It is God’s desire to bless us. The scripture explained how He has only good plans for us; the plan to give us a future and hope.
By the nature of God, He is good and there’s no evil at all in him. However, he still gave us the power to make our choices; to choose either good or evil.
That is why, although God knows our heart desires, He still wants us to bring them to him in prayers.
The scripture assured us that whenever we ask for anything in His name and believe that He is able to answer us, then He will answer us.
It is in that consciousness that we approach His throne of grace to ask for his blessings for our everyday life.
The following prayers can be said to move God to open the door gates of heaven and shower us with his blessings.
Before you even start, save these Thursday morning prayers and blessings for tomorrow.
1) Short prayer for Wednesday morning

“My God, help me this Wednesday morning that I need so much. Help me start the day in the best way, in a good mood, with good energy and a lot of positivity. Stand by me, now and forevermore. Amen.”
Original prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
At this point, the week is already half gone. You can start by thanking God for being with you since its beginning.
You can thank him for the blessings that you have received so far; good health, shelter, food, gifts from family and friends etc.
Thank Him for the gift of His son Jesus Christ who has given us access to these blessings.
Commit the rest of the week to him and implore that His blessings keep abiding with you.
“The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace.” — Numbers 6:24-26.
I believe you should also pray these powerful morning prayers for your family.
2) Wednesday morning blessing prayer

“My God, I begin this Wednesday morning thinking of You and Your powers. I trust You completely and I want to ask You to accompany me on this day from the morning.
Stay by my side, from now on, and bless this day of mine in the best way. Allow me to be happy, to have good times, good conversations and good moments of happiness.
Allow this Wednesday to be filled with good times, good luck and, above all, with Your blessing.
Stay by my side, now and forever, Amen.”
Original prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
This prayer is said on Wednesday morning to invite God’s blessings in our lives for the day and then the rest of the week.
You can first appreciate God for the assurance from his words that He loves to bless us.
You can recite this Bible verse after praying for God’s blessings:
“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ” — Ephesians 1:3.
As you pray with them, believe that they are the infallible words of God that are ever true.
You can as well speak positive things into your life for that day in the name of Jesus Christ.
Try these prayers for financial help.
3) Inspiration Wednesday morning prayer

“My God, before starting this Wednesday, I want to thank You for allowing me to live one more day on Earth. Thank You for letting me have the opportunity to live on Earth, with the people I love most and always with Your presence.
Thank You for allowing me to wake up this Wednesday and for giving me the privilege of living this week.
You help me every day to wake up in a good mood and, above all, to look good during my day. I can only thank You from the bottom of my heart. I can only say THANK YOU for everything, for my life, for my family, for my friends and for the good times I have, not just today, but until death takes me to Your side.
I believe that today will be one of pure happiness, because I started right away with Your presence by my side.
May Your positive energies always be present in my life, may be it this Wednesday morning, tomorrow and forever. Amen.”
Original prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
Inspiration prayers often come from the scripture. There are several Bible passages that are embodiments of God’s blessings to mankind.
A good example is the book of Genesis where God vowed to bless Abraham.
You can pray along with those verses while claiming the blessings for yourself. The psalms of David are also good examples
As you pray with these Bible passages, back them up with your faith in God to shower His blessings just as He did in the past.
Take a look at these prayers to find a new job.
4) Wednesday morning prayer for family and friends

“Dear God, thank you for the gift of family and friends. Holding them in my heart is one of the most precious things I can never get tired of. Bless everyone, for they deserve all goodness You have given to me. If I may do something wrong today, please forgive me. Amen.”
Unknown Author
This prayer provides the avenue to commit our family and friends to the hands of God.
Praying for our family and friends has always been known to increase the love and bond that we share with them.
Also, you might not always be able to provide all that they need, but you can entrust God to do that for you in prayers.
You can first appreciate God for their presence in your life. Acknowledge that God is capable of blessing them, and then pray that they experience the manifold blessings of God that day and for the rest of the week
5) Good morning Wednesday Prayers and blessings

“Father, clear my sleepy head and fill my mind with expectation. Awake my slow body and energize my heart with love in action. Ignite my spirit and set this day on fire with promise. Make the ordinary extraordinary. Engage me, show me your kingdom alive. Help me to see that every waking moment is full of promise because of you. Amen.”
Unknown Author
During creation, God gave man dominion over everything created on earth. That was why it was a man who named every other creature on earth.
And because we are His creation, created in his image and likeness, He has also given us the mandate to speak things into existence.
Nonetheless, before you can do so, you must understand and believe there’s power in your spoken words as well just like God taught us. You can speak into existence those things you desire to receive from Him.
In addition, you can add these Bible passages that correspond with what you have prayed for:
“But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him.” — Jeremiah 17:7.
“He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters.” — Psalm 23:2.
6) Thankful Wednesday morning blessing prayer

