Warning: None of the prayers in this article are intended to replace the need for professional medical monitoring, medical examinations, diagnoses or treatments. You should always consult your doctor and seek professional help.
Are you having challenges in conceiving? Perhaps everyone you know is getting pregnant except you.
Watching others celebrate their journey to motherhood while you’ve tried for a long time can be frustrating. It’s even worse facing the fact that you could be barren.
Don’t give up hope, dear one. Take your worries and fears to the Lord. Besides He is the one who blessed us with fertility when He told man to be fruitful and increase in number, fill the earth and subdue it (Genesis 1:28).
Therefore, it is your God-given right to get pregnant and have children. These powerful prayers will help build your faith as you continue on your trying-to-conceive journey. Be encouraged as you pray.
Before you start, save these prayers for an healthy pregnancy.
1) Prayer for Fertility

“Omnipotent Father,
According to Your Word in Genesis 4:1, You helped Eve to conceive a child. I too pray and hold steadfast in Your Scripture. Please open my womb and bless me with fertility so I can conceive a baby.
I have struggled with infertility for too long, but now I lay all my worries and anxieties at your feet. Have mercy on me, Oh Lord, and increase my fertility.
In Your name, I ask and believe,
Original StAgnes.net prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
Many women struggle with fertility issues. In fact, fertility has declined by half over the past ten years, and one in every four women struggles to conceive.
While such statistics can be saddening, as a Christian, you should refuse to be among those in the infertile group.
If you’re having difficulties conceiving, you should cry to the Lord for help because He is the giver of children. Furthermore, positive affirmations can help increase your faith. Remember that when you confess positive things, they will follow you.
Several women have told stories of how they became pregnant despite being told they couldn’t conceive, simply because they refused the negative report and declared positive news, having unshaken faith that they’ll conceive.
2) Prayer for Infertility

“Giver of Life,
I ask that You look upon me with mercy and deal with my infertility. I am scared and overburdened by the news that I may not be able to have children. Infertility is not my portion in Jesus’ name.
Please breathe life into my womb. Touch me with Your healing hand and bless me with a healthy womb and prepare it for raising a miracle.
I trust and believe that at the right time, I will become pregnant, and I will have a wonderful testimony for others struggling with infertility too.
The Lord passes us through different tests and difficulties for a reason. Perhaps to help us learn a lesson, to give us a testimony or increase our faith. While struggling with infertility isn’t easy, pray that God reveals to you the lesson you need to learn.
You might be tempted to complain or frown at your friends and family getting pregnant but remember that the Word of God orders us to rejoice in the Lord ALWAYS and again rejoice (Philippians 4:4).
Even in infertility, try to be happy. God hears your cry to Him and will be merciful to you.
Also try these prayers for daughter to get pregnant.
3) Miracle Prayer for Getting Pregnant

“Dear Father,
Just as You performed a miracle for Sarah and enabled her to get pregnant at an old age, I trust You will do the same for me. You opened Sarah’s womb, and in doing so, fulfilled Your promise to make her the mother of many nations.
I believe any difficult situation, no matter how impossible it seems, is nothing for You. I trust You will perform the same miracle and enable me to get pregnant in Jesus’ mighty name,
Original StAgnes.net prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
When you’ve been trying to get pregnant for so long, it can feel overwhelming. You might feel like you will never get pregnant.
At that point, what you need is a miracle, and gladly, the Bible is full of stories about women who had almost given up hope of getting pregnant, but God worked a miracle for them.
It’s even better when you have your partner or spouse pray with you to solidify your faith. In such low moments, it can be challenging to pray for yourself, but with your partner standing with you in prayer, God can hear and answer your prayers.
In Genesis 25:21, Isaac prayed to the Lord on behalf of his wife, Rebekah, because she was barren. And the Lord answered his prayer, and Rebekah became pregnant with twin boys.
Also save these protection prayers for pregnant daughter.
4) Catholic Prayer for Fertility

