Babies are the greatest blessing because they bring immeasurable joy to parents, relatives, neighbors, colleagues, and everyone else.
However, navigating through pregnancy can be a demanding experience filled with anxiety and worries about how the journey will end.
Congratulations because you’ve finished the first lap and are now headed to the second, the baby shower.
Besides investing in the event and welcoming family and friends, prayers during baby showers significantly influence the unborn baby and their mother.
As you consider where to hold your baby shower and who to invite, below are seven excellent prayers alongside free printable to keep you going.
Before you start, save these blessing prayers for a new baby.
1) Short Baby Shower Prayer

“God my Provider,
I praise and worship You today full of joy because You saw (say mother’s name) worthy to carry a baby into this world. We don’t take it for granted.
Today, I come before You thanking You for this gift that we are waiting upon. Thank You for protecting the mother throughout those months and keeping her union with her husband fruitful.
May this baby come out healthy in Jesus’ mighty name. I pray and trust. Amen.”
Original prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
A baby shower is a party full of gifts, happiness, laughter, and great moments as you celebrate the upcoming delivery of a baby and the transformation of the woman into a mother or mother of two or more.
However, the above positive energies can only be assured if you start by welcoming God’s presence and Spirit through a short baby shower prayer.
Besides that, the prayer also delivers calmness and blessing to the expectant mother and her child as they strive to complete the pregnancy term.
The Bible reminds believers of how precious children are before God’s eye. You can also say this Bible verse Psalm 127:3-5:
“Children are a heritage from the Lord, offspring a reward from him. Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are children born in one’s youth. Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them.“
Therefore, by praying for them during baby shower, we acknowledge, appreciate, and uniquely share God’s love.
Save these miracle prayers for a sick baby.
2) Baby Shower Prayer Before Meal

“Heavenly Father,
I come before Your presence today with a grateful heart for the baby shower ahead. Lord, as we gather here today, I pray for Your Holy Spirit to descend upon us, more so on the mother (say mother’s name) and the miracle life she carries.
I thank You for blessing this meal that unites us as the Body of Christ. May the food signify Your gifts and goodness to us and Your unborn child. May You bless those who prepared it.
I ask this through Your precious name. Amen.”
Original prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
Mealtime prayers are essential conversations with the Creator as we thank Him for His blessings. It’s even better when you are gathered for a meal before a baby shower because you get to thank God for double blessings.
The above prayer has been well crafted if you have been worrying about what to say when asked to pray for meals during a baby shower.
Feel free to add other details depending on how much you know the parents-to-be.
Speak Psalm 139:13-16 upon the unborn child, confirming that God knew them before He formed them in their mother’s womb. He has set them apart and appointed them a prophet to the nations even before birth.
3) Catholic Baby Shower Prayer for Safe Delivery

“Oh, Hail Mary, Mother of Jesus,
I bring this mom to be before Your presence at this baby shower, praying for the safe delivery of her baby.
Thank You for protecting her since she conceived up to today. I pray You may bless her with the strength and patience to continue the journey.
Bless every nurse who will handle her delivery and eliminate any potential misfortunes connected to birth. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.”
Original prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
As you get ready to celebrate one of the most special occasions in pregnancy, the baby shower, it’s essential to ask God for the safe delivery of the child because the ending might be brutal sometimes.
You can find some relevant Bible verses and attach them to the gift basket as a smart card or note if you’re a guest.
This will not only encourage the expecting couple but also serve as a reminder of God’s power upon our lives and those of our children.
An excellent example of such Bible verses includes Psalm 91:10-11 which says:
“No harm will overtake you, no disaster will come near your tent. For he will command his angels concerning youto guard you in all your ways.”
I believe you will love these miracle prayers for healthy pregnancy.
4) Prayer for New Baby and Parents

