Every adult in life requires a job and that’s because you need to do something to get paid in return. Without a job life can be very difficult and hard. So, if you have ever been jobless before you know how life can be without a job.
Sadly, there are so many people around us who go around daily looking for a job. Most times they can be so qualified or overqualified for the jobs they apply for but still end up not getting a job.
If you’ve been having a tough time getting a job despite your qualifications, then it’s time to take things to God in prayers.
In this article, we will be covering 5 Saint Cajetan prayer for job seekers. These prayers are very powerful and they will help you get a good paying job in no time.
1) Prayer To St. Cajetan To Job Seekers And The Unemployed

“Glorious Saint Cajetan,
I have come before you with my desperate need for employment. I have been unemployed for a very long time now and everything I have saved from my previous job is gone.
Oh, great Saint, life has been so hard for me without a job and I don’t know what to do anymore.
Please, intercede for me and every other unemployed job seeker around the world. Let us all get a job with good pay so that we can cater to our needs and those of our loved ones.
Original StAgnes.net prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
If you’re a parent or you have loved ones to care for, you’ll agree that you cannot do so much for them without a job.
When you have rent to pay and other bills to take care of but you don’t have a job, you could feel like the world is about to crash on your shoulders.
If you’re currently in this kind of situation, do not lose hope because there is something you can do to help yourself. This prayer will help you get a good paying job in no time. Just take it seriously and believe in the prayer as you say it.
The book of Proverbs 3:5-6 says:
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.”
Also try these miracle prayers for job interview success.
2) St. Cajetan Prayer For Finding a Job

“Oh, Gracious St. Cajetan,
I humbly come before you today with a heavy heart. For a while now I have been without a job and I’ve not had any luck finding one. I implore you, oh Great Saint and patron saint of job seekers, help me find a job.
Pour your favor upon me and let me excel in every job interview I go for. I know you never turn your back on the ones who call you and that’s why I am depending on you to get a job. Amen.”
Original StAgnes.net prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
One of the things about prayer is that there’s never a prayer you say to God that he doesn’t hear you. God hears it all even if it’s the tiniest whisper from your heart.
If you’ve been looking for a job but it’s been difficult to get one, saying this prayer will go a long way for you.
This prayer was specifically written to help every job seeker find a job and it will help you do just that.
The book of Psalms 20:4 says:
“May he give you the desire of your heart and make all your plans succeed.”
Try these short prayers to get a permant job in just 24 hours.
3) St. Cajetan Prayer For Good Luck

“Dear St. Cajetan,
I humbly ask for your blessing in my search for good luck. Guide me and help me to receive the favor of God’s providence so that I may win favor when faced with difficult issues or decisions.
Grant me a strong and peaceful heart in times of adversity so that my faith is unshakeable. Help me recognize precious opportunities when they arise and grant me success where there was a failure before.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.”
Original StAgnes.net prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
One of the best ways to live life is to have loads of good luck. With good luck on your side, you won’t have to go through what 90% of the world is going through.
So, if you’re wondering how to live in constant good luck, the answer is prayer. Yup, that’s right.
By constantly praying for good luck and great things to happen to you, the universe will bring them your way. So, say this prayer fervently, and the great St. Cajetan will bless you with good luck and more open doors.
Save these prayers for stress at work.
4) St. Cajetan Prayer To Get a New Job

“O Glorious St. Cajetan,
You are the patron saint of job seekers and, today, I humbly come before you to beg that your kind intercession might bring me the right job with a good salary.
I know you spent long hours helping unemployed people and caring for those who need help, so I entrust myself to your care with faith in your ability to provide miraculous aid as you once did on Earth.
Help me remain humble, so I may attain a happy life through patience, hard work, and a proper attitude. Amen!”
Original StAgnes.net prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
One of the constant things in life is change. No matter how much you love your current job, in a number of months/years, you’re going to be looking for a new job and that’s very normal.
If you’re already tired of your old job and you desire a change, then you should go for it.
Aside from applying for new jobs, another great way to get a new job is by prayer. By going to God in prayers and telling him you desire a new job, he will grant your heart desire.
The book of Romans 8:18 says:
“I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.”
5) 9 Days Novena Prayer To St. Cajetan For a New Job

“Glorious Protector San Cajetan,
Whose love for Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament made you raise beautiful temples to Him, adorning them with magnificence, and exhorting the faithful to receive frequently the Holy Eucharist.
I have come before you today again, with a request that you help me get a good paying job to meet my needs.
I know you are the patron of job seekers and you always answer the prayers of every job seeker that calls unto you for help, and I know you will not disappoint me.
Thank you for hearing my prayer. Amen.”
Original StAgnes.net prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
This 9 days Novena prayer is a very powerful prayer. But, you need to repeat this prayer for 9 days.
By constantly saying this prayer, you’re telling St. Cajetan that you desperately need a job and you won’t stop praying until he answers you.
Believe us, if you’re patient enough to say this prayer for nine days, st. Cajetan will give you a new job.
He sees how desperate you are and understands how difficult life can be without a job.
Before you leave, save these prayers to get a new job.
Will St. Cajetan Really Help Me With My Request?
Yes, St. Cajetan will help you with your request. He is the patron of job seekers and there is no job seeker who calls unto him that he does not answer.
If you have been looking for a job for a while but haven’t been successful, let your mind be at rest because St. Cajetan will answer your prayers.
Can I Start Praying Now?
Yes, you can start praying now. There is no need to waste time in a situation that’s as important as this.
In fact, the faster you say these prayers, the faster St. Cajetan will hear you and give you a job.
Saint Cajetan Will Help You!
Life without a job is very difficult, especially when you cannot afford to do the most basic things for yourself and your family.
It doesn’t matter how much savings you have, if you do not have a job to keep bringing you money, you’re going to dry out soon. Instead of whining and crying about the economy and ranting about evil employers, you can make a smarter move by saying the prayers in this article.
Bear in mind that these prayers are not child’s play and are very powerful. They will meet your needs and soon, you will testify about the goodness of God in your life.