“Holiest Mother Mary,
Hear the plea of my heart and pray for me. I desire to get pregnant but have challenges with my fertility. Please end my suffering and grant me fertility, oh blessed virgin.
Mother of Mercy, I believe God didn’t create me to be infertile but be prosperous in all I do. Just like the Holy Spirit visited you and helped conceive our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, please beg the Lord to touch my womb, blessing me with fertility.
Thank you because I know my season of fertility is coming soon in Jesus’ name,
Original StAgnes.net prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
Saying this prayer will not only guarantee peace as you try to get pregnant but also presents your request to the blessed Holy May so that she can pray for you, increasing your fertility.
Remember that God has not forsaken you and always has wonderful plans for your future. God will make everything fall into place at the right moment.
However, note that despite praying, it is your responsibility to consult your health practitioner to get checked for any infertility-causing issues.
With the help of modern medicine, almost every health issue can be tackled with ease. Nowadays, there are medications and procedures for boosting fertility, helping you get pregnant, so don’t lose hope.
5) Short Prayer to Conceive

“Lord, You see into my heart and know every anxious thought. As I try to get pregnant, I pray that You allow my body to conceive. Help me trust in Your great plan and purpose for my life throughout this process, and comfort me when things don’t go as anticipated.
Original StAgnes.net prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
When trying to conceive, there is always that excitement and presumption that you will get pregnant quickly. While some lucky ones conceive immediately, others take a while, which can be worrisome.
Waiting every month to see whether you conceived is already anxiety-inducing. Imagine having waited several months with no success.
I feel your pain, and so does the Almighty. Commit your anxieties to Him through this prayer, and let Him melt away your fears.
On the same note, anxiety and negativity can derail getting pregnant, so it’s important to keep them at bay when trying to conceive. Ask God to help you maintain a positive mindset during this journey, and you will see how lighter the burden becomes.
6) Prayer to Become Pregnant

“Oh Lord,
I pray to You with all my heart that I receive a positive pregnancy test. I have longed to get pregnant for so long and plea that You bless me with a baby. I know that in due time, I will become pregnant.
It might happen this month or not, but I know that Your timing is the best. I trust in your mighty power to send good news to my family that I am pregnant.
In Your name, I pray,
Original StAgnes.net prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
When we pray, we align ourselves to God’s will, not ask Him to grant our requests in our timing.
That means when you ask the Lord to become pregnant, as much as you might want it to happen immediately, don’t be discouraged when He chooses to keep you waiting. In such waiting, it helps to cultivate your patience and learn to seek the Lord more.
Remember when God promised Abraham and Sarah to give them countless descendants (Genesis 15:1-6), you might think that Sarah became pregnant immediately.
However, it took a long time before Sarah conceived. Though in the long wait, Sarah doubted God and offered Abraham her maid Haggai to bear a child on her behalf, He had not forgotten His promise. His timing was not prime yet.
7) Bible Verse for Fertility

“He settles the childless woman in her home as a happy mother of children. Praise the Lord.
Psalm 113:9I praise You, Lord because You settle the barren woman in her home as a happy mother of children. I desire to enjoy motherhood as well. Please remember me, oh Lord. As You bless other women, do not forget me. Amen.”
The emotional and physical stress of failed pregnancies can make one grow hopeless and weary. It is okay to let out your frustration through crying from time to time — we are only human after all, but please don’t lose faith.
Many women have had challenges with fertility and gone on to have successful pregnancies and healthy babies. There is still hope for you.
Zechariah and Elizabeth, the parents of John the Baptist had stayed for long without children until they became old. However, they never stopped praying over their situation.
At the right moment, God sent an angel to Zechariah to deliver a message of hope that his wife would have a child who will bring great joy and delight to them and others (Luke 1:5-14).
Before you leave, save these beautiful baby shower prayers.
Can I Say These Prayers for Someone Else?
Of course, you can. You can say these prayers for someone you know struggling to get pregnant or has infertility. Your prayers will uplift them.
When Should I Say These Prayers?
You can say the prayers at any moment, particularly when feeling overwhelmed. Rather than complain, channel your thoughts and requests to God, and He will answer.
Can I Pray with my Partner?
Yes. In fact, it is recommendable to pray with your partner, as illustrated in the Bible stories of Zechariah and Elizabeth, and Isaac and Rebekah. Your prayers become more effective when you stand in unity with your partner.
Final Thoughts
As you continue on your trying-to-conceive journey, it is crucial to stand firm in God’s promises and believe He will bless the fruit of your womb.
He did it for numerous women in the Bible, including Sarah, Hannah, Rachel, Rebekah and Elizabeth and will do it for you too.