“Glorious God,
I come before Your presence today with a grateful heart for the gift of a new baby and immense blessings upon his/herparents (say parent’s name).
Lord, I ask that You may bless this baby and enable him/her to grow according to Your will while granting his/her parents the wisdom and patience to raise a child.
May You watch his/her steps as he/she grows to become one of Your servants. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.”
Original prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
Becoming a new parent can sometimes be anxiety-inducing as you worry about the struggles and responsibilities ahead of you. It’s even worse when you’re striving to balance work, friends, and the baby.
As a friend who has experienced this, the best thing you can do besides buying baby shower gifts and cards is to ask for God’s blessings on their behalf.
Even if you haven’t become a parent yet, you must be familiar with how challenging becoming a new parent can be; therefore, your prayers will also be of great importance.
You can also spare your free time to visit the new parents and help with a few chores when necessary. Remember to consult the new parents regarding the appropriate time to visit them to avoid discomfort as they strive to adapt to the new life.
5) Baby Shower Prayer to Start the Party

“Almighty Father,
I come before You today with thanksgiving for this baby shower and the mom to be. As we gather here to celebrate the mom and her unborn baby through this baby shower, may Your love and goodness prevail before them by granting them strength and guidance.
Let this baby shower bring joy, happiness and blessings to us as we join the future mom to celebrate her new forthcoming phase and role in life.
May Your Holy Spirit intervene for them whenever they need. In the name of Jesus, I pray and believe. Amen.”
Original prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
Pregnancy is a beautiful experience, but it can be frustrating for others. While you’re happy about welcoming a baby, anxiety can take over as you experience unfavorable body changes and hormonal imbalances.
If you have a colleague, friend, or relative who is pregnant, the best thing you can do at the baby shower is kick off the party with a prayer to welcome the presence of God among you.
Incorporating some Scriptures in your prayers can also substantially impact the parents, the baby, and any couple looking forward to conceiving in the future.
Read Proverbs 16:3 before the party starts to encourage the couple to commit their plans to God, and He will establish them.
6) Baby Shower Prayer to Bless the New Baby

“Loving Father of All Nations,
I am before You today with a grateful heart for blessing the future mom with a bouncing baby. God, I pray that You may bless this baby and create a shield around his/her little body as he/she grows.
Keep him/her safe from any harm and bless his/her parents with everything they need to raise this baby effectively. Bless the baby with health, strength and increasing favor every day.
In Jesus’ mighty name I pray, Amen.”
Original prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
A new baby is everything to thank God for and ask for His blessings upon their life.
Perhaps, new babies are the sweetest yet most confusing thing because sometimes the parents might not know how to handle the constant cries and sleepless nights.
Before you move to the doctor or engage fellow parents regarding some new-baby tips, it would be best to first communicate to God, thanking Him and asking for His blessings upon the new baby.
7) Baby Shower Prayer for Strength and Courage

“Our Father who Heaven,
I bring the mother to be before You this day, praying for Your strength and courage as she prepares to welcome a bouncing baby.
It has been an incredible and challenging journey, and I am thankful that You have helped her successfully walk through the past months of pregnancy.
I believe You will grant her the desires of her heart because she has delighted in You. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.”
Original prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
A baby shower is an occasion filled with different emotions, including happiness, excitement, restlessness, and gratitude.
As a friend to the expecting couple, your gifts, cards, time, and financial support will be highly appreciated. However, they will be more grateful if you let their fears known to God through the above prayer as you supplicate for strength and courage.
Additionally, you shouldn’t stop or decline the rate of praying once the couple welcomes their baby but continue to embrace God’s grace in their growth and development.
Even better, you can visit and pray with them occasionally while you help with some baby-based activities.
Before you leave, save these prayers for pain to go away.
Can I Pray More than One Prayer?
Why not? Depending on what you’re praying for at the baby shower, you can pray as many of the above prayers as possible.
Prayer is an effective tool that can ensure total protection for an unborn baby and the parents, regardless of how frustrating the pregnancy period has been.
Can I Print These Prayers?
Yes. The above baby shower prayers come with free printable for different purposes.
Maybe you wish to distribute them among your expecting friends or preserve them for later use- these prayers are very much printable.
When Should I Say the Prayers?
You can say the above baby shower prayers at any time but more so during the planning phase of a baby shower or at the actual event.
Final Thoughts
Baby showers are heartwarming for friends, relatives, colleagues, and, most significantly, the upcoming parents. By offering the above prayers, you will have declared immense blessings upon the unborn baby, their parents, siblings, and the life after that.
Remember to continue praying even after the baby is born to bring light and love into their growth.