Bible studies are wonderful as they help us grow and learn as followers of Jesus Christ. When we gather with others for a Bible study, we acquire different opinions and views regarding the word of God and get the chance to share ours.
While starting a Bible study with an opening prayer is quite obvious, many believers forget or overlook the closing ones due to inadequate time or not acknowledging their importance.
Closing prayers show your gratitude to God for letting you gather in unity and declare protection over the attendees as they head home.
Below are seven sample closing prayers for Bible study.
Before you start, save these opening prayers for Bible study.
1) Miracle Prayer to Close Bible Study

“Heavenly Father,
Thank You for enabling us to gather in Your name and study Your word in this Bible study. Let whatever we have learned to be absorbed in our hearts and mind so we may execute it in our actions.
As we go home, May You lead the way, protect us from all evil, and enable us to get home safely. May You draw our hearts closer to Your goodness so our faith will grow.
May Your name be glorified now and forever, Amen.”
Original prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
God gave us His Word to tutor us about His will for us and how to become part of His amazing kingdom.
However, maneuvering through the chapters and verses alone can be challenging and nearly impossible for believers — and that’s where Bible studies come in.
A Bible study is just like a discussion group with different people sharing several ideas regarding the Bible and its teachings. Studying it together makes it more interesting, understandable, and manageable than if we did it ourselves.
God promises that wherever two or three are gathered in His name, He will bless, enlighten, and showcase His goodness (Matthew 18:20).
2) Short Prayer to Close Bible Study

“Father in Heaven,
We want to thank You for this precious moment that You’ve allowed us to share and learn about Your greatness.
We pray that whatever we have learned may stick to our minds so that Your power and goodness may be manifested.
Please protect and bless each of us on our way home, making us a living testimony of your mercies.
In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.”
Original prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
If you’ve been requested to lead a closing prayer for a Bible study, there’s nothing much to worry about.
First, remember it’s not all about you but the entire group, so you shouldn’t focus on your personal needs but those of the Bible study.
Secondly, closing prayers for a Bible study should include thanksgiving and gratitude to God for allowing you to complete the session successfully. Remember to ask for grace and understanding concerning what you’ve learned.
If anyone in the group had aired a prayer request earlier, the closing prayer provides a perfect time to make their request known to God by mentioning their name followed by the particular request.
After understanding the context of closing prayers for a Bible study, you can easily navigate them with less worry or fear.
3) Closing Prayer for Bible Study Group

“God the Omniscient,
What a joy to come together in the name of Your mighty Son, Jesus. We are grateful for this wonderful time You’ve allowed us to gather in Your name and we do not take it for granted.
As we continue to walk in Your Word, please guide us to the right path and enable us to attract more believers into the kingdom. As we depart, please be with every member until we meet again.
I ask this in the name of Jesus Christ, our Savior. Amen.”
Original prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
We live in a world where we are constantly occupied with different duties, such as work, raising kids, attending meetings, or planning events, so we often end our Bible studies with quick goodbyes to attend to other roles.
It’s time we got more intentional with our Bible studies by putting closing prayers as a mandatory part of the session. We must spare enough hours or minutes to incorporate closing prayers when planning our Bible study time.
The good thing is that closing prayers don’t have to be so long as God listens and answers even the shortest prayers.
You must be faithful to Him, and He will grant your requests.
Also save these opening prayers for worship service.
4) Short Prayer after Reading the Bible

Thank You for the gift of Your Holy word, which signifies Your eternal love and compassion for us. May You open our eyes and heart to see the wonderful things You have for us according to Psalms 119:18.
We pray to be united in the Word and adhere to the teachings even after this Bible study. Let us be satisfied in Your gospel so we may live as an example and preach it to others.
We know that Your Word is faithful, and so You are. In Jesus’ name, we pray and believe. Amen.”
Original prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
When we pray after reading the Bible, we ask God to open our eyes to His Word, guide us into the truth, unite with Him through the Holy Spirit, and gain the strength to become a doer of the word and not just a listener or reader.
One way to transform our way of reading the Bible and receiving the teachings is by saying a short prayer afterwards.
Whether you’re hosting a Bible study or has been requested to lead a prayer after reading the Bible, you can confidently say the above prayer with the faith that God will grant your requests.
After praying, you can also say this Bible verse:
“Therefore I tell you brethren, whatever you request for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be made yours” — Mark 11:24.
5) Simple Closing Prayer for Bible Study

