Warning: None of the prayers in this article are intended to replace the need for professional medical monitoring, medical examinations, diagnoses or treatments. You should always consult your doctor and seek professional help.
It is very normal for you to feel overwhelmed at times, especially if things are not going the way you want. But, you should know that feeling emotionally down is a very normal feeling and it happens to everyone.
Feeling overwhelmed is such a tricky feeling because when it comes, you suddenly feel like the whole world has crashed on your shoulders and you have no one to turn to for help. But, this is not true!
Help is always available and God is always ready to help his children who go to him for help.
Instead of crying your eyes out and feeling helpless, the best thing to do when you feel overwhelmed is to go to God in prayer and ask him to help you pull through.
In this article, we will be covering 5 powerful prayers for when you feel overwhelmed. These prayers were specially written to help you through your turbulent seasons. So, believe in your heart as you say them and you will experience a shift.
1) Short Prayer For Feeling Overwhelmed

“Most High God,
I thank You for this new day. You have been so good to me, my family and my loved ones, and I am ever grateful to You.
Father, right now, I am so broken again. I don’t know what to do and I have no one else to talk to except You.
I feel like the world has crashed on my shoulders and I’m gradually sinking into my problems. Please, Lord, help me overcome this moment and remind me that my life has not come to an end.
Pull me out of my mental rollercoaster and open my eyes to see the light at the end of the tunnel.
I ask this in Jesus’s name. Amen.”
Original StAgnes.net prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
Whenever we feel overwhelmed, a thousand and one things could be running through our heads. If you have no one to open up to or talk to at that moment, the best and surest thing to do is go down on your knees and pour out your heart to God.
Tell him why you’re overwhelmed, how it hurts you and where it hurts you.
God understands you more than you do. So, when you tell him to help you overcome the feeling and remind you that your life has not come to an end, he will do that.
Let me remind you of what our Lord says in the book of Matthew 11:28:
“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”
2) Catholic Prayer For Feeling Overwhelmed

“Holy Mother, blessed are you amongst women.
Gracious Mother, I have come before you today with a heavy and sorrowful heart. My life has been a rollercoaster of problems and it is currently drowning me.
I pray to you, O Holy Mother, that you intercede for me and not let my life overwhelm me. I have no one to go to except you and I know you will answer my prayer.
Cause me to have a mental turnaround and pull me out of this sinking sand I am mentally and emotionally stuck in.
Original StAgnes.net prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
Trust me, if there’s anyone who understands what it feels like to be overwhelmed, it is our Holy Mother, Mary.
While on earth, she encountered so many happenings that caused her to be mentally and emotionally overwhelmed. So, when you say this prayer, say it with all seriousness.
Pour out your heart to our Mother Mary and let her know what you’re going through.
She has never turned her back on any of her children who call her for help. So, she will Intercede for you and help you out.
Try these miracle prayers for panic attacks.
3) Prayer For Feeling Overwhelmed At Work

“Heavenly Father,
I am so grateful for this privilege to come before Your presence. I am not ignorant of all the amazing things You have done in my life. I am specifically grateful for the work You have given me as a source of livelihood.
Father, today, I have come to talk about my job. For a very long time now, I have been feeling overwhelmed at work and it is slowly affecting my productivity. I do not want to lose this job now or be less productive at work.
Lord, I ask that You strengthen me physically and give me the mental strength to keep going.
Original StAgnes.net prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
Everyone knows that being less productive at work can lead to your job termination, and losing a good job is everyone’s greatest fear.
If you have been feeling overwhelmed at work, first of all, you should know that this is quite common. It only becomes a problem when you let the feeling get the best of you and your work.
When this happens, the best thing to do is to say this prayer and ask God for mental and physical strength, so you can keep going.
Once you ask God to fill you with his strength, you will feel a sudden surge of energy and you will be at your best, again.
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding” — Proverbs 3:5.
Also save these prayers against rejection.
4) Prayer For Someone Feeling Overwhelmed

“Gracious God,
Thank You for Your graciousness in my life. I would be an ingrate if I said I have not seen Your wondrous works in my life.
Oh, Father, I have come today to intercede for a friend/family member/loved one who is always feeling overwhelmed.
Please, Lord, I ask that You take the burden off (mention person’s name), so he/she does not have to feel overwhelmed all the time.
Make him/her understand that You’re always with him/her and that he/she does not have to carry the burden of problems alone. Grant him/her emotional and mental relief.
Thank You, Father, for hearing me. Amen.”
Original StAgnes.net prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
One of the best things you can do for a friend, family member or loved one who is always feeling overwhelmed is to pray for the person.
By telling God to help take away the burden your friend or loved one feels, you have already reduced that overwhelming feeling they feel.
Most times, your friend/loved one may not even remember to pray. That’s where you come in as an intercessor to speak to God on their behalf.
5) Prayer For Peace When You’re Feeling Overwhelmed

“Father, the God that sees me.
Thank You for Your unending love in my life. Thank You for Your daily blessings and for continually shining Your light upon me. Dear father, I have come with a little problem today.
I know there’s no kind of problem that is big before You, and I am confident that You can help me. Father, whenever I feel overwhelmed, I feel so troubled within me and I’m tired of feeling that way.
Oh Lord, I ask that You grant me inner peace so that I may always remain calm whenever I’m feeling overwhelmed, Amen.”
Original StAgnes.net prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
Having inner peace whenever you feel overwhelmed is one of the best things that can happen to you. It’s almost like being so troubled on the outside, but on the inside, you know that everything is under control.
If you always feel troubled whenever that overwhelming feeling comes, then go ahead and say this prayer. When God grants you inner peace, you will know that something has changed within you.
The book of Psalms 9:10 says:
“Those who know your name trust in you, for you, Lord, have never forsaken those who seek you.”
Try these good morning prayers for your husband.
Should i Pray These Prayers When I Feel Tired?
Yes, if you’re feeling tired or overwhelmed, then you shouldn’t hesitate to say these prayers. These prayers will not only take away that overwhelming feeling, but they will strengthen you to keep going and give you peace.
Will These Prayers Help Me?
Absolutely! These prayers will not only help you, but they will make you feel better whenever you feel overwhelmed.
All you have to do is say these prayers with all seriousness and always believe that these prayers will help you.
Can i Light a Candle While I Say These Prayers?
Yes, you can. You can pray with faith and light a candle while you say these prayers.
Feeling overwhelmed is a very common thing and almost everyone in the world has experienced this feeling. Now, it’s not a problem if you feel overwhelmed once in a while, but it becomes a problem when you constantly feel overwhelmed.
If you constantly feel overwhelmed, there is something you can do that can make you feel better and that’s praying to God.
No matter what your situation or problem is, never underestimate the power of prayers. There is nothing God cannot do and when you say the prayers in this article and ask God to help you, he will definitely do that.