If you have ever been in an intimate relationship, you will agree that a great relationship is not just about the calls, flowers, gifts, sweet nothings and text messages. It’s also about the intimate connection you share with your spouse, the amazing communication and the strong bond you both share.
Unfortunately, because of the different pressures of life, so many people’s relationships keep falling apart despite how much they love their spouse and how hard they keep working to improve their relationship.
If you have noticed that your relationship is no longer the way it used to be or the bond you once shared with your partner is fading away gradually despite your efforts, do not fret because there is nothing the power of God and prayers cannot fix.
In this article, we’ll be covering 7 powerful prayers you can say for your relationship. These prayers are prayers of strength and they will help strengthen your relationship.
Before you even start, save these miracle prayers for married couples.
1) Short Prayer For Relationship Strengthening

“Most high God,
Thank You Father for all the amazing things You have done for me and my relationship.
I am so grateful that You have brought me and my spouse this far together, and the fact that we are still together shows that You have more in store for us, Lord.
I pray, oh God, that You release Your strength on my relationship and strengthen me and my spouse to keep going and not give up on each other. Amen.”
Original StAgnes.net prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
One of the things many people fail to understand when they are in a relationship is that, a relationship is not a bed of roses. Do not expect it to be all rosy every day.
There will be times the issues of life with test the strength of your relationship and when that happens, you do not need to give up on each other. Instead, go to God in prayer and you will be surprised at how he will strengthen your relationship.
The book of Isaiah 41:10 says:
“So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”
2) Miracle Prayer For Trust In Relationship

“Dear Father, hallowed be thy name.
I am grateful for the gift of life, my career, and all the good things You have done for me. Today, lord I have come to You because I know there is no kind of Miracle You cannot perform.
You have asked us Your children to always call upon You and You’ll answer us, and that’s why I have come to You, Lord. Please, Father, my relationship is in desperate need of a miracle.
May You make me and my partner able to trust each other more, so our relationship may flourish. May You allow us to see each other’s point of view and opinions. May You guide us to talk and listen to each other as when we first met.
Original StAgnes.net prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
Going to God whenever your relationship has any kind of issues is the best thing to do. It doesn’t matter if your relationship has trust issues, communication issues or any kind of issues, just go to God and talk about it.
Our God is a miracle worker and he can cause any situation to turn around at the snap of his finger. This prayer may seem short and simple, but it is very powerful.
The book of Jeremiah 32:27 says:
“I am the LORD, the God of all mankind. Is anything too hard for me?”
Also try these midnight prayers for relationship with boyfriend.
3) Catholic Prayer For Relationship Restoration

“Hail Mary, full of Grace. Blessed art thou amongst women and blessed is the fruit of the womb.
I humbly beseech you, oh holy Mother, and I pray that you look upon my relationship which is at the edge of crashing.
For a while now, things have not been good in my relationship and I have tried everything I can to fix it, but it’s not working.
I pray oh Holy Mother, that you look upon my relationship and restore things to the way they used to be.
Original StAgnes.net prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
Restoring your relationship to the way it used to be is not a big deal to our holy mother.
All who have cried unto her and sought after her have never ended in shame. So if you say this prayer, be rest assured that the holy Mary has heard your prayer and she will restore your relationship back to the way it used to be.
4) Prayer For Communication In a Relationship

“Amazing God,
You are the doer of new and marvelous things, I praise You. Thank you for the sun, for food, for water and for every single necessity You have provided in my life.
Today, I have come before You today because I am in need. The communication in my relationship is dwindling every day and my relationship is suffering. I know You said that we could talk to You about anything and that’s why I have come to ask, oh Lord.
May You look upon my relationship and cause the communication between my spouse and me to improve. May You help us to communicate openly without judging each other. May You guide us to listen to each other and acknowledge our feelings.
Original StAgnes.net prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
Communication is a very important tool in a relationship. In fact, without proper and constant communication between you and your spouse, your relationship will suffer.
There are so many reasons why people struggle to communicate well in their relationships, but whatever your reason may be, know that God can fix it.
By saying this prayer, you’re indirectly telling God that you want him to be a part of your relationship and God knows exactly how to play his part.
Also try these prayers for long distance relationships.
5) Prayer For God’s Will In a Relationship

“My God and Heavenly Father,
I’m in constant awe of Your love for me. I am not ignorant of all the terrific things You have done in my life and that’s why I say thank You. Father, I am down on my knees today because of my relationship.
I want to get it right this time Lord, and I pray that Your will alone be done in my relationship. I am tired of hitting and missing and that’s why I’m handing the wheels to You, Father.
Let Your will come to pass and let everything happen as You have prewritten. Amen.”
Original StAgnes.net prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
One of the toughest and sincerest prayers you can ever make for your relationship is asking for God’s will to prevail in your relationship. Most of the time, many people prefer for things to go their way in their relationship, instead of God’s way.
Know that saying this prayer, especially at the beginning of your relationship will save you from a lot of stress and drama in the future. It is better to let God’s will prevail in your relationship than let things go your way, you know how that always ends.
The book of Psalms 143:10 says:
“Teach me to do your will, for you are my God; may your good Spirit lead me on level ground.”
6) Jesus Prayer For Relationship Strengthening

“Sweet Jesus, how wonderful You are.
Thank You for constantly looking out for me and for sacrificing your life at the cross so I could see this day.
Oh my Jesus, I have come today with a heavy burden in my heart and it concerns my relationship. I know You are the prince of peace and You can restore anything to order.
Please, strengthen the relationship between my spouse and me. Cause us to grow strong together and always respect each other. Amen.”
Original StAgnes.net prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
The Bible says, “Whatever you ask in my name shall be given to you” (John 14:13). This is to tell you that praying with the name of Jesus should never underrated because he hears even the simplest prayers.
If you feel or see that your relationship is beginning to get a bit shaky, then this is the right prayer to say. No matter how bad things are in your relationship right now, this prayer of “relationship strengthening” will change things in the blink of an eye.
7) Prayer For Relationship Strengthening With Boyfriend

“Everlasting Father, King of kings and Lord of lords, I worship Your holy name.
No matter how things are going in my life right now, I will not fail to thank You for everything you have done and will do in my life. Father, my relationship with my boyfriend has been sour for a while now and I am in desperate need of Your help.
Oh Lord, I ask that You strengthen my relationship with my boyfriend and revive the spark that we may have lost, Amen.”
Original StAgnes.net prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
Asking God to strengthen your relationship with your boyfriend is one of the best prayers you can say for your relationship.
Honestly, you don’t have to wait until something bad happens in your relationship to say this prayer. Whether you’re going through a tough time or not, this prayer is one of those prayers you should say all the time to help keep your relationship in check.
Before you leave, try these prayers for broken heart relationships.
Can Anyone Say These Prayers?
Yes, anyone can say these prayers. These prayers also cover for those who have a shaky relationship with their family, friends and loved ones. But if you’re in a relationship, these prayers were specifically written for you.
When Can I Start Saying These Prayers?
You can start saying these prayers as soon as possible. If your relationship with your spouse or partner is currently giving you a hard time, then the best time to start saying these prayers is now. Do not procrastinate.
Nobody has the perfect relationship, so if you’re out there looking for one, you may never stop searching. Understand that every relationship is bound to have issues sooner or later, no matter how you pamper your spouse or avoid problems.
When this happens, do not beat yourself up or think that the world has crashed on your shoulders, just say the prayers in this article and God will do his part. Always remember, there is no kind of situation our God cannot handle.