“Blessed Redeemer,
Thank You for allowing us to share Your word and experience how good it is. I pray that You may reveal Yourself to us as we prepare to depart to our different homes and throughout the week until we meet again.
Help us to use this according to Your will and see less of what the world strives to find more important than Your word. Let this Word mix with our increasing faith that we may live to Your glory.
In Your mighty name, I pray. Amen.”
Original prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
Closing prayers shouldn’t just be about making your requests known to God.
They also provide an opportunity to thank Him for His goodness over your lives. Sometimes, you might not even know what to say in a closing prayer, increasing your fear.
Perhaps, you feel like someone else or a Church leader would be better placed to lead the closing prayer instead of you. You have as much authority as the Church leader to say a closing prayer for your Bible Study group.
Therefore, you shouldn’t look down on yourself, as your prayers are as effective and powerful as any spiritual leader’s.
When requested to lead a closing prayer for your Bible study, be bold and ask for unity among the members, alongside other collective needs.
6) Guidance Closing Prayer for Bible Study Group

“Dear Lord,
We are before You this hour thanking You for blessing us with an active Bible study group that represents the Church and body of Christ.
Thank You for blessing us with a strong Bible study leader. I pray that You may continue granting them the patience and wisdom to lead us.
Guide each of us as we prepare to leave our homes until we meet for another Bible study session.
Thank You for Your love. Amen.”
Original prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
Deuteronomy 31:6 reminds believers to be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be terrified because of anything, as the Lord your God goes with you and will never leave nor forsake your Bible study.
Initiating a Bible study can be one of the greatest and most rewarding experiences in the life of a Christian as it increases their understanding of God’s Word and deepens their faith.
Before starting a Bible study, you must determine its intended purpose and goals, followed by a well-designed study plan which includes time, day, location, and the leaders.
With that, you can gather the ideal Bible study materials, such as Bibles, notebooks, or study guides. As you prepare to invite members to join the group.
While adhering to your stated plan, you can start a Bible study and seek to grow it in numbers and performance.
7) Protection Closing Prayer to Close Bible Study Group

“Heavenly Father,
Thank You for the wisdom and guidance from this gathering that has enlightened our understanding of the Bible.
As we finish, I pray for Your continued protection until we meet another day. May Your peace and love fill our hearts and make us doers of what we have learned today.
Direct every attendant as they navigate through different challenges of life. I ask this in the name of Jesus.
Original prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
Closing your Bible study session with a prayer not only helps to an end with a sense of intention and purpose but also serves to reaffirm the teachings acquired and the promises made regarding the Bible study.
That’s why every Bible study group should ensure to finish their session with a closing prayer.
To preserve enough time for the closing prayer, every member must seek to keep the starting time, be at the Bible study location at least 10 minutes before it starts, avoid distractions that could lengthen the session, and ensure to adhere to the set plan while avoiding unnecessary activities such as going off topic.
Before you leave, save these prayers for retreat participants.
What to Say When You Conclude Bible Reading?
After you conclude Bible reading, you can ask God to open your heart and mind to receive the Word and make you listeners and doers. Remember to also pray against any distractions that could stop you from absorbing the word.
Should I Pray Just One Prayer from This Article?
No! You can say as many prayers as you desire from this article, as they are all impactful and powerful to bless your Bible study group.
Can I Print These Prayers?
Yes! You can print the above closing prayers for a Bible study to use in your next session or distribute them to every member for further teachings.
Final Thoughts
Closing prayers for a Bible study is an ideal way of bringing to a close your well-spent time together before God’s presence. They also remind you of what you have learned, helping you commit to living the lessons in your daily lives.
Hopefully, the above sample closing prayers are understandable and will be effective for your Bible study as you continue to share the goodness of the Lord.