow greater than every tribulation. May You continue protecting me from more sicknesses. I will keep serving You with all my might and everything, my Father.
In Jesus’ name, I pray and believe. Amen.”
Original StAgnes.net prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
The human body is prone to various sicknesses, both inferior and chronic. We often rush to the Lord when we fall ill, seeking healing and strength. This thank-you prayer is the shortest and best way to show gratefulness for healing.
By saying it, we create a stronger connection with Him and recognize His power, goodness, and mercies. The habit of thanking God is vital to a believer’s life and can surely attract spiritual enlightenment and peace.
And yes, this prayer should be said even after You’ve been healed of a ‘petty’ condition like flu. The thought that such diseases heal by themselves alongside your simple efforts, hence you shouldn’t pray about them, is highly inadvisable.
Before you leave, try these urgent prayers requests for healing.
Should I Always Thank God?
Sure! You should constantly thank God for healing and many other blessings He has directed your way.
As said earlier, the Lord holds all the power to restore all forms of diseases and disorders. Therefore, you shouldn’t hesitate to show gratitude after you’ve been healed.
Additionally, you can offer thanksgiving prayers for healing even if you haven’t recovered completely. This shows you have steadfast faith and trust in God.
A grateful believer is blessed and serves as a positive example to many.
Why Thanking God is Important
Saying thanks is generally essential, but it becomes more crucial when it comes to God. You can reap endless benefits from thanking God for healing, like:
- Protection from further issues;
- Quicker recovery;
- Deeper faith;
- High immunity.
Also, other believers battling different problems can be restored through your intercession.
Thanksgiving prayers allow us to express our love and trust in the Lord, which pleases Him and increases His grace for us. Without these prayers, our relationship with the Heavenly Father is at stake.
Who would listen to us if we cannot express even the slightest appreciation to them?
Having learnt why it’s important to thank God, you should never forget to say thank you prayers to Him for healing.
Taking time to thank God for His favor in our lives is so essential. Even better, you can pray a Psalm of thanksgiving, and God will open more doors for you.
Psalm 100 is the best for expressing appreciation for His endless mercies. You can never say you have exhausted the number of times you can thank the Lord for healing, for He has cleared issues you didn’t even know of.
That’s why you should add these prayers to your daily devotions. It’s okay to modify the samples to suit the specific condition (or a combination) you’re grateful for.