Someone asked a funny question in a seminar, Is there still love in marriages?
I wasn’t surprised at such a question because marriages are no longer built on the right foundation, true love.
People now marry for a whole lot of reasons. Some others who married for love have found themselves living as strangers in the same house.
Some can’t even stand each other’s presence. They resolve to divorce and all kinds of things.
Marriages, for Christians, are instituted before God. Unfortunately, when couples have issues in marriage, they resolve to other means for solutions forgetting the God that joined them together.
Marriage cannot survive outside God and more of the reason why couples should always pray for their marriage.
A broken home can be mended, a marriage where love does not exist can live in love again, and a couple that has become enemies can ignite again the flame of love that once consumed them, in the place of prayer.
1) Short prayer for my husband to love me

“Father God, I pray to You to light the flame of love that my husband feels for me. So that You fill his heart (husband’s name) full of affection, longing and love for me like he never had before.
I pray that you rekindle the flame of our relationship and that you make him want me like he wanted me the first day we were married. Amen.”
Original prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
In marriage, a man is meant to love his wife, while the wife is meant to submit to the husband.
Pray that God will put his love in the heart of your husband so that he can love you right.
Believe that God can change the heart of any man including your husband.
While you make this prayer, make effort to play your role well by submitting to him as your husband
If you are having challenges in that area, ask the Holy Spirit to help you work on yourself.
2) Prayer for my husband to love me again

“I pray with all my strength and all the miracles of Saint Agnes that my husband (husband’s name) starts falling more and more in love with me, day after day, night after night, minute after minute and second after second.
With all the strength, all the energy and all the powers of Saint Agnes, You (husband’s name) will fall completely in love with me, just as you were before, just as you were in love when we got married.
I know you will, I’m sure you will, because Santa Agnes will rekindle the flame in our relationship, making you love me, desire me and want to be with me, just like you used to.
I trust my marriage to be restored by the power of St. Agnes. Amen.”
Original prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
You have to understand first that your husband can love you again despite how much you might have driven him apart.
Believe that the love you both shared when you were first joined together did not flow away with the wind; it only dimmed, but it can be flamed back to life.
Thank God for the gift of your husband. If you have forgotten all the beautiful things that made you say yes to him.
Try to put them to memory and meditate on them.
Allow your heart to swim in that ocean of love again and in the similitude, tell God how much you miss your husband’s love for you and how you want him back.
God loves marriages and wants all homes united. He won’t hesitate to answer such a prayer from a sincere heart.
“Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.” — Genesis 2:24.
3) Prayer for my husband to desire me

“I ask all the forces of Heaven, all the forces of Earth and all the miraculous powers of the Holy Spirit so that my husband (husband’s name) love me, want me and desire me again like never before.
I ask with all my faith that (husband’s name) wants to be with me again, wants to talk to me again and share all his moments with me just as he wanted before.
With all my strength, with all my faith and with the powers of this miraculous prayer, I ask that he loves me, I ask that he desires and wants me right now. Amen.”
Original prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
By nature, your husband is not meant to only love you, he should desire you.
He should crave your body and touch. These are the natural things God has put in a man so as to grow the bond among couples.
First, you have to believe you are beautiful enough for your husband.
And pray that he never gets tired of not just loving you, but your body too.
That you both always experience physical affection in your marriage.
4) Prayer for my husband to come back to me

“Eternal God, right from the beginning, you instituted marriage. I ask for your grace over my union. Let my marriage be successful and peaceful.
In the beginning, you created Adam and Eve and united them through marriage.
You said in your word, “A man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh.”
Therefore, renew our happiness and always bring my husband back home with joy. Let him find pleasure in himself because I am his flesh.
Lord, Jesus, help me to play my role as a good wife. Give me the strength to be patient and endure my predicaments.
Thank you, gracious father.
There could be a lot of reasons why your husband left. Anyone amongst you could be the reason behind it.
At this point, however, none of that should matter. Your only concern should be that he comes back.
Ask the holy spirit to help you forgive him if he was the one that wronged you.
If it’s the other way round, pray then that God should touch his heart to forgive you.
Allow your heart to dwell in your love for each other and with the sincerity of heart, pray that he comes back to you.
Our God always answers sincere prayers. Your husband will come back to you.
As it says in the Bible, in a marriage a husband should love his wife as much as himself.
“However, each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband” — Ephesians 5:33.
5) prayer for a husband with a hard heart

