Warning: None of the prayers in this article are intended to replace the need for professional medical monitoring, medical examinations, diagnoses or treatments. You should always consult your veterinary and seek professional help.
If you have a pet, you’ll agree that pets make us happy and give us a sense of responsibility. Also, one of the most beautiful things about owning a pet is that we don’t see them as pets but as a part of us and our family.
You should know that no matter how sick your pet is, and despite taking it to the vet doctor for treatment, saying a healing prayer for your pet can go a long way.
Remember that you can also go to God in prayers on behalf of your pet.
In this article, we’ll share seven miracle prayers you can say for your sick pet to get well soon. It doesn’t matter if your pet is a cat, dog, rabbit or bird.
The prayers in this article are for all kinds of pets, and there are very effective. So, get ready to see your pet healthy and active after you say these prayers.
1) Miracle Prayer For Sick Pet (any Pet)

“Dear Father,
I thank You for the gift of (pet’s name) in our lives, and I thank You for finding us worthy to be its parents.
Lord, today I have come to You with a request in my heart that You may lay Your healing hands on (pet’s name) who has been sick lately and perform a miracle in its life.
I know You’re a father to every creature on earth, and healing (pet’s name) is nothing to You. Please heal (pet’s name) of its sickness so it may be whole again.
Original StAgnes.net prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
Most people believe the best thing to do when their pet is sick is to take it to the veterinary doctor, but it shouldn’t be so.
Though veterinary Doctors are great and play a significant role in the lives of our pets, it doesn’t mean we should depend on them alone for our pets to recover.
Don’t you think it’d be unfair of you to go to the hospital and still pray to God when you’re sick, not do the same thing when your pet is sick?
You should never forget that God is not only your father, but he is your pet’s father. And he cares about your pet just as he cares about you.
If your pet falls sick, the best thing is not to depend on the vet doctor alone but to mention your pet to God in prayers, and he will send his healing to your pet. If you don’t know the right prayer to say, then say this prayer and watch how God will perform a miracle on your sick pet.
2) Powerful Prayer For a Sick Pet

“Heavenly Father,
You’re the greatest physician, and I am very confident that there’s nothing You cannot do.
You have a track record of healing me of my diseases, and that’s why I am on my knees today, asking that You stretch forth Your mighty hands and heal (pet’s name) of its sickness.
Lord, (pet’s name) has been sick for a while now, and I don’t want to depend on the skills of a man alone. That’s why I pray that You restore (pet’s name) health.
I can’t handle seeing my beautiful pet suffering like this anymore. I know that for You nothing is impossible, so I beg for Your help right now, Father. I ask this in Your name.
Original StAgnes.net prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
Remembering what God has done for you in the past before you ask him for a new thing is one of the best ways to pray.
Firstly, it shows that you acknowledge and appreciate everything God has been doing for you, and now you want him to do something again.
You should know that God loves it when we thank him for everything he has done for us, and it will cost him absolutely nothing to heal your pet for you.
Also, mentioning your pet to God in prayers shows how much you love your pet and believe in God’s healing powers.
3) Healing Prayer For a Sick Dog

“Heavenly Lord,
Thank You for this new day You have given to me and my dog (dog’s name). I do not take Your love and care towards us for granted.
My Father, today I have come to You with a small burden in my heart, and I call it small because there is nothing big before You.
Lord, it is the case of my sick dog (dog’s name). (Dog’s name) has been sick lately, and I can’t help but come to You, the greatest healer, to ask that You do a miracle in (dog’s name) life and heal it of its sickness.
All I want is to see my fur baby running around the house and doing silly things again. I ask this in Jesus’ name, Amen.”
Original StAgnes.net prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
Did you know that God answers all kinds of prayers? Especially when it has to do with healing? If you didn’t know that, you should know now.
Whether it’s a human being that is sick or it’s an animal, God doesn’t love it when any of his creations are in pain. Our God loves it when we are all in good health, and that’s why he doesn’t waste time answering our prayers when we go to him for healing.
Always remember that whenever your dog is sick, it is in pain and uncomfortable, but it just can’t talk like humans do. It is now your responsibility as its parents to pray to God for healing and have faith that God will answer your prayers.
In the book of Jeremiah 33:6, it says, “Nevertheless, I will bring health and healing to it; I will heal my people and will let them enjoy abundant peace and security.“
4) Prayer For Sick Cat

