Communion, also referred to as Eucharist, is the ceremony meant to celebrate when Jesus consecrated bread and wine and consumed them alongside His disciples. The event commemorated the Last Supper, which celebrated the life of Jesus Christ on earth.
The Eucharist is a significant ceremony in the Church whereby believers gather around a table to eat and drink. In fact, taking the holy Communion was a daily celebration in early Christianity.
Various prayers should be said during this celebration to recognize the goodness of the Lord and bless the bread and wine. Below are five beautiful prayers to guide you through.
1) Short Communion Prayer for the Bread

“Everlasting God,
We ask You in the name of Your Son, Lord Jesus, to bless and sanctify this bread as we receive it. May we remember the promise of eternal as Jesus said to us.
Please let us be with You in fellowship and not just through this communion we are about to partake. We pray that our sins will be forgiven through this event and that our relationship with You will become stronger.
We ask this in Your precious name. Amen.”
Original prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
The death of Jesus Christ constantly reminds believers of the salvation and freedom that awaits those who choose to accept Him as their refuge. This prayer for the communion bread allows us to be prepared to receive and live with Him all days of our lives.
Just like Jesus broke the bread as a representation of His body and shared it among His disciples, believers participate in the ceremony to remember the sacrifice.
As we honor the communion, we are reminded Jesus did not only die for our sins but also gave us hope for eternal life through the resurrection. In fact, God wants us to use the Eucharist to remember what Jesus has done for us intentionally.
Try these miracle prayers for church leaders.
2) Prayer before the Communion

“Loving Jesus,
We confess that You’re truly the Savior! Therefore, we pray that You have mercy on us and forgive the shortcomings that we’ve done both knowingly and unknowingly.
Please make us worthy to partake in this holy communion and accept our request today. May this observation not be our judgment or condemnation but the source of healing to our souls and bodies.
We ask this in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen.”
Original prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
The story of the holy communion is well elaborated in the book of Matthew chapter 26. This is one of the most important celebrations in Christianity. However, many may not acknowledge the right way to approach the event.
First, you should note that praying before celebrating the communion is essential. The above is a short sample prayer before the communion to welcome the grace of God into the celebration.
Another purpose of this before-communion prayer is to offer an opportunity to repent your sins.
You can also read a few relatable scriptures like 1 Corinthians 11:28, which says:
“Everyone ought to examine themselves before they eat of the bread and drink from the cup.”
3) Prayer for Communion at Home

“Dear God,
We gather before Your presence this hour, preparing to remember Your goodness through this communion with our dear family members. May You see each of us in their hearts and minds and pardon their transgressions.
We pray that You may fulfill their heart desires through this prayer and prepare their hearts to learn Your ways. Thank You for loving us enough to pay this great price for our redemption.
In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.”
Original prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
We can take part in the Eucharist at any place, including our homes. Holy communions partaken at home aren’t much different from those done in Church or other religious congregations.
Like usual, you should start the commemoration with a repentance and thanksgiving prayer.
Depending on the number of believers available for the ceremony, prepare an adequate amount of essentials (water, wine, or juice to be consumed with bread).
The rest of the steps for partaking in communion at home are similar to those of the Church. It’s also essential not to seclude the kids during the communion but to teach them about this great observation and why it’s honored.
Also try these miracle closing prayers for a church meeting.
4) Miracle Communion Prayer in the Bible

“Merciful Jesus,
We trust in You! Today, we pray that through Your mercies and grace, You may remember our good deeds and bless them, O Savior.
May You answer our supplications and intercessions during this communion. We cry unto You because we know You loved us so much that You gave Your life on the cross for us.
We ask for miracles as we partake in the representation of Your flesh and blood. Lord, hear and answer our prayer.
Original prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
The Bible speaks about the Eucharist in many scriptures, putting it as the central part of the Christian faith. Observing this celebration means you’re following the teachings of Jesus Christ and praising His name with faith.
Some verses that preach about this commemoration include Mark 14:22-24 which illustrates the breaking of the bread, saying:
“While they were eating, Jesus took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and gave it to his disciples, saying, “Take it; this is my body.”
Then he took a cup, and when he had given thanks, he gave it to them, and they all drank from it. “This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many,” he said to them.”
This has been the most popular communion phrase since then, as it marks the moment when Jesus developed the ordinance of the occasion.
5) Communion Prayer for the Blood

“Dear Jesus,
Thank You for Your blood that You shed on the cross for our sins. We stand before You completely free because, through You, we’ve been redeemed from every curse.
Today, we can freely receive all the blessings You’ve stored for us through this communion we are about to partake in. We drink favor, protection, grace, guidance, and strength through this cup You’ve sanctified for us.
In Your name, we pray. Amen.”
Original prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
When the communion cup (representing the blood of Jesus) is served in your Church, you should do three major things before you partake in it. First, you should reflect upon the love of Jesus Christ that made Him die for your sins.
Repentance is the second step of preparing to consume the communion cup, whereby believers acknowledge they are sinners and seek forgiveness from Christ.
Furthermore, you should pray for the desire to stay away from temptations of more sins after forgiveness.
The last step is rejoicing and being thankful because your sins have been forgiven. You should also be happy because you have everlasting life through the cup before you.
It’s not good to take the communion cup in a sad mood since- it’s a celebration.
Try these short and beautiful prayers for church growth.
Can I Print These Prayers?
Yes, you can print these prayers for whatever reason. Maybe you want to keep a printed copy for future reference or wish to distribute it among your friends, family, or Bible study ahead of the communion celebration; the prayers are printable.
Other believers chose to print these prayers and stick them near their side bed stand or notebook for easier memorization. Whichever reason you have, printing these prayers will not only deepen your spiritual connection with God but also enhance your focus during Eucharist celebrations.
When Should I Say the Prayers, Before or After Communion?
While the above prayers are more suitable to be said before communion, praying after the celebration is essential. The after-communion prayers seek to thank God for His great sacrifice, forgiveness of sins, and the opportunity to celebrate our salvation.
They are also a chance for self-reflection on the importance of this celebration in our lives while allowing believers to set their divine intentions right.
Simply, you can say these prayers both before and after communion but with a slight twist to show their significance.
Here is a short sample of an after-communion prayer:
“Dear God, thank You for loving us as sinners and dying for our sins at the cross. May this body that we have eaten and the blood we’ve drunk cleanse our souls and guide us to the right path. We ask this in Your mighty name. Amen.”
Original prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
Communion is one of the most important celebrations in the life of a Christian. Through it, we are reminded of the eternal life Jesus gave us through His death on the cross. When you honor the communion, it’s like proclaiming your preparation for the return of Jesus Christ.
We hope these communion prayers will be effective as you celebrate the death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus. However, you should always carry in your heart the sacrifice that the Messiah made every day and not just during commemoration.