“My God, I want to thank You for this beautiful Wednesday morning. I want to thank You for the opportunity to live another day and to be with the people that I love most during this beautiful Wednesday.
I ask that You always be with me during this day, that You help me, support me and bless me. Bless my body, my soul and my spirit.
Allow me to be happy, overcome all the challenges that may appear in my life and allow nothing and no one to harm me.
Stay by my side My God, bless me with Your powers and Your miracles and allow me to have an excellent day. Amen.”
Original prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
Prayers of Thanksgiving have the power to release more blessings from God.
You remember the case of the 10 lepers in the Bible where the only one that came back to give thanks was made whole.
There’s also the miracle of the five bread and two fishes where Jesus gave thanks and the food was multiplied so that it fed up to five thousand people.
In this prayer, you should spend time appreciating God for his gifts and blessings. Reverence His name for the blessings you currently have and believe he will still give more.
I believe you will love these recovery and healing prayers.
7) Wednesday morning prayer for a good day

“Heavenly Father I thank you. Wednesday is here, half of the week has come already, and you have always catered for my needs. Please I need your assistance today Dear God, I need your help today to make things right. Help me with priorities and make a living witness of your grace and glory. Be with me oh Lord and support me in my life this week.
Let me find peace and rest in you. Take away all fear, anxiety, and uncertainties from my heart. Help me trust you no matter the situation, help me rest on the integrity of your word. Thank you Lord for everything. For in Jesus’ name I pray.
The essence of prayers can never be overemphasized. The best thing Christians could do for themself is to commit every day of their life to the hands of God before entering into it.
The world by its nature is full of evil, but when entrusted unto him, can be turned around for good.
God has the power to give us a very good day if we can learn to always invite him before any other thing.
This prayer gives us the privilege to bless our day even before it is started so that the lord can shower us with his blessings that will make us rejoice and be glad in it.
“I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being” — Ephesians 3:16.
Also save these Sunday morning prayers and blessings.
8) Wednesday Morning prayer for Good Luck

“Heavenly Father, whom I love so much, whom I adore so much and whom I respect so much, I pray to You on this beautiful Wednesday morning to ask for a blessing for my life and for this day.
I know it’s going to be a day full of challenges, but I also know that You’re going to be by my side to help me get through them all.
I know that You will be by my side to protect me, but also to help me and give me good luck for every moment of this day.
I know I can count on You, because Your strength and Your presence are constant in my life.
I thank You now, tomorrow and forevermore. Amen.”
Original prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
Every good and perfect gift comes from God. In his divine nature, God loves and wants to bless us.
The scripture said He delights in the prosperity of His servant. That means God is pleased whenever He sees us happy and blessed.
Nevertheless, we will have to invite him first before He can come.
This prayer enables us to invite God into our day. His presence alone is enough to wade off any form of evil and shower us with His goodness and mercy.
There’s more in God than we are yet to know.
However, through the grace of prayers and fellowship, we can access some aspects of Him that He allows based on our level of intimacy in prayers and supplication.
Before you leave, also save these Friday morning prayers and blessings.
Can I pray every Wednesday morning?
Yes, you can pray every Wednesday morning.
As Christians, we should cultivate the habit of praying not only on Wednesday mornings but every day of our lives.
I love to say that prayer can never be too much. It has a lot more to do with us than it has to do with God; the edification and blessings are for us and not Him.
The good things in this world only come from above, therefore if we want to experience them in our lives, then we should embrace praying at all times especially in the morning before our day gets started.
That way these blessings can finally be released unto us.
Can I say the prayers with my family?
Yes, you can say the prayers with your family.
Prayers not only unite us to God but also unites us to one another.
As we appear together before His presence in reverence, we must believe that he is ever willing and ready to bless us. We can then ask for His blessings believing that he will hear and answer us.
Enjoy your day always in the company of God!
Walking in the consciousness that God is ever near us is one of the best things that has happened to us as Christians.
We do not only rejoice in this knowledge, but we try to access more by asking that he also shower us with His manifold blessings.
These can only be made possible when we pray. A prayerful Christian, they say, is a powerful Christian.
Not like we generate superpowers, but His presence comes with not just his protection, but his divine power that can release his blessings unto us.