“Most high God,
Thank You for being the best creator the world has ever known, and I specifically thank You for creating a cat like (cat’s name), who has brought so much happiness into my life.
Oh Lord, I am praying to You today because I know that nothing is impossible for You to do. You have a track record of doing things that are humanly impossible, and that is why I am confident that You can heal (cat’s name) of its sickness and restore good health to it.
I pray that You send Your healing angels to (cat’s name) so that it might be happy and active again. Touch its little body with Your healing hand and remove any disease and sickness that is taking (cat’s name) strength, energy and health.
Original StAgnes.net prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
Praying for your sick cat is the sweetest thing you can do as your cat’s parents.
Doing this shows that you acknowledge that you cannot take care of or heal your sick cat on your own, and that’s why you depend on God’s healing power to heal your sick cat for you.
If your cat is sick, chances are, it will no longer play around the house or stay active as it used to, and that’s why you must say this prayer as soon as you realize that your cat is sick. Make sure that you do not stop saying this prayer until your cat is fully recovered.
5) Prayer For Dog Surgery To Go Well

“Dear Father,
I thank You for the life of (dog’s name), and I thank You for making it a healthy and happy dog and for the beautiful memories we have had with it.
Lord, today I am down on my knees because I am concerned about the surgery (dog’s name) is about to undergo because of its sickness. Oh lord, I ask that You go in with it to the surgery room and take control of everything happening there.
Let (dog’s name) surgery go well, and let it come out in good health.
Original StAgnes.net prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
When people or animals go for surgeries, there is always a 50/50 chance.
Still, there is also something you can do to ensure your dog comes out in good health and with no complications, and that is saying a word of prayer to God for your pet before it goes into the surgery room.
Once you say this prayer, you don’t have to worry because God will take care of everything. Just pray with faith in your heart and leave everything to God.
In the book of Psalm 41:3, it says, “The Lord sustains them on their sickbed and restores them from their bed of illness.”
6) Prayer For Cat Surgery To Go Well

“Heavenly Lord,
Thank You for giving me the privilege to come before You in prayers today, and I do not take this for granted. I have come to You today on behalf of my cat (cat’s name), who is about to undergo surgery.
Lord, I ask that You send Your healing angels to go in with (cat’s name) into the surgery room and ensure the surgery goes smoothly.
Let them touch the heart of the surgeon and nurses so that they may be kind to (cat’s name) and treat it with love as they operate on it.
I pray in Your name, Amen.”
Original StAgnes.net prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
It’s very natural for you to get worried if your cat is going for surgery, especially since you won’t be in the surgery room to see what the surgeon is doing.
But what if I told you there is someone who could go into the surgery room on your behalf? And all you have to do is ask him nicely. Don’t think too far, because this person is no one else but a healing angel.
By simply saying a prayer for your pet, you can ask God to discharge his angels into the surgery room with your cat, and once this happens, be assured that your cat will come out better than it went in.
7) Miracle Prayer For Sick Pet To Recover Fast

“Dear Lord,
You’re the best father any child can ever ask for. I thank You for giving me the ability to take care of (pet name), which You gave me, and for making me a responsible parent.
Lord, deep within my heart, I am very worried about (pet’s name) health, and I know You understand what it feels like to have a sick child.
That is why I have come to ask You, Lord, to please heal (pet’s name) of its sickness and help it recover fast.
Original StAgnes.net prayer. Copying prohibited, except with source.
God doesn’t only heal sick people, and he heals sick animals, trees and plants too. Do not forget that he is the creator of the universe, and everything is under his care.
As a pet parent, you should not hesitate to mention your pet to God in prayers If it is feeling sick because saying a prayer of healing is one of the fastest ways for your pet to recover.
Can I Pray For Any Pet?
Yes, you can. You can say these prayers for any pet, and it doesn’t have to be your pet alone.
Can I Pray For Someone Else’s Pet?
Yes, you can pray for someone else’s pet. If your neighbour’s or your friend’s pet is sick, you can say any of these prayers for them.
How Often Can I Say These Prayers?
You can say these prayers as much as you want. It is totally up to you to determine how often you should say these prayers.
Final Thoughts
Being a pet’s parent can be fun and challenging at times, especially when your pet falls sick, and you do not know what to do. Or maybe you have visited the vet doctor regularly, and your pet hasn’t fully recovered.
You should know that praying for your sick pet can go a long way in your pet’s recovery. Keep in mind that saying any of the prayers in this article will help your sick pet recover quickly and go back to being the happy pet you once knew.