“Father God, I am praying this prayer because I want to save my relationship because I want to save my love. I want to save my marriage, which has been blessed by You since the beginning and which cannot end.
Father God, I pray that You help me, right now, to soften the hard heart of my husband (husband’s name)!
May You make my husband more sweet, affectionate, attentive and better for me. May You make his heart soft and kind.
Father God, I don’t ask for much, I don’t ask for little, I just ask that You leave my husband more affectionate, with a kinder and better heart for me. Amen.”
Original prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
A lot of factors could contribute to hardening a man’s heart. Usually, it boils down to their life experience and upbringing.
Nevertheless, the wonders of love can melt a heart of stone.
It has happened to many. I know one tough lecturer we had then in school that became soft after he got married.
First, you have to believe your husband can still change.
It might not be a day thing. It might take time; remember that character was never formed in a day.
Ask the holy spirit to give you a heart of patience to work with God in healing his hardened heart.
As you say this kind of prayer, complement it with so much love from your end.
Try to work with the Holy Spirit to counter every toughness with so much love and watch the wonders of God play out in your marriage.
6) Prayer for my husband to fall in love with me

“O Father God, I pray that You rekindle the flame of my relationship, that You help me to conquer (husband’s name) again, to make him mine and mine alone.
We are drifting apart, we are losing connection and we are becoming more and more distant from each other, but with God’s help this will change. With God’s help our marriage will improve because my husband will fall in love with me again.
God Our Lord, hear this prayer of mine, hear this request of mine and answer it. Help me to win my husband over again, to make him fall in love with me, and help me to have a marriage like I had in the beginning.
God the Father, help us, unite us and maintain our marriage, now and forever, Amen.”
Original prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
Some people married for reasons other than love. It could be challenging to live with a man who does not show any affection; some couples live like total strangers.
However, there’s no situation too small or too big for God to handle. God can work with you to make your man fall in love with you.
First, you have to believe in his ability to change your husband.
Then, supplement your prayers with love and respect for your husband.
It might take time but trust God and trust his process. As it says in Romans 12:10:
“Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves.”
7) Prayer to restore intimacy in marriage

“Our Lord, help me to be able to restore intimacy with my husband (husband’s name) because it feels that we are no longer close, we no longer desire each other and we don’t want to be with each other.
I love my husband, he loves me, but we are physically distant, and that is why I pray to You, that is why I ask for Your help and Your interception.
I ask You to help us become more loving to each other, to bring us back together and to help us restore our intimacy with each other.
God the Father, help me to know how to express my feelings better so that my husband will love me again, desire me, and so that our intimacy can return to the way it was.
Please, Father God, help me, now and forever, Amen.”
Original prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
Intimacy amongst couples is one thing that guarantees a lasting marriage.
When a couple begins to drift apart, it starts with staying together without having any form of intimate relationship.
With time, their love continues to dim till it dies completely.
Intimacy in marriage helps couple strengthen their bond with each other.
A lot of things could be the reason why a couple could drift apart that much.
However, at this point, it does not matter. Pray to God who instituted intimacy among couples to help restore the bond between you and your husband.
Believe that your prayer is answered.
Are these prayers really miraculous?
Yes, these prayers are really miraculous. God instituted marriage.
That means the key to a successful marriage lies with God. In our imperfections as humans, we are bound to make mistakes and falter every now and then.
But thanks to God who has the antidote to our imperfections.
The scripture said we are made perfect only in him. So, we can always trust him with any form of brokenness to mend them back to life.
Trust me, people don’t change like that. There’s always divine assistance when a man suddenly turns a new leaf or becomes better.
So, yes! They are miraculous
Can any woman say these prayers?
Yes, a woman can say these prayers.
As long as you are legally married, you can say these prayers.
You do not have to wait for your home to experience friction before you begin to pray for your husband or marriage.
Pray at all times for your marriage. Even if you are basking in love for each other, pray that the love never dies.
Always present your marriage before God in prayers.
How often do I need to say the prayers?
As often as your heart allows you.
Like I always say, prayers are never too much. You can never do too much when it comes to God. Pray as much as your strength allows you.
Do not forget, our prayers cannot make God be more or less than who he is. Prayers, rather, change us.
Final thoughts
From the happenings in our world today, it seems like the devil has a special hatred for marriages. That is why we cannot leave God out of the picture.
Every marriage needs God to survive. You can never do marriage alone.
Pray for your marriage without ceasing.